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1、2011高三英语二轮复习 阅读理解之科普文,xiaofeng high school CPL,浙江省07-10年阅读理解科普文,科普类文章的特点 (1)文章的主题鲜明,往往是在第一自然段点出主题。 (2)文章脉络清晰。 一般来说,在第一自然段点出主题后, 后几个自然段分别以科研成果、举例子、展示试验结果 等对主题加以说明,探讨利弊,诠释过程,阐述概念。 (3)文章的内容往往是科技医疗文化领域的前沿,因而内容新颖。又因掺杂着专业术语、人名地名,从而使文章显得复杂,抽象难懂。,高考中的科普文章,主要是说明文和科技新闻,不论是哪一种,在文章结构上,这类文章一般分为 两个或者三个部分。,开宗明义,直奔

2、主题。(换言之,文章的第一段或者头两段会直白地向读者展示一个事物、概念、发现、科研成果等。有时,作者会摆出人们普遍存在的错误观念或认识误区作为“靶子”,作为反对或批驳的对象。),侃侃诠释这个概念; 细细陈述发现的内容; 一一罗列实验的步骤和过程; 记录某些科学家的不同评论。,通常会告诉读者某一结论可能会带来的影响,或者坦言这个结果或结论的不确定性,甚至毫不避讳地告诉读者这个结论已经引发或者可能引发的争论等等,1,2,3,语言特点 特点一:层次分明,逻辑性强。这类文章通常有明确的主题,支持主题的主要事实,层次分明,大多时候段首或段尾会出现主题句或者线索句。 特点二:长句子多,非谓语动词多,常用被

3、动语态。这是由于科普文章大多叙述事物,要比较客观、准确、全面、详尽地陈述的缘故。 特点三:词汇量大。科普文章有一定的专业性,出现生词是难以避免的。不过,这并不值得忧虑,因为从上下文中你可以猜出它们的大体属性。 特点四:用数字说话。科普文章虽然是大众化的读物,但它是科学,它依然需要严谨和实事求是的态度,它需要数字的支持和例证。,解题策略 (一)理清主旨,分清主次 避免断章取义、以偏概全 (二)审题定位,顺藤摸瓜 注意通常高考的题目都是按照文章顺序设置的,所以题目的关键词一般指向相应的段落或原句。 (三)紧扣原文,推敲排除 有些题目的选项涉及原文中几处,这时就需要找到原句后,与选项对照一一排除或证

4、实。注意任何题目的答案都 是符合文章主旨大意的。,Practice,e-nose,produce,detect,a chemical sensor(传感器)called an electronic nose,How,Test,result,application,produce,detect,a chemical sensor(传感器)called an electronic nose,How,Test,result,application,Background,Function testapplication of E-nose,49. We learn from the text that

5、 plants communicate with each other by_. A. making some sounds B. waving their leaves C. producing some chemicals D. sending out electronic signals,Instead, plants produce volatile compounds, chemicals that easily change from a liquid to a gas.,Para.1,50. What did the scientists do to find out if th

6、e e-nose worked? A. They presented it with all common crops. B. They fixed 13 sensors inside the device. C. They collected different damaged leaves. D. They made tests on damaged and healthy leaves.,50. What did the scientists do to find out if the e-nose worked? A. They presented it with all common

7、 crops. B. They fixed 13 sensors inside the device. C. They collected different damaged leaves. D. They made tests on damaged and healthy leaves.,51. According to the writer, the most amazing thing about the e-nose is that it can_. pick out ripe fruits spot the insects quickly C. distinguish differe

8、nt damages to the leaves D. recognize unhealthy tomato leaves,But even more impressive, the device could tell which type of damage - by insects or with a hole Punch - had been done to the tomato leaves.,Para. 6,52 We can infer from the last paragraph that the e-nose_. is unable to tell the smell of

9、flowers is not yet used in greenhouses C. is designed by scientists at Purdue D. is helpful in killing harmful insects,a device like the e-nose could one day be used in greenhouses to quickly spot harmful bugs, the researchers say. Hopefully, scientists believe, the device could bring large benefits

10、 to greenhouse managers in the near future.,科普词汇库,produce detect tell inspect react present collect identify spot,chemical liquid sensor device biochemist,词汇库,change fromto come from give off send off Keepaway turn out,Instead for example for instance In response Hopefully,Practice,A new kind of bat

11、tery,A nuclear energy source that is smaller, lighter and efficient,High energy density,Safe,Safe,A liquid semiconductor,A liquid semiconductor,Achievement and expectation,Introduce a topic,Body describe the characteristics of the nuclear battery,Conclusion achievement and expectation,71. Which of t

12、he following is true of Jae Kwon? A. He teaches chemistry at MU. B. He developed a chemical battery. C. He is working on a nuclear energy source. D. He made a breakthrough in computer engineering.,72. Jae Kwon gave examples in Paragraph 4_. A. to show chemical batteries are widely applied. B. to int

13、roduce nuclear batteries can be safely used. C. to describe a nuclear-powered system. D. to introduce various energy sources.,73. Liquid semiconductor is used to _. get rid of the radioactive waste test the power of nuclear batteries. C. decrease the size of nuclear batteries D. reduce the damage to

14、 lattice structure.,“part of the radiation energy can damage the lattice structure(晶体结构) of the solid semiconductor,” “By using a liquid semiconductor, we believe we can minimize that problem.”,74. According to Jae Kwon, his nuclear battery _. uses a solid semiconductor will soon replace the present

15、 ones. C. could be extremely thin D. has passed the final test.,In the future, they hope to increase the batterys power, shrink its size and try with various other materials. Kwon said that battery could be thinner than the thickness of human hair.,75. The text is most probably a _. A. science news report B. book review C. newspaper ad D. science fiction story,科普词汇库,Battery sensor system device energy,source electrical engineer chemical test,Assignment,创新一: B篇; 创新四: B篇; 创新六: D篇,要求绘出文章结构简图!,


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