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1、Love and Marriage,【Happy April Fools Day】,April 1 is not a national holiday, but is widely recognized and celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other.,Whats love?,“Love means never having to say youre sorry. “ -Love Story,What are your major considerations when you

2、are choosing your BF or GF? And why?,Appearance Height Personality Occupation Family Education Other factors,The sweetest things you can do for a girl are the little things that let her know shes in your heart & on your mind. 你能为一个女孩儿做的最甜蜜的事,就是从细枝末节中让她知道,你一直想着她,念着她。,We sometimes ignore those who ado

3、re us, adore those who ignore us, love those who hurt us, and hurt those who love us. 我们有时无视爱慕自己的人,却爱慕无视我们的人;爱上伤害我们的人,却去伤害爱着我们的人。,The one who truly loves will definitely never leave you. Though he has thousands of reasons to give you up, he would always find one to hang on. 真正爱你的人绝不会离开你。他纵有千百个理由放弃,却

4、也总会找一个理由坚持下去。,Wed fade into someone at least one time in life,not for any result, company, ownership even love,just for meeting you in my most beautiful days. - 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。,我捧你的时候,你是玻璃杯子。我松手的时候,你是玻璃渣子。 When I love you, you are a delicate glass held i

5、n my hands. When I leave you, you are broken glass scattered on the ground.,【各种love】,deep 深深的爱; chaste 贞洁的爱; devoted 专一的爱; loyal 忠诚的爱; tender 温柔的爱; sincere 真挚的爱; fervent 热烈的爱; burning 炽热的爱; intense 强烈的爱; wild 狂热的爱; at first sight一见钟情; story爱情故事; triangle三角恋爱; affair风流韵事。,【各种恋】,初恋Puppy Love / First L

6、ove, 单恋/暗恋unrequited love, 暗恋have a crush on, 网恋Internet love, 热恋honeymoon phase, 苦恋bitter love, 师生恋teacher-student love, 同性恋homosexuality hm,seksjlt , 三角恋 love triangle, 夕阳恋sunset love, 双性恋bisexuality basekulti , 姐弟恋toy boy love,【搭讪佳句】,1. You look like someone I know. Havent we met before?你跟我一个朋友长得

7、好象。我们之前见过吧? 2. Thats a great haircut.你的发型很不错。 3. Are you here alone? 一个人吗? 4. I lost my number, can I have yours?我把我的电话号码弄丢了,你可以把你的告诉我吗?,【“名花/草有主了”怎么表达】,比较常见的表达有 be spoken for 或 be taken,指已有人拥有所有权的已被预订。Shes already taken.她已经有男朋友了。或者说 off the market 例:Yo, dude. Youd better quit chasing after her. She

8、s off the market. 老兄,你最好别追她了,她已经名花有主了。,【如何用语英语表达你现在的感情状态】,1. single单身; 2. in a relationship恋爱中; 3. engaged已订婚; 4. married已婚; 5. in an open relationship开放式关系; 6. widowed widud丧偶; 7. separated spretd分居状态; 8. divorced dvrst已离异; 9. domestic dmstk partnership未婚同居关系; 10. Civil Union同性婚姻,【分手理由】,1.Ive met s

9、omeone else./ Theres someone else.我另结新欢了。 2.Youre really too good for me./I dont deserve you.我配不上你。 3.I just dont love you anymore.我不爱你了。4.I really dont wanna be tied down.我不想被束缚。 5.The magics gone from our relationship.我们之间的爱情魔力已经不见了。,Its over.我们缘分已尽。 Were not meant for each other.我们命中注定不适合。 I need

10、 some time alone.我需要一个人过一阵子。 Were better off as friends.我们做朋友比较好,【wedding】,求婚:proposal 媒人:matchmaker 订婚:engagement 未婚夫:fiancefinse 未婚妻:fiancee,finse 婚宴:wedding feast 婚纱:wedding gown 新郎:groom 新娘:bride 男傧相:bestman 女傧相:bridesmaid 证婚人:witness of wedding 婚誓:wedding vows 花童:flower girl 嫁妆:dowrydari 蜜月:hon

11、eymoon,Marriage,再婚:remarry 重婚:bigamy bmi 试婚:trial marriage 包办婚姻:arranged marriage 近亲结婚:intermarriage 老少配:May and December marriage 如意郎君:Mr.Right 闪婚:flash marriage 一夫一妻:monogamy mnmi 离婚:divorce,Have you ever attended a wedding? How do you think about it? Can you describe it briefly?,bride 新娘 bridegro

12、om (groom) 新郎 groomsman (best man)伴郎 bridesmaid 伴娘 wedding ceremony 结婚典礼 wedding invitation 婚礼请柬 church wedding 教堂婚礼 traditional Chinese wedding 传统中式婚礼 outdoor wedding 户外婚礼 wedding reception 婚宴 wedding dress 婚纱、结婚礼服 Wedding march 婚礼进行曲 honeymoon 蜜月,【“我不嫁给你”各种恶搞说法】,高中水平:I will never marry you. 高考:Nev

13、er will I marry you. 四级:You are the last man I am willing to marry. 六级:Under no circumstances will I marry you. GRE: If you were the last man in the world, I would definitely remain single.,I _ , take you _, to be my wedded wife (husband). To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for

14、worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us apart. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.,Wedding vows,Wedding traditions,In some western countries, brides are supposed to gather something old, something new, something borrowed and something bl

15、ue, and to carry or wear them on their wedding day as they walk down the aisle.,It is said that the average expenses of Chinese wedding has risen to RMB 120,000 (including the cost of pre-wedding photos, wedding reception, and honeymoon trip),What your opinion on the huge cost of a wedding?,Free Dis

16、cussion,How will you plan your own wedding?,Different understanding of love and marriage between Chinese and Westerners,West,China,Absolutely personal issue,Family background social relations “Marry your match”,Love Marriage,High divorce rate,Marriage Love Marriage = responsibilities and duties,Description of a


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