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1、选校网 高考频道 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库选校网 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库第九十天1. maximum maximal maxiskirt minimum minimal minibus minidress minister ministry minus medium middle midday midnight记忆:1. 词根 maxi 表示“大” ,maximum The greatest possible quantity or degree. n. 最大量, 最大限度, 极大 The maximum of the temp

2、erature today is 36C. 今天最高温度为 36C。2. maximal adj. 最大的, 最高的 We must make maximal use of our limited resources. 我们必须尽可能地利用我们有限的资源。3. maxiskirt n. (长至脚踝的)超长裙 I prefer maxiskirt, which I think can make girls more graceful. 我喜欢超长裙,我认为它能使女孩更优雅。4. 词根 mini 表示“小” ,minimum The least possible quantity or degre

3、e n. 最小值, 最小化 You must get a minimum of 40 questions right to pass the examination. 你至少要回答正确四十个问题才能通过考试。5. minimal adj. 最小的, 最小限度的 Fortunately, the storm only did minimal damage to the crops.幸好,暴风雨对农作物只造成很小的损失。 6. minibus n. 中客车, 小型公共汽车 The private minibuses make up the majority of the towns public

4、transport. 私人中巴车成了市里主要的公共交通工具。7. mini-dress n. 超短连衣裙 Modern young girls like to wear mini-dresses. 现代年轻女孩喜欢穿迷你服。8. minus adj. 负的, 减的 prep. 减去 Fifty minus fifteen is thirty-five. 五十减去十五等于三十五。9. minister n. 部长, 大臣 Singh promised to serve as the prime minister. 辛格答应担任总理。10. ministry n.(政府的) 部门 Who is i

5、n charge of the education ministry?谁负责教育部?11. 词根 med, mid 表示中间,medium n. 媒介, 方法 adj. 中间的, 中等的, 半生熟的 复数 media n. 媒体 Media are influential in todays politics. 媒体在当今的政治中有影响力。 12. middle adj. 中间的 n. 中间 Dont stand in the middle of the highway. 不要站在公路中间。 13. midday n. 中午 We have lunch at home in midday. 我

6、们中午在家吃午餐。14. midnight n. 半夜 After midnight everything quiets down. 半夜后一切都安静下来了。另类阅读:The minister put on her minidress and went to the ministry in a minibus at midday. She was considering how to spend minimal money and make maximal profits. In the middle of her office, there were two conspicuous word

7、s: minimummaximum. She often worked till midnight. Many media sang high praise of her. 2. mess messy order disorder disordered orderly chaos记忆:1. mess mes n. 混乱, 脏乱 What a mess your dog has made!你的狗弄得一团糟。2. messy adj. 肮脏的, 凌乱的 I hate it when he leaves the bedroom messy. 我讨厌他把卧室弄得一团糟。3. order n. 次序,

8、顺序 She has the habit of keeping everything in order. 她习惯把东西弄得井井有条。4. orderly adj. 有秩序的, 整齐的, 整洁的 The orderly dorm made us comfortable. 整洁的宿舍使我们感到舒服。5. disorder n. 杂乱, 混乱, 无秩序状态 The war took the whole country in disorder. 战争使整个国家陷入混乱状态。6. disordered adj. 混乱的 Stay in the house. The streets are disorde

9、red right now. 呆在家里。现在大街上很混乱。选校网 高考频道 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库选校网 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库7. chaos n. 混乱, 混沌(宇宙未形成前的情形) Long,long ago, the universe was in terrible chaos. 很久很久以前,宇宙一片混沌。8. mass n. 块, 大多数, 质量, 群众 Masses of people protested against Chen in Taipei on May 20. 在五月二十号那天许多人向陈水扁表示抗议。

10、另类阅读:What a messy room you have made! When I left, everything was orderly, but now its disordered. How could you make the room out of order? Do you like to live in chaos?3. microscope telescope microwave microcomputer记忆:1. microscope 前缀 micro 表示“微” , n. 显微镜 With the microscope, bacteria become visib

11、le. 借助显微镜,细菌就看得见了。2. telescope n. 望远镜 The telescope can help you enjoy more during your tour. 望远镜可以让你在旅途中欣赏到更多乐趣。3. microwave n. 微波炉 Microwaves can cook food instantly. 微波炉能快速做饭。 4. microcomputer n. 微电脑 The microcomputer is widely used in both daily life and industry. 微电脑在日常生活和工业中都有广泛运用。另类阅读:Through

12、 the telescope you can see a microscope between a microcomputer and a microwave oven in his room.4. missile weapon arms sword记忆:1. missile miss-ile n. 导弹, 发射物 These missiles aim at the enemy who dream of separating the country. 这些导弹瞄准那些梦想分裂国家的敌人。 2. weapon n. 武器 The nuclear weapons are the most dest

13、ructive up to now. 核武器是到目前最具毁灭性的武器。3. arms n. 武器 Farewell, Arms is a great book by Hemmingway. 永别了,武器是海明威的一部大作。4. sword n. 剑,刀 The sword was the main weapon before the gun was invented. 在枪发明之前刀剑是主要的武器。另类阅读:Swords are ancient arms while missiles are modern weapons. 5. system systematic systematically

14、 systematize记忆:1. system sys-tem 音似“系统” ; n. 系统, 体系, 制度, 体制 The reform of the political system will push the country to a much higher stage of development. 政治体制的改革将把国家推进到一个更高的阶段。2. systematic adj. 系统的, 体系的 The review should be done in systematic ways. 复习应该系统地进行。3. systematically adv. 系统地, 有系统地 The project is being carried out systematically. 这项工程正在系统地实施着。4. systematize v. 系统化 As graduating students, we are supposed to syst


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