新人教版英语高二下module 8《unit 4 pygmalion》ppt课件之二

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1、Pygmalion,NSEFC Students Book 8,Period 6 Summing Up,Self-Assessment,I can make sentences, using the pat participle as the adverbial properly,I can remember the new words and expressions and use them properly.,I can carry out an objective evaluation of things I know.,5 4 3 2 1,Circle the numbers and

2、evaluate by yourself.,SCORE,?,Summing up the vocabulary,Verbs betray, classify, condemn, dismiss, fade, hesitate, overlook, pronounce, sob Nouns adaptaton, acquaintance, alphabet, ambassador, antique, bathtub, classic, compromise, fortune, handful, mile, musical, nail, officer, outcome, pence, plot,

3、 professor, pronunciation, sob, status, superior Adj. antique, brilliant, compromise, disgusting, effective, horrible, mistaken, musical, superior, troublesom, uncomfortable, upper Adv. dismissively, uncomfortably Phrases fade out, make ones acquaintance, generally speaking, in disguise, in amazemen

4、t, in terms of, in need of, once more, passoff as, showin, take away, the other day,四会词汇,Testing the words,1._ one more time ; another time 2._ to look over from a higher place 3._ to arrange sth in groups according to features that they have in common 4._ a film, book or play that has been changed

5、for a new situation 5._ producing a successful result 6._ an agreement in which each side gives up some of the things they want 7._ to ignore ones principles or beliefs in other to gain something 8._ a person that you know who is not a close friend 9._ to be slow to act, speak or decide 10._ not fee

6、ling physically relaxed, warm, etc.,Write the new words or phrases according to their meanings.,once more,overlook,classify,adaptation,effective,compromise,betray,acquaintance,hesitate,uncomfortable,Testing the phrases,1. (某人)冒充 2. 结识,与相见 3. 惊愕地 4. 一般来说 5. 就来说,从角度 6. 带进来 7. 几天前 8. 带走,取走 9. 需要 10. 逐渐

7、模糊 11. 给某人派任务 12. 避雨 13. 一把,一大捧 14. 透露身份,显露(本来面目) 15. 伪装, 乔装,1. pass off as 2. make ones acquaintance 3. in amazement 4. generally speaking 5. in term/terms of 6. show in 7. the other day 8. take away 9. in need of 10. fade out 11. set sb a task 12. shelter/hide from rain 13. a handful of 14. betray

8、 oneself 15. in disguise,Practical use of the phrases,1. He stared at me _ for my sudden appearance. 2. I went to visit a museum in our city _. 3. The idea seemed to _ and the club was never formed. 4. Your visit will _ the sting of her sorrow. 5. _ money, hes quite rich, but not in terms of happine

9、ss. 6. He_ glass _ a gemstone and sold it to a buyer. 7. The congenial host and hostess_ their guests _ the party room. 8. They made every effort to save the crops _ water on this dry land. 9. _,youths of eighteen are too young for such work. 10. Im very pleased to _ your _. 11. He sent her a blessi

10、ng _, in fact , he hated her a lot. 12. I failed in the experiment, I decided to do it _ and I believe I will make it.,show.in the other day in disguise make ones acquaintance take away passoff as in amazement once more in need of fade out in terms of generally speaking,in amazement,the other day,fa

11、de out,take away,In terms of,passed,show,in need of,Generally speaking,make,in disguise,once more,off as,in,acquaintance,Practical use of words & phrases in sentences,The next day Michael went to a party in disguise as a policeman.,When Fred was mistaken for an ambassador, many people tried to make

12、his acquaintance.,The outcome of the conversation is a compromise agreement reached by both sides.,Eliza had her disgusting clothes burned so that she could begin a new life as a lady.,Dont pass my word off as your own. It isnt fair.,第二天, 迈克尔装扮成警察去参加了聚会. (in disguise) 弗雷德被误认为是大使,于是许多人都想办法要与他结识. (mis

13、taken; ambassador; make ones acquaintance) 会谈结果是双方和解, 最后达成了协议. (outcome; compromise) 伊莱扎让人烧掉了那些令人作呕的衣服, 以便能够开始她作为淑女的 新生活. (disgusting) 不要把我的工作说成是你自己的, 这不公平. (passoff; as ),Translate the following sentence, using the words and phrases in brackets.,Summing up the grammar,The Past Participle as the Adv

14、erbial,过去分词作状语, 表时间,相当于一个时间状语从句,有时过去分词前可加连词when或while 来强调时间概念。, 表原因,相当于一个原因状语从句。, 表条件,相当于一个条件状语从句,有时过去分词前可用if等词。, 表让步,相当于一个though/although引导的让步状语从句。, 表方式或伴随情况。,Testing the grammar,1. _ black and blue, the lady couldnt move. A. Beaten B. Beating C. To be beaten D. To beat,2. _ everywhere, the wolves

15、had no where _ themselves. A. Hunting, hiding B. To hunt, to hide C. Hunted, hiding D. Hunted, to hide,3. The teacher walked to lab, _. A. followed by his students B. his students followed C. and followed by his students D. both A and B,4. When _ into the warm room, ice soon changes into water. A. heating and taki


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