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1、MGD与睑缘炎的诊断及治疗,周口市眼科医院,主要内容,MGD的诊断及治疗 睑缘炎的诊断及治疗 典必殊眼膏治疗睑缘炎的临床观察,“MGD的诊断与治疗”原则来自中华眼科学会角膜学组的推荐 以2011年悉尼APAO会MGD workshop为蓝本 历经中国眼表专家的数次讨论修改 角膜学组谢立信院士主审,睑板腺功能障碍 (Meibomianglanddysfuction,MGD),1. MGD的核心病理机制为 1:睑脂分泌异常 2:睑板腺导管过度角化 3:睑板腺导管过度角化和睑脂粘稠度增加 4:睑脂粘稠度增加 5:睑脂排出困难,定义,MGD:睑板腺的慢性、弥漫性 异常,通常以终末导管的堵塞、睑板腺分泌

2、物质或量的改变为特征。临床上会引起泪膜的异常、眼部刺激症状、炎症反应以及眼表疾病。,Nelson JD, et al. The international workshop on meibomian gland dysfunction: report of the definition and classification subcommittee. IOVS,Special Issue 2011;52(4):1930,MGD分类,睑缘解剖,全身最大的皮脂腺 不与毛囊直接接触 开口位于灰线与 Marx线之间,灰线(gray line)与Marx线的鉴别,睫毛位于灰线之前 睑板腺位于灰线之后 M

3、arx线=MCJ 睑板腺开口的内侧 宽0.20.3mm,Marx线,灰线,睑板腺,下睑腺体比上睑宽、短,组织学,单个睑板腺的组成 腺泡 周围导管 中央导管(内壁为复层鳞状上皮) 排泄管(内壁为全角化上皮),睑板腺的功能结构,腺泡:基底环、睑脂细胞 导管系统:四层复层鳞状上皮(初期角化) 排泄管的表皮:角化的鳞状上皮,腺泡的结构,全分泌腺泡:充满分泌细胞(meibocyte,睑脂细胞)周围绕以基底膜 腺泡周围有毛细血管(c)和神经纤维(n),睑脂的转运,睑脂的持续分泌产生的分泌压使其向外排泄 眼轮匝肌和Riolan肌的收缩对睑板腺的压迫作用驱使睑脂排出,睑板腺的生理特性,与睫毛毛囊的胚胎发育过程

4、和结构具有相同的特征,即上皮角化 是无毛干的毛囊,睑板腺脂质的生理特征,熔点为28c32c、在眼睑温度下保持液态 眼睑温度可影响其液化和粘稠度 粘稠度为9.719.5Pa.s,取决于作用力的不同 为非牛顿流体特性,降低粘稠度易排出,如,瞬目时的剪切力 睑板腺开口相对于中央导管变窄使剪切力增加 眼睑温度(35c37c)高于睑板腺脂质的熔点,睑板腺脂质的生理特性,屈光指数为1.461.53,但泪膜脂质层非常薄,对整体屈光状态无明显影响 睑缘的脂质300ug,泪膜的脂质约9ug,尚不清楚脂质如何从脂质库分布到眼表形成泪膜 表面活性剂是脂质分布于液体所必需的,睑脂对泪膜的作用,减少水层的蒸发 增加泪膜

5、稳定 促进泪膜分布,睑脂的其它功能,维持眼表的光学表面 屏障保护作用,减少微生物和有机物的侵袭 减少佩戴角膜接触镜的不适感 防止睑缘泪液溢出 防止皮脂对泪膜的污染 睡眠时封闭睑缘,病理机制,阻塞性MGD睑板腺结构改变过程,正常睑板腺与睑板腺阻塞,Knop E, et al. IOVS, Special tissue 2011;52(4):1938,Figure 18. From: The International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction: Report of the Subcommittee on Anatomy, Physiology

6、, and Pathophysiology of the Meibomian Gland. Comparison of the structure of a normal and an obstructed human meibomian gland. (A, B) A histologic section through a normal meibomian gland at the inner lid border. (A) The terminal part of the central duct (cd) and the terminal acini are encircled by

7、fibers of Riolans muscle (riol), which represents the marginal inner part of the orbicularis muscle (orb) and is split by the downgrowth of the ciliary (c) hairs compare with Fig. 5. The free lid margin is covered by the keratinized epidermis (ep), which transforms at the inner lid border into the c

8、onjunctival mucosa (conj). The section does not pass through the orifice of the central duct (cd). (B) In a magnification of (A), it is seen that the connecting ductules (de) from the acini (a) of a normal gland are typically narrow and enter the central duct in an oblique direction. (CE) Section th

