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1、专 业 英 语,王玉洁 广东工业大学 环境科学与工程学院,1,课程要求,出席率 课堂积极发言 考试安排,2,对课程的理解 用英文简单的介绍一下自己的专业,3,课程安排,研究论文的结构 研究论文的常用语法、词汇和句型 研究论文的常见错误 以杂志要求为例,介绍研究论文的修改 按照专业方向讨论文献,4,第一部分 研究论文的结构,5,研究论文的结构,Title Authors Affiliation Abstract Key words Introduction Material and method Result and discussion Conclusion Acknowledgement R

2、eference,6,title,举例: Synthesis of PHAs from Waster under Various C: N Ratios Cloning and Expression the PHA Synthase Gene PhaCI into Bacilus Synthesis of Poly-hydroxyalkanoates from Activated Sludge under Various Oxidation-Reduction Potentials Study of microfiltration behaviour of oily wastewater Oi

3、ly wastewater treatment by means of ceramic membrane,7,Authors and Affiliation,作者: 按照对论文的贡献排序作者顺序 最重要的是第一作者和通讯作者 单位: 名称,地址,邮编等。(参照杂志要求) Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510006 China,8,Abstract,摘要: 一般都有字数要求 内容上要写清楚,本研究的主要工作和结果。 What the

4、research questions in the manuscript was/were How the research was carried out What the main finding or conclusions were What further research could arise from such findings,9,Key words,关键词: 选取本研究的35个关键词,10,Introduction,介绍研究的背景,前人的研究成果和遇到的问题,从而引出本研究的主要内容和目的意义。,11,Introduction,练习: There are many situ

5、ations in which you may have to explain that your research is about: for example: in a research proposal, in a thesis abstract or introduction, in meetings with your supervisor, at seminars or conferences, when talking to friends, and so on. Can you think of other situations in which you have had to

6、 explain your research?,12,Introduction,练习Explain your research to other students One of the biggest difficulties when you are explaining your research(written or spoken) is to anticipate what the listener/reader will know and what they wont know. You must adjust your language depending on the level

7、 of knowledge of your listener/reader and modify your language in terms of : How much background information you need to give the listener/reader so that they can understand your specific topic How much depth you go into when you are explaining your specific topic How much complex terminology you wi

8、ll use Whether you need to define this terminology for the listener/reader,13,Introduction,Take a few moments to think about this and how you would explain your research to the students sitting next to you. Here are some questions to guide you: What is the general field of your research? What is the

9、 particular topic within this field that you are interested in? What specific questions or problems are you interested in? Why are these questions/problems important?,14,Introduction,When you are listening to other students, pay close attention to anything you do not understand. Help each other by a

10、sking for further explanation: “ can you explain . ?” “what exactly do you mean by ?,15,Introduction,练习write an introduction to your research Write a brief introduction to your proposed research. The description should be written for someone interested in your topic but does not know much about it.

11、Explain the research area. Explain your specific research gap. If you can, you can talk about your methodology and research question as well. Use whatever structure you need for your research, but the style should be a formal, academic written style.,16,Material and method,介绍实验中的材料和方法,17,Result and

12、discussion,研究论文的核心部分 结果: 主要阐述本研究的结果,创新点,首次取得了那些成果 讨论: 针对结果展开讨论,可以引用别人的论述来证明自己的结果,18,Writing about data,The concept of data Data is a keyword in postgraduate research. A paper without data is not really a paper. However, there are different kinds of data: 1. data that is collected: in some kinds of r

13、esearch, data is gathered or collected, using experimental methods, surveys and interviews, observations, etc. is found or selected:in other kinds of research the data is found. Sometimes, the data is constructed.,19,Writing about data,Results, findings and discussion Data rarely comes in a f

14、orm that can be directly transferred to the printed page and be understood by other people. You have to write about it. This often involves three steps: 1. reporting results 2. summarizing findings 3. discussing result and findings.,20,Writing about data,reporting results The concept of results may

15、apply more readily to research where the data are processed in order to produce numerical or statistical outcomes. In this kind of research, the results are often reported in the form of tables or graphs. The important point to remember here is that tables and graphs do not speak for themselves. You

16、 usually have to summarize the key information in words. Failing to do this is a common weakness in postgraduate paper.,21,Writing about data,summarizing findings If your data have “results”, your “finding” are generalization about the phenomenon based on those results. Imagine you have administered a test to100 boys and 100 girls. Your result may be that : The average scores were 67 marks for the boys and 89 marks for the girls out of 100 marks. Your finding would be that: The girls p


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