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1、美联英语 提供:ACT 高频阅读词汇盘点两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/ n.修辞personification n.拟人alliteration n. 押头韵allusion n.引用,暗指simile n. 明喻metaphor n. 暗喻analogy n. 类比figurative a.比喻的hyperbole n.夸张euphemism n.委婉语真题回顾(1) 72C, Prose FictionBut let me confess that, even as a child, I was insanely jealous of the city in which I

2、 was raised, because it was my parents other love. They loved each other(good),they loved me(very good), and they loved her(not so good).这道题目的修辞手法是拟人 personification, “her”指的是 the city, Bombay.(2) 69F, Prose Fiction 题干部分:Which of the following words from the passage is used figuratively?文中的以下哪个词语是有比

3、喻意义的?Tips:这些词汇是要死记硬背记住的,也要注意他们的变形,比如形容词等。二、词汇题解题注意词汇题做法词汇题做法:做词汇题的时候,要注意带进上下文,结合语境。不要受到思维的限制,比如在 act阅读中,考过的 revolution,大家熟悉的含义是革命,改革,大家可能不知道 revolution还有旋转的意思。这个时候一定要结合语境,选出最符合语境的含义。此外,我们来回顾如下几个单词在真题中的考察情况:Secure v.固定,获得,使安全Curb v.抑制Fine n.精致,罚款 a.细小的,精细的,晴朗的真题回顾(1)71H ProseThe perfume could only be

4、 emanating from that curious flower. She came often then to secure the whiff that tingled her deep memory.(对应答案secure=obtain)考察单词:secure v.固定,获得,使安全这让人好奇的花朵散发出独特的香气,她常来看望花朵,(闻到了,得到了) 这阵阵芳香,这阵阵芳香激起她的深思。 (2)71H,Social ScienceLower amounts of lignin mean less methane, less methane means curbed global w

5、arming emissions,and curbed emissions means environmentalists can eat their beef without hanging up their green stripes.木质素的减少意味着甲烷的减少,甲烷的减少意味着全球温室气体排放的减少。 。 。(3)71H,ProseRafaela noticed a line- finer than the thread of a spiderweb-pulled with delicate tautness.Rafaela 注意到了这条被拉紧的精致的线,比蜘蛛网的丝还要纤细。(4)7

6、3G, Social ScienceThe telescope would have to be mounted in an enormous wooden gantry, capable of being turned safely on its axis by just two workmen, but also susceptible to the finest fingertip adjustments by the observing astronomers.(对应答案 smallness)而且观测的宇航员进行了最为细微的调整这句话有一点不好理解,但是后面的 fingertip 也跟

7、 finest 一样暗示了,调整是细微的。三、词汇预测及常考词汇词汇盘点tautness n.拉紧,整洁solicit v.恳求,热切meticulous a. 小心谨慎的 reticent a. 沉默寡言的exclusive a. 排它的,独特的,单 一的colony n.栖息地,群体(自然 科学) ;殖民地stereotype n.固定思维,陈规旧俗chronological n. 按照时间顺序的,时 间逻辑的stock a. 常备的;普通的;无 聊的(小说) ; n. 原 料,库存,保留曲目wind down 渐渐结束,越来越慢, 平静下来wipe out 摧毁,灭绝relinquish v. 放弃resemblance n. 看起来像rudimentary a. 基础的scrutinize v. 仔细检查imperative a.祈使的,命令的recitation n.详细叙述,吟诵facilitative a.便利的abolish v.废除intrigued a.吸引人的,有趣的reckless a.大意的,鲁莽的fence n.防护,闪烁其词outlaw v.使失去法律权利,逐 出社会anecdotal a. 奇闻逸事的两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/


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