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1、Unit Eight,Honesty: Is It Going Out of Style?,admit: v. state or agree to the truth of; confess 承认,供认, admit用作vt.时,其后可以接名词、动名词或从句;e.g. He admitted his error frankly. He admitted that his comprehension was weak. Jack admitted having broken the window. admit用作vi.时,其后接介词to再接宾语。 e.g. He admitted to havi

2、ng taken the money.,out of style= no longer fashionable, unfashionable 过时的, 不时时髦的,e.g. The skirt has gone out of style. (这种裙子已经变得不时髦了。) 而in style= in a grand way 豪华地,体面地 e.g. The millionaire isnt used to live in style. (这位百万富翁不习惯过豪华的生活。) She dresses in style.(她穿着很时髦。) 注: out of表示“过”,“不再”,也可以与其他名词构成类

3、似意义的词组。e.g. The machine has gone out of use a long time ago. (这台机器很久以前已经淘汰了。) A lot of words go out of date very quickly. (许多词很快就不再用了。),be faced with: 面临,面对,face也可作v. 常用于主动语态,意为“面临” e.g. The new government faced many problems. (新政府面临许多难题。) We are all faced with the same problem of rising costs. (我们都

4、面临着物价上涨问题。),be hard on (sb.) = be too strict with sb. 对过分严厉,对(某人)要求过于严格(苛刻),e.g. Dont be hard on him, he is still a child. (别对他要求太苛刻了,他还是个小孩子。),on the rise= increasing steadily 在增长/增加, 在加剧,on表示正处于何种状态或形势下。 在on the rise 中, rise可以为increase所代替, 其反义词是 on the decline/decrease. e.g. In our city, interest

5、in sports is on the decline/rise. (在我们城市里, 对体育的兴趣正在下降/上升.) The demand for tea is on the decrease. (对茶叶的需求量正在减少。) Crime in big cities is on the increase. (在大城市里,犯罪率正在上升。),a case in point= a very good example, one example regarding the subject in question 一个恰当的例子,e.g. Many hit-and-run automobile drive

6、rs were seized at last. Smith is a case in point. (许多闯了祸就逃跑的汽车司机最后被逮住了,史密斯就是这方面的例子。) China has the worlds most remarkable athletes, a case in point is Deng Yaping, who won numerous world titles. (中国有很多世界上最优秀的运动员,例如邓亚萍,她获得过许多比赛的荣誉。),all but,= all except 除了都 e.g. All but Liping were here just now. (刚才

7、除了李平,所有人都在这儿。) = nearly, almost 几乎 e.g. We all but finished here. (做到这儿我们几乎要完成了。) Its all but impossible. (这几乎是不可能的。),think of as = regard as, consider as 把看作,E.g. We all think of the treaty as of great importatnce. (我们都认为这个条约很重要。),in the case of =as for, in a particular occasion of 至于, 就而言,e.g. In

8、the case of the population. China is the largest country in the world. (就人口而言,中国是世界上最大的国家。) In case of= for fear that sth. Should happen; if sth. should happen 以防,万一 e.g. In case of fire, dial 119. (如果/万一发生了火灾,拨打119.) In case = for fear that 如果,以防 e.g. Take your umbrella with you in case it rains. (

9、带上雨伞,以防下雨。),on the other hand= from the opposed point of view另一方面,反过来说,该词组一般与on the one hand(一方面)连用,也可单独使用。 e.g. He is clever, but on the other hand, he makes many mistakes. (他很聪明,但从另一方面讲,他也犯了不少错误。),at ones best=in ones best condition, in as good a state as possible 处于最佳状态,e.g. In telling his storie

10、s, Jack is at his best. (杰克最善于讲故事。) The athlete, was at his best during the last Olympic Games. (这位运动员在上届运动会期间处于鼎盛时期。),正式英语考试名称:,托福考试(Test of English as a Foreign Language, TOEFL) 研究生考试(Graduate Record Examination,GRE) 商务英语证书(Business English Certificate, BEC) 大学英语四级考试(College English Test Band 4, C

11、ET4) 智力测验(an intelligence test) 资质测验(an aptitude test) 口试(an oral test) 笔试(a written test),美国的教育制度,美国学生在高中的最后一年, 常常要申请好几所大学或学院。大学(university)通常比学院(college)大, 往往包括几所学院。美国没有统一的大学入学考试。各所大学或学院招生的标准不一。,Income taxes 个人所得税,税,指人们所上交的用以支持政府的钱。美国大体上有三级政府:联邦政府、州、市;因此,税收也分为向以上三级政府上交的三种税。薪水超过几千美元的人必须向联邦政府缴纳一定比例的

12、税,联邦政府的税率是累进的,税率为14%-17%,随着个人的收入的增加而增加,每年的4月15日为缴纳税款的日子,随着税收的增加人们这一天很不愉快。尽管美国人在许多问题上持不同意见,但他们在一个问题上的意见是一致的:税收太高,他们常常觉得每一周都有一天纯粹是为了交税而工作的。,(Para.1) It can be argued such a response may not mean much.,该句等于“People can argue that such an answer maybe isnt very meaningful”(人们可以反驳说, 这样的回答恐怕没有什么意义),track d

13、own= find someone or something by hunting or searching 追捕到, 对追查到底,e.g. The dogs are tracking down the game. (注: game: u.n. 猎物,野味) 译文: 猎狗正在追踪猎物。,(Line49)Would a check-out person at a large supermarket return money to a customer?,该句中, “a check-out person” means “a salesclerk whose job is to receive th

14、e bill for the goods a customer has chosen.” “商店里的结账人员”,Ex.15. Translation:,1. lead to: 使得,导致,引起 Large investment has led to rapid economic development in this area. 2. 开展运动: launch a campaign; 筹款:raise money They have launched a campaign to raise money for the building of a new hospital.,3. lie in:

15、在于 It is true that success lies in diligence. 4. 受诱惑: be tempted to do (sth.) They have a high moral standard and will never be tempted to receive such expensive presents.,5. be faced with:面临 There are indications that many/numerous factories are faced with a very difficult situation. 6. under the c

16、harge of 以(罪)控告 The police arrested the criminal under the charge of armed robbery several hours after they found an important clue to his identity.,7. 造成问题: causeproblem The investigation indicates that, to some people, retirement will cause psychological problems. 8. more than: 不只是; complain about: 抱怨 The medical team did more than complain about the comparatively bad working conditions in the local hospital. For example, quite a few doctors used t


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