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1、正如亚当被逐出伊甸园,我被撵出了大学校门:亚当违反的戒律是偷吃了善恶之树的禁果,我的罪恶就是无视知识之树。在我大学第一年差劲表现之后,我仔细考虑自己被逐出大学的原因。现在我意识造成我被逐出校园的两个因素:缺乏职业目标和过早的独立。没有职业目标,我缺乏方向和动机,大约在中学最后一年过了一半时,我被父母追逼着到大学注册,但直到那时候我还未考虑我想追求什么职业。为了让他们不再说我,我告诉他们我想当一名工程师。虽然我在数学、物理和化学上得了高分,但是我对这些课感到厌倦,接着在大学的最初四个月里我不喜欢这些理科课程变得明显了。所有的理科课程都不及格。B(1) When he went to borrow

2、 money from his friend and was refused again, he flew into fury.(2) Mike was cut off from all but occasional radio communications with his armies in the campaign.(3) As we walked along,we saw a rabbit pop up from its burrow and secure across the field.(4) Someone thinks the annual sale of 300 pianos

3、 for a sole distributorship in Canada is rather conservative.(5) Some people think if people marry, it ought to be for life, the laws are altogether too lenient with divorcees.(6) Over the first four laps, Benjamin stayed abreast of the German driver.(7) Speed, endurance and tactics are important fa

4、ctors in gaining the victory.(8) A soccer team that remains championship year after year must have kept up its extraordinary performance with close coordination among its high-morale members.Unit 4英译汉:资本项目记录一国与世界其他国家之间的投资及资本交易。资本的流入或流出通常称为资本交易,包括长期的和短期的资本流动。资本流入计入资本项目中的贷方,资本流出计入借方。 资本项目包括三个分项:直接投资、有

5、价证券投资和短期资本。直接投资通常指在国外建立一个工厂或销售网络。投资者可以控制或分享控制公司的销售、生产和研究开发。直接投资一般是指拥有10%以上的股权。外国有价证券投资包括期限在一年以上的国际交易。比如,购买外国公司的股票。短期资本是指一国的国际金融资产和债务期限为一年或少于一年的净额变化。短期资本流动包括在国际贸易和国际金融中发生的日常收入和支出。国际收支平衡表中设有“错误与遗漏”项目。主要考虑到统计上的错误。设立这一项目是为了使整个借方和贷方达到算术上的平衡。官方储备资产项目主要包括黄金储备、可兑换的外汇储备、特别提款权的配额及国际货币基金组织的贮备头寸。汉译英:1. Some com

6、petitors drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. 2. For a while she went, as Sams representative, to help smooth out initial working problems.3. Most people thought this machine would never be anything but a toy. 4. It is the first time for China to undertake such a gigantic proje

7、ct. Many people once suspected whether the project would be completed on schedule? 5. Why could Chinas telecom industry maintain rapid growth in spite of global recession? 6. The consumer price level rose by 0.4 percent, reversing the trend of decline for two consecutive years starting from 1998. 7.

8、 This company gives us a seductive offer on engineering the merger with us. 8. Economics must still contend with scarcity as a basic fact of life. Unit 8英译汉:迷蒙之中呈现出来的那庞然大物,十分壮观,寂然不动而气度非凡,那就是中国的长城。它孤独地沿着山的一侧蜿蜒而上,再往下进入山谷深处,像大自然似的,一副与世无涉的冷漠样子。每隔一定的距离就有一座森严的瞭望台,冷峻挺立,十分威严。它是铁面无情,坚忍不拔的,既然付出了千百万生命的代价建造它,每一

9、块灰色大砖石上都染满了那离乡背井犹如囚徒者的斑斑血泪,它就一定会绝然向前,跨越崇山峻岭奔向人所不知的去处。它具有大无畏的精神,漫漫征途无尽头,走了一程又一程,一直走到亚洲最边远的地方,茕茕孑立,神秘莫测,犹如它所捍卫的大帝国似的。中国的长城就是那样的庞然大物,在迷蒙中寂然不动,气度非凡,十分壮观。汉译英:1. The fresh morning air, the singing of birds, the trees and flowers on the sides of the street, and the stars at night conspire to make you feel

10、how beautiful the life is.2. Some Chinese brands have nudged into the inter-national market on the back of competitive pricing. At the same time they havent ignored such strategies as product quality, an efficient distribution and after-sales service.3. Several of her friends brainwashed my sister M

11、ary into believing that her best friend Carol was saying nasty things about her behind her back. Mary was as sorry as she could be when she found out it wasnt true.4. A politician must project himself if he wants to win an election.5. With the quicken pace of life, people feel time presses and drive

12、 their cars faster and faster, which makes the roadway look like a race track. The automobiles running at a high speed sorely threaten the safety of pedestrians.6. Nowadays people become increasingly dependent on automobiles. Despite one mile round trip to work, they will resort to automobiles.7. Lo

13、w in price and good in quality, the commodities made in China have won hearts of the consumers all over the world.8. Starting from scratch, Chinese automobile industry has gradually developed into what it is. But with it at the preliminary stage, it is impractical to set an exorbitant quality standa

14、rd for it.Unit 10英译汉:1. 但读书的益处还不只这一些。读者常会被携带到一个思考和熟虑的世界里边去。即使是一篇描写事实的文章,但躬亲其事和从书中读到事情的经过,其间也有很大的不同点。 因为这种事实一经描写到书中之后便成为一幅景物,而读者便成为一个脱身是非,真正的旁观者了。所以真正有益的读书,便是能引领我们进到这个沉思境界的读书,而不是单单去知道一些事实经过的读书。 2. 当我离开人间,最亲爱的 克里斯蒂娜.罗塞蒂当我离开人间,最亲爱的, 别为我哀歌悲切; 我的墓前不要栽玫瑰, 也不要柏树茂密; 愿绿茵覆盖我的身躯, 沾着湿润的灵珠雨水; 假如你愿意,就把我怀念,假如你愿意,就

15、把我忘却。汉译英:1. Around Christmas, shoppers are scrambling to buy bargains in this store. 2. On the one hand, Zhou Yu ordered his troops not to provide Zhuge Liang with materials to make the arrows. He also sent Lu Su to spy on him to find out what was going on. 3. The purpose of the rule, as we all know

16、, was to prevent football fans acts that might appear to be unduly provocative. 4. We waited for three hours, all the while hoping that someone would come and fetch us. 5. Its admirable that he drew back at the capstone of his career, and turned his steps to charities. 6. We have had a mechanic look it over. He reports that the rotators appear to


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