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1、关于英语课程资源 开发与利用的思考及实践,苏州市教科院 胡 明 2009年10月22日,Why are we here today? or What are we here for?,What are we here for? For Teacher Development,教师发展,把教师自身发展作为一种自觉的行动 把发展学生作为自己的日常行动 通过不断发展自己来促进学生不断发展,资源开发与利用,Who are the VIPs as far as teaching resource development is concerned?,Obama speech,百年大计, 教育为本; 教育大

2、计, 教师为本。,About Obamas speech to students,Two key points: Responsibility Working hard,Teachers Responsibility 老师的责任,Teachers responsibility is to inspire students, and push them to learn.,什么是英语课程资源?,什么是英语课程资源?,英语课程资源包括英语教材以及有利于发展学生综合运用语言能力的其他所有材料和辅助设施。 (选自英语课程标准) Resource: something such as a book, f

3、ilm, or picture used by teachers or students to provide information. (From Longman Dictionary),什么是英语课程的核心资源?,什么是英语课程的核心资源?,英语教材,什么是英语课程的核心资源?,英 语 教 材,学生用书 教师用书 练习册 活动册 挂图 卡片 音像带 多媒体光盘 配套读物,如何充分利用好教材资源?,使用新教科书的过程本身是教师成长发展的过程; 使用新教科书需要教师本身的能动性与创造性;教科书中的学习资源是有限的,而教师以此创造出的学习资源却可以是无限的。教师要做教科书的主人,而不是教科书的奴

4、隶。再好的教科书也会有局限性,也会有不适应性,需要教师去补充、去创造、去升华。,如何充分利用好教材资源?,教 教 材,用 教 材 教,如何充分利用好教材资源?,根据学生实际(需求)优化教材资源 从ready-made到tailor-made,如何充分利用好教材资源?,1 attend 2 earn 3 challenging 4 extra 5 prepare 6 drop 7 desserts,difficult in an interesting way that tests your ability make something ready give up go to more than

5、 usual sweet food eaten at the end of a meal get something because you have done something good,如何充分利用好教材资源?,1 attend 2 earn 3 challenging 4 extra 5 prepare 6 drop 7 desserts,bombs care dinner job meeting money,教材workbook上的阅读文章,M1 Unit 1 Reading A: Should students wear school uniforms or not? I: 根据所

6、给中文,找出英文表达: 1. 感觉就像队中的一部分 2. 感到自傲 3. 看上去挺时髦的 4. 穿着昂贵的衬衣 5. 把注意力放在学习上 (自主学习练习),教材workbook上的阅读文章,判断正误 1. The writer holds the view that students should wear school uniforms. 2. The writer thinks the aim of going to school is to learn not to look fashionable. 3. According to the writer, fashionable clo

7、thes do need special care. 4. Nowadays, school uniforms are fashionable and colourful. 5. Students are encouraged to wear leisure clothes at and outside school.,其他资源,报纸 图片 海报 杂志 影片 网络,电视 电台 录像 软件 实物,选择资源的基本原则,教育性 时代性 基础性 多样性 适用性,适用性,如何确定阅读文章的难度?,适用性,Flesch Reading Ease score to Readability level: 0

8、29 Very difficult 30 49 Difficult 50 59 Fairly difficult 60 - 69 Standard 70 79 Fairly easy 80 89 Easy 90 - 100 Very easy,The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level is a numerical indication of the grade level required to read and understand a given sample of text. This script wil

9、l grab your journals latest entries, perform the Flesch-Kincaid analysis on them, and tell you the reading level of your selection, as well as some handy statistics.,easy difficult 1 12,Flesch Reading Ease The Flesch Reading Ease is a percentage scale of readability for text documents based upon the

10、 Gunning Fog Index, and also taking into consideration the proportion of passive and active verbs. The Flesch Reading Ease rates documents from 0 to 100%, the higher the percentage being the easier to read.,Flesch Reading Ease score to Readability level: 0 29 Very difficult 30 49 Difficult 50 59 Fai

11、rly difficult 60 - 69 Standard 70 79 Fairly easy 80 89 Easy 90 - 100 Very easy,The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level is a numerical indication of the grade level required to read and understand a given sample of text. This script will grab your journals latest entries, perfor

12、m the Flesch-Kincaid analysis on them, and tell you the reading level of your selection, as well as some handy statistics.,easy difficult 1 12,开发资源,There should be opportunities for choice in accordance with students learning needs and interests. There will always be place for informal teacher-made

13、materials prepared with a specific group of students in mind, along published materials which have the advantage of professional preparation. (p353) H.H.Stern. 1996 语言教学的问题与可选策略M 上海外语教育出版社,词汇过关及词汇学习卡片,帮助学生攻克词汇关,Important English words(常用的和基本的) 过六关 过单词识记关 过词汇转换关 过不规词汇关 过各种词组关 过相似词汇关 过相异词汇关,帮助学生攻克词汇关,

14、过单词识记关 Recognize the basic meaning. available biology century devotion environment,帮助学生攻克词汇关,I: 请写出下列动词的名词形式: amaze arrange confuse decide encourage,expect explain succeed suggest surprise,2. 过词汇转换关 Grasp word formation合成、派生、转换,帮助学生攻克词汇关,3. 过不规词汇关 动词 make made made making 名词 foot feet tooth teeth 形容

15、词 little less least 副词 well better best 双写 admit admitted refer referred,帮助学生攻克词汇关,4. 过各种词组关 动词 pay off give out turn down 形容词 be proud of be afraid of 名词 in return in need under repair,帮助学生攻克词汇关,adopt adapt affect effect,expect except quite quiet,5. 过相似词汇关 similar in form,帮助学生攻克词汇关,happy sad intere

16、sting boring correct wrong polite rude clear confusing,happy unhappy interesting uninteresting correct incorrect polite impolite clear unclear,6. 过相异词汇关,后缀举例,如何解决词汇学习的难题?,There is no short cut but rules. The thing is whether you can discover the rules together with your students.,Work language out,感悟微观语言规律 work language out,


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