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1、高校在职硕士论文 I 摘要 为了适应信息时代的需要,保证建筑内部的安全性,满足用户当时的各种 需求,门禁系统应运而生。门禁系统集电脑技术、电子技术、机械技术、磁电 技术和射频识别技术于一体,使卡与锁之间实现完整“对话”功能,以智能卡来 控制门锁的开启,开创了门禁管理的新概念,它不仅给管理者提供了更安全、 更快捷、更自动化的管理模式,而且也给使用者带来了极大的方便。为此,本 文研究一种基于射频识别(Radio Frequence Identification:RFID)技术的门禁 系统。 (1)研究了基于射频识别技术的门禁系统的总体设计,设计了射频 IC 读 卡器的电路原理图,给出了 PCB 板

2、。读卡器主要由射频天线、读卡模块、 RS485 通信接口及单片机控制系统组成,能读写 Philips 公司的 Mifare 非接触式 智能射频卡,读卡距离约 10cm。当没有卡进入读卡能量范围时,系统显示时钟, 当有卡进入时则读卡内数据并将卡号信息显示在液晶显示器上。 (2) 深入研究 RFID 天线的 EMC 过滤器、接收电路以及天线匹配电路等 构成,结合本设计采用了线圈天线,并从品质因素 Q 和调谐频率两方面设计读 写器天线,设计优化了天线耦合电路。 (3)针对设备组网应用要求,门禁终端通信采用 RS485 总线,同时结合门 禁读卡器研究了 RS485 的网络拓扑结构,通过 RS485 接

3、口与 PC 机组成通信网 络系统。读卡器平时可独立工作,PC 机会每隔一定时间访问读卡器,用 PC 机 上的时钟统一校准读卡器上的时钟,并读取存储器内的读卡数据,以便读卡器 中的数据得到及时处理。 (4)设计单片机的包看门狗、液晶显示、数据存储和实时时钟等在内的外 围模块电路,采用串口设计如 SPI、I2C 等,从而节约了单片机的 I/O 接口。同 时结合门禁系统设计门禁控制电路,完成设备的选材。 (5)根据射频识别门禁系统总体设计要求,采用模块化软件设计方法,根 据 MF RC500 的特性,系统地对 MF RC500 芯片的操作流程进行研究,设计主 程序的流程图和各个模块子程序,使用 C5

4、1 语言开发了读写器的底层控制软件, 并完成程序的调试,证明结果满足设计要求。 射频识别以其方便快捷成为业界瞩目的焦点,而中国正在成为射频识别标 签生产最被看好的生产基地。将射频识别应用到门禁系统,具有广泛的应用前 景,本文基于这一思想设计了小型门禁系统的底层模块,同时还有待于进一步 研究扩展,比如利用 Internet 接入取代 RS485 联网方式,扩大系统的规模。 基于射频识别技术的门禁系统的设计 II 关键词:门禁系统;射频识别;MF RC500;读卡器;串口通信 Abstract To meet the needs of the information age, ensuring s

5、ecurity of the internal architecture and the users different kinds of needs , entrance guard system comes out Gathered with computer technology, electronic technology, mechanical technology, magnetic-electric technology and radio frequency identification technology, Access Control System makes card

6、and locks get “ integrity dialogue“ function. That smart cards to control the open or close of the doors ,introduces a new management concept , which not only manager can provide a safe, faster, more automated management style, but also offer the users, a great convenience. In this paper, we researc

7、h on the design of radio frequency identification Access Control System. (1) This paper introduces the design of the Access Control network system based on radio frequency identification IC card, which analysises the design of hardware detailedly, gives out the electric circuit principle diagram of

8、making contactless IC card Proximity Coupling Device(PCD). The PCD is consisted of RF antenna, read/write module, RS485 communication interface and MCU, which can read/write the Mifare contactless Smart Card of Philips company, the distance of reading card is 10 cm roughly.The system will display th

9、e clock when there is no card entered into the scope of RF energy; when the card entered into that, the reading card data will be displayed. (2)Deeply studed the RFID antenna EMC filters, receive circuit and antenna matching circuits, etc., and considering the special design,we use the coil antenna

10、,optimize the coupling circuit by raise the quality factor Q and the frequency tuning. (3)Regard the Application for network equipment requirements ,Access Control Terminal using RS485 communications, while combining Access Control RS485 reader on the network topology, through the RS485 interface an

11、d PC component communication network system. Reader peacetime can work independently, PC every opportunity to visit some time reader, with PC clock reunification on the clock calibration reader, and the memory card reader to read data to the reader to obtain timely data processing. (4)The Design inc

12、luding watchdogs, LCD, data storage and real-time clock module, and other peripheral circuits, using serial design such as SPI, I2C, thus saving 高校在职硕士论文 III the MCUs I / O interface. Access Control System Design at the same time combining the access control circuit, completed the equipment selectio

13、n. (5)To meet the Radio Frequency Identification Access Control System design requirements ,we design by modular software method. According to the characteristics of MF RC500 and the systematic research on the operation of MF RC500 chip process, design the flow chart of the main program modules subr

14、outine, use C51-language development the bottom of the reader control software, and completed the debugging process that results meet the design requirements. RFID with convenient and efficient becomes the focus of attention of the industry, and China is being an RFID tag production of the most prom

15、ising production base. Applicated Radio frequency identification to the Access Control System, has broad application prospects. Based on this thinking, this paper gives out the realization of the specific design, but also to be further study on the expansion, such as the use of Internet access to re

16、place RS485 interconnection, expanding the size of the system. Keywods: Access Control System; Radio Frequency Identification; MF RC500; Proximity Coupling Device; Serial Communication. 基于射频识别技术的门禁系统的设计 IV 目录 摘要 I ABSTRACTII 第 1 章 绪论.1 1.1 课题背景及意义1 1.2国内外研究发展现状2 1.3 本文主要研究内容3 第 2 章 门禁系统的技术基础5 2.1 射频识别技术5 2.1.1射频识别技术原理.5 2.1.2RFID 天线6 2.1.3射频识别系统的典型结构.8 2.1.4RFID 同其它自动识别技术的比较.9 2.2 门禁系统结构原理10 2.3密码技术.12 第 3 章 基于射频识别的门禁系统总体设计16 3.1 系统总体方案设计16 3.1.1 系统设计的基本要求.16 3.1.2 系统方案.17 3.2 系统硬件模块分析17 3.2.1



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