9、rough a meibomian gland with obstructive MGD. (C) The orifice (open arrow) is in the typical position, still within the keratinized epidermis, which extends for about half a millimeter into the central duct and forms an excretory duct. Even though the obstruction is not very advanced, as judged from

10、 the moderate dilatation of the central duct (cd), there are distinct alterations of the gland structure. The cd is already partly dilated, the epithelium of the wall is thinner than in the normal gland, and the wall is partly undulated.,(D) The orifice is obstructed by numerous keratin lamellae (sm

11、all arrows). (E) The secretory acini (a) are distinctly smaller and more roundish than in a normal gland, whereas the ductules (de) are dilated and enter the central duct (cd) at about right angles (small arrows). An atypical lumen (asterisk) has formed within the acini, and the secretory meibocytes

12、 are reduced in number and form only a few remaining cell layers (arrowhead). In one location, the residual meibocytes of a presumably disrupted acinus appear integrated into the wall of the central duct (double arrowhead). Inflammatory leukocytes are not apparent. Taken together, these findings ind

13、icate atrophy of the dilated meibomian gland. Light microscopic images of paraffin-embedded sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H52(4):1938-1978. CitationFull text,2. 有关MGD患病率的描述哪项更准确 1:亚洲、老年人患病率高 2:亚洲人患病率高 3:白种人患病率高 4:儿童患病率高 5:老年人患病率高,MGD的流行病学,3. MGD的眼部危险因素为 1:佩戴角膜接触镜 2:睑缘炎 3:干眼 4:睑缘螨虫感染 5

14、:以上均是,MGD的危险因素,,LOGO,睑缘炎、干眼症、毛囊蠕形螨、角膜接触镜等,性激素缺乏、干燥综合症、高血压、高血脂、BPH、银屑病等,药物相关,全身性疾病,眼部疾病,绝经后激素替代治疗、抗抑郁药、抗组胺药、维甲酸等,MGD的临床表现,症状 自主症状:烧灼感、眼痒、异物感、搔抓感 视力:可有视物模糊、视力波动,MGD的临床表现,体征: 睑缘形态的变化 睑板腺分泌物的改变 睑板腺的缺失,睑缘形态的变化,睑板腺分泌物的改变,泡沫样分泌物,睑板腺分泌物性状改变及评分,方法:评价下睑中1/3区域8条睑板腺中每个腺体的分泌物性状(共计024分),睑板腺脂质排出难易度评分,方法:挤压下睑中央睑板腺,

15、评价中央5条腺体的分泌物排出难易度。 - 正常情况下,5条腺体均会有分泌物挤出 评分标准如下: 0分=所有腺体均有分泌物挤出 1分=34条腺体有分泌物挤出 2分=1-2条腺体有分泌物挤出 3分=所有腺体均无分泌物挤出,睑板腺缺失,睑板腺缺失评分及分级,评分:1分:睑板腺缺失2/3 上下睑板腺分级合计评分,共6分。 分级:0级:0-1分; 1级:2-3分; 2级:4-5分; 3级:6分,MGD的诊断,诊断标准 1. 症状 2. 睑缘部形态的变化 3. 睑板腺脂质性状及排出难易度的改变 4. 睑板腺缺失 5. 泪液的变化 6. 眼表及角膜的变化,MGD诊断依据,症状+24项中任何一项异常可诊断MG

16、D;如无症状则诊断为无症状MGD MGD诊断基础上+5异常,诊断为MGD伴蒸发过强性干眼 MGD诊断基础上+6异常,诊断为伴眼表损伤的MGD,MGD的临床分型,无症状MGD 有症状MGD MGD伴蒸发过强性干眼 伴眼表损伤的MGD,MGD分级及治疗原则(1),共分四级,MGD分级及治疗原则(2),MGD分级及治疗原则(3),MGD分级及治疗原则(4),双MGD伴眼表损伤,周某,男70岁,右眼反复眼红、畏光、流泪十年 查视力:右0.6,左0.7,IOP20mmHg 双睑板腺阻塞、泡沫样分泌物 右睫状充血,角膜周边360度NV及3mm宽灰白色混浊 左角膜边缘360度云翳 治疗:双热敷、清洁眼睑、按摩 典必殊膏 右qn,新泪然ou tid 治疗2月痊愈,右眼,左眼,睑缘炎的诊断与治疗,睑缘炎的定义 是指睑缘表面、睫毛毛囊及其腺体组织的亚急性或慢性炎症,睑缘炎的病因分类,Jackson WB, Blepharitis: current strategi


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