语文版中职英语(拓展模块)unit 8《general science》ppt课件1

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1、Unit 8 General Science,Work and Power,Warming Up,Answer the following three questions. 1. Do you know how to read “3+4=7” in English? 2. Can you explain Ohms Law in English? 3. Are you interested in books on science in English?,Lead in,Lets look at the two pictures: What is the man doing? What is th

2、e woman doing? If a force of 2000N causes the weights to move 2 meters, how can you calculate the work done by the man? If a force of 80N can make the lawnmower move along straight line for a distance of 40 meters, what is the work done by the woman?,Fast Reading,Answer the following questions accor

3、ding to the text. 1. What is the definition of “work”? 2. How do you calculate the amount of work done? 3. What is the definition of 1 Joule? 4. What is the definition of “power”? 5. What is the definition of 1 watt?,Language Points,in everyday life 在日常生活中 prevent sb (from) doing 阻止某人做某事 eg. The hea

4、vy rain yesterday prevented us (from) coming.,everyday: adj. “日常的,平常的”,作定语,every day:名词词组,“每天” 作状语,3. In the direction of 沿着的方向 eg. She turned in the direction of the the park. 4. That is to say. 也就是说 eg. He is a good student; that is to say, he gets good grades in school.,5. 数学符号在英语中的表达: “ = ” equa

5、l; be equal to; is; make “ ” times; multiplied by “ ” divided by “ + ” plus; and; add “ ” minus eg. 3*5=15 2+4=6 17-5=12 9/3=3,6. In order to + V原 “为了,以便” 表目的 eg. Lets walk faster in order to keep warm. Adj n. high height long length strong strength deep depth wide width,8. apply to 把施加到/ 添到 apply for 申请 9. as: “当的时候”,引导时间状语从句,与相近,强调两个动作同时发生,或某事一发生,另一事立即发生。 eg. As she sang, the tears ran down her checks. 10. Work out: “算出,解出” 11. Be measured in: 以单位计算”,Practice,Reading Comprehension Language Study,Homework,Read the text fluently,Goodbye!,


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