新人教版英语高一下module 3《unit 4 astronomy the science of the stars》ppt课件

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1、Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars Learning about language Noun clauses as the subject,life,is beginning,We were born,We are growing up,mother,For all these, we should give thanks to our mothers -because they give us our lives!,I think _ I wonder_ I feel _ Im sure _,Please share your feeling

2、s with us,What my mother likes is_ What my mother doesnt like is_ What makes my mother happy is_ What my mother needs is_ .,Q:Do you think you know your mother very well?,Q:Do you think your mother knows you very well?,It is obvious that my mother treats me as _ a little child B. a friend C. an adul

3、t D. ,That my mother always treats me as makes me _,What is the reason for the generation gap?,generation gap,The reason is that _ _ _ _,my mother is too busy to talk with me.,she cant understand me.,my mother doesnt like to accept new things.,I cant understand my mother either.,(more reasons),The r

4、eason is that,What is the reason for the generation gap?,That is why there is a generation gap between parents and children.,Try to say something to your mothers.,What I most want to say is that What I want to apologize is that,It is necessary that(should) Whether is not important.,It is a pity that

5、,Try to start it with:,Complete the sentence on your card. Discuss with your partners in your group and then choose one sentence that you all think is the best.,the usual construction: It is + adj./ n. + subject-clause,2. _ they can solve the question is still unknown. A. If B. Which C. Whether D. W

6、hat,3. _ he said at the meeting astonished everybody. A. Why B. What C. That D. Who,4. _ is a fact that English is accepted as an international language. A. There B. This C. That D. It,1. _ we need more practice is quite obvious. A. What B. That C. When D. /,2. Do the other astronomers accept his id

7、eas? It remains a question. Whether _ _,other astronomers accept his ideas remains a question.,Practice:(p29),4. Why is the earth becoming warmer? It is an important topic for research. Why _ _ 5. Stephen Hawking at 65 experienced zero gravity during a flight. It amazed everybody. It amazed everybod

8、y _ _,the earth is becoming warmer is an important topic for research.,that Stephen Hawking at 65 experienced zero gravity during a flight.,I think “mother” is an important word to learn and that “mother” is an important person to love.,I want to tell you:,2. It is necessary that we should love our

9、mothers, respect them and take care of them in future.,I want to tell you:,3. My dream is that one day there will be no generation gap between our mums and us.,I want to tell you:,I think “mother” is an important word to learn and that “mother” is an important person to love.,object clause 宾语从句,2. I

10、t is necessary that we should love our mothers, respect them and take care of them in future.,subject clause 主语从句,3. My dream is that one day there is no generation gap between our mums and us.,predicative clause 表语从句,astronomy atom fundamental puzzle exist preventfrom as a result give birth to,Comp

11、lete the following passage with the words and phrases below in the correct form.(p28),天文学,原子,基础的,谜, 迷惑,存在,生存,阻止,制止,结果,产生,分娩,Is the moon a planet ? This question is _if students are to show that they understand the nature of _. Some scientists think that the earth _ the moon because the moon circles

12、our planet. Others believe that the moon _ before the earth was formed. They think that earlier in time it travelled through space as a small planet which was caught by the earths gravity. _, it goes around our planet. The evidence for this theory is that the _ that make up the rocks on the moon see

13、m to be different from those on earth. What is clear is that the moon is smaller than the earth and this _ it _ escaping from the earth. Although its origin may still be a _, the moon can never be anything more than a satellite of the earth.,fundamental,astronomy,gave birth to,existed,As a result,at

14、oms,prevents,from,puzzle,Is the moon a planet ? This question is _if students are to show that they understand the nature of _. Some scientists think that the earth _ the moon because the moon circles our planet. Others believe that the moon _ before the earth was formed. They think that earlier in time it travelled through space as a small planet which was caught by the earths gravity. _, it goes around our planet. The evidence for this theory is that the _ that make up the rocks on the moon seem to be different from tho



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