高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 using languag

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《高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 using languag》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 using languag(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section2 1.bare 2.librarian 3.forever 4.appropriate 5.exchanged 6.diploma 7.sponsors 8.Championship pass 10.blank 1-15 DAADC ABAAA BCAAD 1-20 ACCBD ACDBA DBCBC ABDDA 1-4 ABBC,Section 3 1.warmth 2.darkness 3.likely 4.deadline 5.scholarship 6.violinist 7.pianist 8.unusual 9.Compared 10.share 1-15 BACB

2、A DADBC BCBBC 1-4DCBB 1-5 GBADF 1.luckily lucky 2.countries 3. of 4.or and 5.where which 6.much many 7. a pity 8.they we 9.exciting 10.make -made,Unit2 M 6 Poems Using language,skim the poem and circle the words that rhyme.,you/ new need/feed nineteen/mean way/day own/own,Question1: Which of the fol

3、lowing is the closest to the speakers message? Give a reason for your choice. A .If its cold, Ill warm you; if its dark, Ill give you light; if youre hungry, Ill feed you; if you want love, Ill give it to you. B. Although the future may be difficult for you, whenever you need warmth and love, rememb

4、er Ill have some to give you. C. While youre away Ill remember your smile and Ill love you always. When you return, I hope you will love me.,Question2: Who is the speaker in the poem and who is he/she speaking to? Give some reasons to support your answer. A. a boyfriend/ girlfriend B. a parent,A par

5、ent is offering unconditional love to the child, saving the child anything beautiful and keeping anything valuable of the childs and trying to help the child on the way to succeed.,1. hold on 1)(打电话时)等着;别挂断 2)继续(坚持)下去 3)停留在 Hold on a minute-Ill just get a pen. Try to hold on until help comes. hold on to sth 紧紧抓住;保留,不放弃 hold up 举起,支撑;推迟;(使)耽搁 hold back 阻挡;抑制;控制(情感、眼泪); 退缩不前;隐瞒,2. have a need for sth. 对有需要 there is a / no need for sb to do sth. be in (great) need of sth 急需,Homework,Unit 2单元检测卷 单项、完型、阅读A 明早听写unit 2 单词,


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