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1、“Empty nester“ problem situation and countermeasures,“空巢老人”问题状况及其对策研究,Directory,一、Introduction 二、The current basic condition “empty nester“ 三、 How to improve “empty nester“ conditions of life 四、Conclusion,一、绪论 二、当前“空巢老人”的基本状况 三、如何改善“空巢老人”的生活状况 四、结论,一、Introduction,With the development of society and

2、the traditional family mode decomposition, more and more old people marched into the “empty nester“ ranks, they rather part of life in the spirit and need to be concerned about, help and comfort for. The research “empty nester“, have very important theoretical and practical significance. This paper

3、mainly discusses the use of community care a window “empty nester“ approach: health care “empty nester“; Explore ways of family endowment; Play social forces to care about “empty nester“; Encourage “empty nester“ join in community activities; Establish “empty nester“ information network.,一、绪论 随着社会的发

4、展和传统家庭模式的分解,越来越多的老年人步入了“空巢老人”的行列,他们中相当一部分在生活和精神方面需要得到关心、帮助和慰籍。研究“空巢老人”问题,具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。论文着重探讨利用社区这一窗口关爱“空巢老人”的途径:关心“空巢老人”健康;探索居家养老方式;发挥社会力量来关心“空巢老人”;鼓励“空巢老人”参加社区活动;建立“空巢老人”信息网络。,二、The current basic condition of “empty nest old man“,1, sick to go to a doctor 2, all alone lack of communication 3, on

5、the phenomenon of boomerang kids is not optimistic 4, and living conditions remained to be improved 5, endowment way be restricted,二、当前“空巢老人”的基本状况 、患病就医难 、孤单无助缺少交流 、啃老现象不容乐观 、生活条件有待改善 、养老方式受到制约,1, sick to go to a doctor “Empty nester“ in a “go out a lock, enter the door to a lamp“ lonely life at the

6、 same time, the need to “three guarantees“, namely: the economic support security, medical expenses for medicine security and life care for security. Nanjing ordinary old worker monthly pension payments in 1000 multivariate, can only be used for daily expenses, meets the disease can do. “Empty neste

7、r“, the elder sick ratio as high as 70%-80%, and many people are more with the disease. According to information, nanjing city “empty nester“ medical spending a year on average is 5000 yuan, many people who dont have health insurance, become financially-difficult or outstanding phenomenon.,1、患病就医难。“

8、空巢老人”在过着“出门一把锁,进门一盏灯”寂寥生活的同时,最需要“三大保障”,即:经济供养保障、医疗药费保障和生活照料保障。南京普通老职工每月退休金在1000多元,只能用于日常支出,遇到疾病等就无能为力了。“空巢老人”中,长年患病的比率高达7080,并且不少人都是多病缠身。据了解,南京城市“空巢老人”每年平均医药费支出为5000元,很多人没有医保,因病致贫现象突出。,2, all alone lack of communication Empty nest feeling also is loneliness, but this kind of loneliness added in thou

9、ght, self-pity and helpless and so on in the complex emotional experience. The old man has empty nest feeling, most of the depression and melancholy solitude, behavior back down. Many of them are restrained, very few and social interaction.,2、孤单无助缺少交流。空巢感也就是孤独感,但这种孤独感里又增添了思念、自怜和无助等复杂的情感体验。有空巢感的老人,大都

10、心情抑郁,惆怅孤寂,行为退缩。他们中许多人深居简出,很少与社会交往。有的老人在老伴离去后,由于子女反对或思想观念陈旧,不敢或拒绝再婚。他们本来就性格内向,整日里又一人独守空房,心理郁闷势必影响其自身健康状况。,3, on the phenomenon of boomerang kids is not optimistic According to the survey, although “empty nester“ children 85% have income, but 70% of the old man cant get their childrens support or medi

11、cal treatment fee funding. And because the laid-off workers and their children or grandchildren will purchase school and other reasons, they still have to squeeze out the meager retirement pension, help children take expenses.,3、啃老现象不容乐观。据调查,虽然“空巢”老人子女中85%有收入,但70%的老人得不到子女的赡养或医疗费用资助。且由于子女下岗、购房或孙辈上学择校

12、等原因,他们还得挤出微薄的退休金,帮助子女承担开支。,4, living conditions remained to be improved Part of the “empty nester“ living environment dark wet, the daily health cleaning does not reach the designated position, daily articles on bed piled up around, make originally narrow space appear narrow disorder. Their old and

13、frail, still have to buy food cooking. For figure convenient save trouble, often cook a meal eat three meals, and some have to save money, line up for food at a discount price. Even some old man is still in use was eliminated coal stove.,4、生活条件有待改善。部分“空巢”老人的居住环境阴暗潮湿,日常卫生保洁不到位,还把日常用品堆放于床的周围,使原本狭小的空间显

14、得紊乱窄小。他们年老体弱,还得买菜煮饭。为图方便省事,常常煮一顿吃三餐,有的还为省钱,排队购买降价打折食物。甚至有的老人还在使用被淘汰的煤炭炉。,5, endowment way be restricted Family endowment is Chinas traditional pension mode, in rural still accounts for a major position. The old the essential, the most important is to rely on the care of the children loved ones. With

15、 the transition from traditional society to modem society, the old peoples idea and also in decline, they think that rely on social endowment help provide is the future trend of endowment. Although in the endowment concept is influenced by many factors, but low income is to influence the old man end

16、owment options to important factors.,5、养老方式受到制约。家庭养老是我国的传统养老模式,在农村仍占主要地位。老年人最根本、最重要的是靠子女亲人的关爱。随着传统社会向现代社会转变,老人们的养儿防老观念也在逐渐淡化,他们认为依靠社会提供养老帮助是今后养老趋势。虽然在养老观念上受诸多因素影响,但收入低是影响老人养老方式选择的重要因素。,三、 How to improve “empty nester“ conditions of life,1, care about “empty nester“ health 2, to explore the way of family endowment 3, play social forces to care about “empty nester“ 4, encourage “empty nester“ join in community activities 5, establish “empty nester“ information network,三、如何改善“空


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