人教版选修七unit 1 《living well》(第3课时 learning about language)ppt课件

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1、1abolish vt. 废除;废止 Slavery was abolished in the US. in the 19th century. 美国的奴隶制在19世纪就已经被废除了。 Welfare programs cannot be abolished that quickly. 福利项目不能那么快就被废止。,【词语辨析】 abolish与cancel 这两个动词均含“取消、废除”之意 (1)abolish正式用词,指彻底废除某种制度、规章或习俗。 These superstitious practices should be abolished as soon as possible.

2、 这些迷信做法应尽早取消。 (2)cancel 用法广泛,多指取消债务、合同、证书、比赛、旅行、计划或约会等。 The match had to be cancelled because of bad weather. 比赛因天气不好只得取消。,知识运用 (1)He served 27 years in prison for fighting to_whiteonly rule. Apolish Bpunish Cabolish Ddominate 答案:C 句意:他因参加了废除白人专制统治的斗争而被判服刑27年。abolish在此是“废除”之意。,(2)采用abolish或 cancel的适

3、当形式填空: If the worst comes to the worst, well have to_our holiday plans. There are many bad customs and laws that ought to_. After New China was founded, the old system_and democratic reforms were carried out in one minority area after another. All that preparation was for nothing because the visit_.

4、,答案: cancel 本题题意:要是情况不妙,我们就只好取消度假计划了。 be abolished 本题题意:有许多不良的习俗和法规应予以废除。 was abolished 本题题意:新中国建立之后,少数民族地区先后实行了民主改革,废除了旧制度。 was cancelled 本题题意:因为访问取消了, 一切准备工作都白费了。,2resign v. 辞职,辞去(工作、职务等);甘心忍受 They overheard him say that he hoped John would resign. 他们无意中听他说希望约翰辞职。 The Minister of Education resigne

5、d from office yesterday. 教育部长昨天辞职了。 His father resigned his directorship last year. 他父亲去年辞去了董事职务。,He resigned himself entirely to her will. 他完全顺从了她的意志。 I resigned myself to losing my bike. 我把自行车丢了,感到无可奈何。,知识拓展 (1)resign as. 辞去职务 He resigned as chairman. 他辞去了主席一职。 (2)resign from. 辞去在的职务 She totally r

6、esigned from the government. 她正式辞去政府职务。 (3)resign over 因而辞职 Three members of the committee resigned over the issue. 该委员会三名成员因此事辞职。,知识运用 采用适当的介词填空。 (1)He resigned_the company in order to take a more challenging job. (2)He resigned his post_headmaster. (3)He was forced to resign_ill health. 答案:(1)from

7、 (2)as (3)over,动词不定式 .动词不定式在句中的作用 动词不定式在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语、定语或状语。 1作主语: To do morning exercises is useful for our health. 做早操有利于我们的健康。 To know something about English is one thing; to know English is quite another. 懂一点英语是一回事,掌握英语完全又是另一回事。,知识拓展 在很多情况下,尤其是口语中,我们通常用形式主语it来代替不定式作主语,而将不定式移至句子后面去,这样使句子显得

8、比较平稳,避免“头重脚轻”的现象。 It is not an easy thing to master a language. 学好一门语言是不容易的。 It feels good to be out here for a while. 出来在这儿待一会儿是挺舒服的。,2作宾语: Weve decided to experiment with a new method. 我们已经决定用新方法进行实验。 We want to know all about his adventure. 我们想知道他奇遇的一切情况。,知识拓展 1)及物动词(短语)agree, want, wish, hope, r

9、efuse, manage, ask, offer, promise, pretend, decide, learn, determine, expect, beg, choose, force, intend, attempt, care, fail, hesitate, claim, long(v.), strive, plan, prepare, would like(love, prefer)等后面要求接动词不定式作宾语。 She had agreed to go and see a movie with him. 她同意和他一起出去看电影。 They walked because t

10、hey couldnt afford to take a taxi. 他们因为坐不起出租车而步行。,2)当动词不定式作宾语时,若其后跟一个宾语补足语,则往往用it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语移至句末,以使句子重心后移,即构成句型“主语谓语动词it宾补(形容词或名词)动词不定式(短语)其它成分”。能用于这种句型中的谓语动词常见的有:think, feel, imagine, consider等。 I thought it impossible to arrive there in half an hour. 我认为半小时到达那儿是不可能的。 I feel it my duty to say tha

11、t you are wrong. 我认为我有责任说你是错误的。,3)动词不定式一般不用作介词的宾语,但是介词(短语)but, except, besides, instead of等后面可以接动词不定式作宾语。 The prisoner had no choice but to obey. 这位囚徒除了服从没有别的选择。 Nothing remained for us to do, except to clean the dishes. 除了洗盘子,我们没有什么事可干。,What else has he done besides(to)read newspaper? 他除了读报,还做了什么事?

12、 The lawyer tried to speak instead of(to)keep silent. 律师不再沉默,要发言了。,知识拓展 若谓语是动词do的各种形式时,介词but, except, besides等后接动词不定式作宾语时,常省略to。例如: He could do nothing but wait till the manager finished his job.他除了等经理完成他的工作外,别无选择。 4)动词(短语)advise, decide, discuss, find out, forget, know, learn, remember, see, show,

13、think, wonder等后面常接“疑问代(副)词动词不定式”结构作宾语。用于这种结构中的疑问代(副)词常见的有what, who(m), which, whether, which, when, where, how等;注意:why不可用于该结构中。另外这种结构还可与介词of, on等连用一起作定语,修饰前面的名词。,No one knew what to do next. 没有人知道下一步该怎样办。 They dont know whether to stay or not. 他们不知道是留还是不留。 I knew when to leave. 我知道何时出发。 Everyone wan

14、ted to know how to make silk. 每个人都想了解如何织丝。,Marx gave us some advice on how to master a foreign language. 马克思给我们提出了如何学好外语的建议。 Everyone has his own idea of how to do it. 每个人都有自己如何做这件事的想法。,3作宾补: They told him not to be late again. 他们告诉他不要再迟到了。 The parents dont allow their children to go out at night. 父

15、母不让他们的孩子们晚上外出。 Let him try once more. 让他再试一次。 I saw him enter the room. 我看见他进了房间。,知识拓展 (1)在make, let, have, see, hear, watch, notice, feel, observe, listen to, look at等动词(短语)后的复合宾语中,不定式要省略to;变为被动语态时,to不能省略,此时不定式作主语补足语。 They were made to work day and night. 他们被迫日夜工作。 The boy was seen to enter the roo

16、m. 有人看见小男孩走进了房间。,(2)有些动词如think, consider, believe, know, find, expect等用“to be形容词或名词”作宾语补足语,to be有时可省略。 We consider you(to be)the best man for the job. 我们认为你是最适合做这项工作的人。 He thought the answer(to be)interesting. 他认为这个回答很有趣。 They found her(to be)an able woman. 他们发现她是个能干的女士。,4作表语: Your job today is to clean the playground. 你今天的工作是打扫操场。 Her wi


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