初中人教版新目标英语九年级精品课件unit3 section b-1

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1、Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,Section B Period One,Objectives,To learn to understand and use should + be allowed to To read, speak, listen and discuss about what you are not allowed to do,Do you ever get to class late?,Yes, I always get to class late.,I usually get

2、to class late.,I sometimes get to class late.,No, I never get to class late.,Youre not allowed to get to class late.,How often do you do these things?,do homework alone,get up so late,clean up your room,watch TV on weekends,Read the questions. How often do you do these things? Write “A” (for always)

3、, “U” (for usually), “S” (for sometimes) and “N” (for never). (1a),Do you ever get to school late? _ study with friends? _ 3. finish a test early? _ 4. worry that youll fail a test? _,S,S,N,A,Sample dialogue 1: A: Do you ever get to class late? B: Yes, I sometimes get to class late.,Pairwork,Talk ab

4、out your answers in 1a.,Sample dialogue 2: A: Do you ever worry that youll fail a test? B: Yes, I always worry about that. Sample dialogue 3: A: Do you ever forget to do your homework? B: Oh, no. I never forget to do my homework.,1. get to school late? 2. study with friends? 3. finish a test early?

5、4. worry that youll fail a test?,Do you ever,Listen and circle the things in 1a that you hear. (2a),1. Peter is going to 2. He isnt allowed to 3. Peter wasnt allowed to 4. He could 5. He should be allowed to ,c,e,a,b,d,Listen again. Match these sentences parts with 1a. (2b),Read the following statem

6、ents. Then discuss them with your group.,Pairwork,Sample dialogue,Tips for teacher,Let the word fly 板块是帮助学生学 习一些一词多义、熟词生意的词汇。 通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见词 的用法、意思有一个透彻的了解。,1. He gets first prize in the listening contest. 他得到听力比赛第一名。,Let the word fly,get,试着翻译下面的英文,注意单词get的用法。,2. I got a new coat in that store las

7、t week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。 3. The police got the thief. 警察捉住了贼。 4. I didnt get any answer from him. 我没有收到他的回信。 5. Ill get you something to eat. 我将给你弄点吃的。 6. Can you get the machine running? 你能把这机器发动起来吗?,7. Could you get me Hong Kong, please. 请给我接通香港。 8. We can get 18 channels on TV. 我们可以收看到十八个频道的电视节 目

8、。 9. Dont get me wrong. 不要误会我的意思。 10. I got him to stay for the night. 我说服他留下过夜。,11. We must get the rock out of the path. 我们必须把石头从路上搬走。 12. He finally got the answer to the algebra problem. 他终于算出了这道代数题的答案。 13. We must get the ten oclock plane. 我们一定要赶上十点的飞机。 14. Everyone in our room got the flu. 我们房

9、间里的所有人都患了流感。,1) Where did you get that skirt? 2) Go and get your breakfast. 3) I got a lot from the story. 4) Get John a drink.,buy,eat,learned,bring,请试着用英语解释划线的单词。,5) Every day we get a lot of homework to do. 6) Li Ming doesnt study hard, so he often gets low marks in test. 7) You should get your f

10、riends to help you. 8) Dad has gone to Hong Kong. He got there last night.,have,receives,ask,arrived,万能词get用法小结,get 得到,获得; 带来; 受到; 接收到; 买; 达到; 患上; 与(某人)通电话; 处于; 使(某事)发生,使完成(某事);开始; 抵达; 接(电话),应(门); 抓住,捉住,逮住; 理解,明白,Do you know?,Gives as good as one gets. 2. The car will find its way round the hill whe

11、n it gets there.,Can you get the meaning of each sentence?,一报还一报。(以德报德,以怨抱怨),车到山前必有路。,3. Harm set, harm get. 4. He who makes constant complaint gets little compassion. 5. Its easier to get money than to keep it.,害人害己。,挣钱容易攒钱难。,经常诉苦,没人同情。,活学活用,从上面给出的例句中我们可以看到get这个词的含义非常丰富。请根据以上例句,选择两到三个get的不同含义进行造句。,

12、Review,课时重点回顾,Do you ever get to school late? study with friends? finish a test early? worry that youll fail a test? sometimes, always, usually, never,将下列句子改为被动语态。,He feeds his pet parrot every day. _ 2. Her uncle gave her a nice schoolbag yesterday. (两种方法) _ _ _ _,A nice schoolbag was given to her

13、by her uncle yesterday.,His pet parrot is fed every day.,She was given a nice schoolbag by her uncle yesterday.,3. Mr Zhang can mend my mobile phone. _ _ 4. The workers are building new houses in Wenchuan now. _ _ 5. I saw him cleaning the room. _,He was seen cleaning the room.,My mobile phone can b

14、e mended by Mr Zhang.,New houses are being built in Wenchuan now.,从II栏中找出I栏各句的答语。,I ( ) 1. Whats the matter with Tom? ( ) 2. What rules are there in your family? ( ) 3. Do you think she should stop wearing jeans? ( ) 4. How do you often study for math? ( ) 5. You werent allowed to take the test, wer

15、e you?,II My parents dont allow me to hang out with others on Sundays. B. He missed the early bus this morning. C. Thats right. D. We are allowed to study in groups. E. Yes. They look terrible.,Answer: 15 B A E D C,Preview,Is your uniform beautiful? Is your uniform comfortable? Do you like to wear uniform?,Write rules for your English class.,Homework,Thank you.,



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