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1、英语(二)历年考点Unit One 1. Almost everything a manager does -(involve) decisions, indeed, some suggest that the management process is decision making . (99.4)。 答案是involves . 考点: involve 为谓语动词,应该用一般现在时。 2.If there is no choice, there is no decision _(make). (99.4) 答案是to be made 。考点:to be made 是动词不定式作定语修饰de

2、cision. 3. If you are now_your thirties, you can expect to live nearly one third of the rest of your life after the age of 60. (99.4) A. in B. at C. between D. among 答案是A. 4. Almost everything a manager does_decisions; indeed, some suggest that the management process is decision making. (00.4) A. im

3、poses B. improvise C. involves D. indicates 答案为C . 5. When_(present) with a common case, sales managers tend to see sales problems and production managers see production problems. 答案为presented . 考点: present 是过去分词作状语。 6. An organization is a group of people, and a decision_(make) today may have conse

4、quences far into the future. 答案是made . 考点:make 是过去分词作定语, 修饰decision . 7. 汉译英:通常管理者必须对未来的情况作出最佳的预测。 答案:Often managers must make a best guess at what the future will be. 1. 决策的目的是为了实现组织的目标。 答:The purpose of making a decision is to achieve organizational goals. 2. 决策过程对经营管理至关重要。 答: The decision-making

5、process is fundamental to business management. 3. 经理所做的任何事情几乎都与决策有关。 答:Almost everything a manager does involves decision-making. 4. 虽然我们不能预见未来,但应当尽量减少偶然性发生。 答: Although we cannot predict the future, we must try t leave as little as possible to chance. 5. 不同的管理者对同一问题的解释不同。 答: Different manager defin

6、e the same problem in different terms.Unit Two Black Holes1. 星体的密度增大到一定程度时就会发生爆炸。 答: The star will explode when its density increases to some extent. 2. 你能想象黑洞的引力有多大吗? 答: Can you imagine how strong the gravitational pull of a black hole is ? 3. 假如有人掉进黑洞,他会认为很快能到达黑洞的中心。 答:If a man fell into a black h

7、ole, he would think that he reached the center of it very quickly. 4. 早在17世纪天文学家便对超新星有过报道。 答: Supernovae were reported by astronomers as early as in the seventeenth century. 5. 他已尽了全力以达到自己的目标。 答: He has exerted all his strength to attain his goal.Unit Three1) Affected with a serious disease, van Wen

8、dal was no longer able to speak clearly and he knew there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly deteriorating. 2) Van Wendels last three months of life before being given a final, lethal injection by his doctor were filmed and first shown on television last year in the Netherlan

9、ds. 3) The programme has since been bought by 20 countries and each time it is shown, it starts a nationwide debate on the subject. 4) What those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me is that dying people havent the right.Unit Four1. When they get out of prison, they _(increase) the level of t

10、heir criminal behavior. 答案:will increase . 考点:时间状语从句中主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。从句谓语动词是get 一般现在时,所以从句用will increase 。 2.At the end of 1994 the British Government introduced new measure to help_domestic workers from abuse by their employers. A. protect B. suspect C. expect D. inspect 答案是:A . 考点是:protect fro

11、m 保护 免受 3. _their differences, they fell passionately in love with each other. A. As for B. Owing to C. Despite D. Through 答案:C . 考点:despite 表示让步的关系。本句的意思是:尽管他们之间有分歧,但他们彼此深爱对方。 Translation 1. 许多家庭佣人受到雇主的剥削和虐待。 答:Many domestic servants are exploited and abused by their employers. 2. 自去年以来,女佣们的悲惨境况已受到

12、媒体密切关注。 答:The bad condition of the woman servants has received much media attention since last year. 3. 他经常威胁我,说要将我遣送回国。 答: He always threatened that he would send me back to my country. 4. 她曾在一家茶叶厂工作,工资很低。 答: She used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory. 5. 据估计有两万多名外国家佣在英国工作。 答: It is esti

13、mated that there are more than 20,000 overseas domestic servants working in Britain.答: They freely took over elements form diverse music sources. 5. 新音乐采取多种形式,几乎具有无限的表现力。 答:The new music may take on various forms and be capable of expressing an almost limitless range.Unit Five1. In the process of co

14、mposition , it isnt easy to be inspired in a spontaneous way for long periods_a stretch. A. at B. for C. over D. in 答案是a 。 考点:词组at a stretch 一口气,连续不断的 2.汉译英新音乐是由业已存在的材料构建出来的。 答案:The new music was built out of material already in existence. 3. 汉译英:那时在大学生中流行的正是民间音乐。 答案:It was folk music that was popul

15、ar among college students at that time. 4. 汉译英:不用说我们现在已不是生活在传统社会。 答案: It goes without saying that we are not living in a traditional society. 1. 新音乐起源于布鲁斯、摇滚乐和民间音乐。 答: The new music originated from blues, rock and roll and folk music. 2. 民间音乐表现和平、友谊和希望。 答: Folk music expresses peace, friendship and hope. 3. 他们已不再是被动的听众而是积极的参与者。 答: Instead of passive audience, they have become active participants. 4. 他们自由地从不同的音乐来源中吸取元素。 答: They freely took over elements form diverse music sources. 5. 新音乐采取多种形式


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