考研英语考前 冲刺阅读练习题

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1、公司的思维方式决定发展TextOne of the surest signs of middle age is that you actually listen when outsiders tell you that maybe its time that you started to slow down. Consider, if you will,whats happened lately with Microsoft, Amazon. com and wal-mart, all of which were once treated by Wall Street as high-grow

2、th companies. The more money they spent upgrading facilities and expanding into new markets, the more Wall Street loved them. All three had revolutionized their industries, were growing like mad and were more about tomorrows potential payoff than about today.Well, fans, today has arrived. The Street

3、 has issued a collective judgment on our three amigosits declared them to be middle-aged. It hasnt done this formally, of course. But if you look at how the Street has treated these three stocks lately, it s the only conclusion that you can draw.Being considered less-than-youthful isnt a total shock

4、 to Microsoft, which showed signs of middle-age onset when it started paying serious cash dividends a few years ago. But it s surprising to see Amazon and wal-mart act middle-aged. They both had seemed to be expanding without end-but they ve now decided it s time to slow their growth, at least in pa

5、rt to help keep Wall Street happy.Middle age, you see, has nothing to do with how old a company is-it has to do with how it thinks.Lets start with Microsoft, whose stock took an enormous hit in the spring when it said it would spend $2 billion more than expected on expansion. Thats chump change for

6、a company with $32 billion of cash on hand.What brings the whole middle-age thing into focus-at least for me-is back-to-back announcements by Amazon and Wal-Mart in late October. They both said they would cut capital spending, and their stocks shot up. Its the obverse of Microsoft:cutting expansion

7、produced large stock gains, as opposed to an increase producing a sharp decline.Amazon jumped an amazing 15 percent the day it made its announcement. This wouldnt have been all that unusual in Amazon s early days as a go-go Internet company during last decades stock-market bubble.Finally, theres Wal

8、-Mart, whose stock rose 4 percent when it announced sharp cutbacks in U. S expansion spending to keep it in line with its lower-than-expected sales and profit growth.There are plenty of mature businesses in the world. I work for one of them-and it makes perfect sense for them to behave in a middle-a

9、ged way rather than trying to be young and hip and go-go. Life is like that. Sooner. or later, everyone gets older.小试牛刀1.Whats the middle age sign of a company?A. It spends large amounts of money upgrading facilities.B. It makes every endeavor to explore potential marketC. It pays more attention to

10、payoffD. It tends to slow down the growth.2. whats the function of setting Amazon and Wal-Mart as examples of acting middle-aged in paragraph 3?A. It is surprising to see them as a middle-ageB. They used to be expanding endlesslyC. its strange that they suspend their pace all of a suddenD. Middle ag

11、e is connected with the way of thinking of a company3. What does the wordchumpmean in paragraph 4?A. absurdB. brilliantC. insidiousD. great4. What can t we learn from paragraph 5?A. Both Amazon and Wal-Mart would decrease fund costB. Microsoft cutting capital spending produced large stock gainsC The

12、 stock of wal-mart roared up when it cut capital spendingD When Microsoft increased spending, it resulted in the sharp decline of stock.5. whats the feature of mature businesses?A. They are more skilled with lots of experienceB. They pursue expansion in formsC. They choose the suitable forms of deve

13、lopment which suit themselvesD. They are always at the head of times试题解析1. 答案: D解析:推理判断题。根据第一段提到的,不管是人还是公司,该放慢一下生活的节奏时,就可以确信你已经步入中年人的行列了。而不是发展迅猛,改进设备和拓展新市场,大改革, 疯狂扩张,更多的关注于投资后可能产生的回报,因此可以判断出 A、B、C 三个选项都是错误的,只有 D 选项符合题意。2. 答案:D解析:事实细节题。第三段主要讲了“令人惊奇的是,亚马逊和沃尔玛竟然像一个步入中年的公司一样采取了一些行动。它们似乎一直都在进行着无止境的扩张,但是现

14、在它们宣布要减慢扩张的步伐”,这是为了说明最后一句,“是否步入中年和公司年龄无关一一却和它的思维方式有关。”故只有 D 选项是正确的。C 选项本身就是错误的,亚马逊和沃尔玛并没有突然停止脚步,只是减慢扩张的速度。A 选项项和 B 选项均不符合题意。3. 答案:A解析:词汇题。根据第四段的第一句话,“ whose stock took an enormous hit”,是个巨大的打击,可以说明“ chump”不是积极意义的单词,所以排除 B 选项和 D 选项,根据第四段, “对于一个手头上只有 320 亿美元流动资金的公司来说,它宣布将比预想中多投资 20 亿美元用于扩张”,A 选项是“不合理的

15、”意思,比较符合题意。而 C 选项是狡猾的意思,与本题无关。故正确答案是 A4. 答案:B解析:事实细节题。主要在第五段的最后一句话,讲的是,亚马逊和沃尔玛都表示将削减资本支出,因此 A 选项符合。“而与此同时它们的股票飙升。微软则恰好相反:亚马逊和沃尔玛削减扩张资本支出,导致股票飙升;相反微软加大扩张,却导致股票暴跌。”由此可以说明 C 选选项和 D 选项项符合。B 选项错误,应该是亚马逊和沃尔玛的股票都飚升,而不是微软。故本题的正确答案是 B5. 答案:C解析:主旨大意题。信息定位于第七段,在该段中提到,“它们们没有像年轻人一样拼命追求形式上的扩张,而是像一个理智的中年人一样选择适合自己的

16、方式发展”,因此 B 选项错误,C 选项是正确的。D 选项中的它们一直走在时代的最前线与文章不符。A 选项文章并没有提到。所以该题的正确答案是 C。参考译文实际上当外人告诉你也许你该放慢一下生活的节奏时,就可以确信你已经步入中年人的行列了。同理,对一个公司也是如此。有兴趣的话,可以看一下微软、亚马逊和沃尔玛最近都发生了些什么。这些公司曾被华尔街视为发展迅猛的公司。它们在改进设备和拓展新市场方面的投资越多,华尔街就越青睐它们。这三家公司曾经大力改革,疯狂扩张。他们不注重现在如何,而更多地关注于投资后可能产生的回报。好啦,亲爱的股民们,现在这一时刻来临了。华尔街已经对我们这三位朋友作出了一个共同的判断:它宣布它们已经像人一样步入中年期了。当然,它并没有正


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