牛津译林版必修二unit 1《tales of the unexplained》ppt拓展课件

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1、Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained 教材背景链接,I think,therefore I am. R.Descartes 我思故我在。 R 笛卡尔 Wonders will never cease. 奇妙无穷尽。 True science teaches,above all,to doubt and be ignorant. M.de Unamuno 真正的科学首先是教人怀疑并无知。 西班牙哲学家乌纳穆诺,Dream is creation.Hope is call.Creating illusion is facilitating reality. V.Hugo

2、梦想就是创造。希望就是召唤。制造幻想就是促成现实。V 雨果,Stonehenge,It cant be a templebut it could be a calendar. Every year,thousands of tourists from all over the world visit Stonehenge.This is not only one of Englands most famous historical places,but also one of its greatest mysteries. Why was it built?,For a long time,h

3、istorians believed that Stonehenge was a temple where special priests prayed to ancient earth gods.However,historian Paul Stoker thinks this isnt true.“Stonehenge cant be a temple,”he says,“because those priests didnt arrive in England until a few hundred years BC.And we know that Stonehenge was bui

4、lt many,many centuries earlier than that.”,Another popular idea is that Stonehenge might be a kind of calendar.This is because the large stones have been put in position so that on a midsummers morning,the suns rays go directly into the center.And some people believe it was used to predict an eclips

5、e of the sun.Again,no one is sure what Stonehenge was used for,but most historians agree that the position of the stones must be for a special purpose. There are other ideas,too.Some historians think it might be a burial place,or a place,to honor ancestors.Others think that it was built to celebrate

6、 a great victory over an enemy.,But till now it is also a mystery. Tell whether the following sentences are true(T) or false(F) according to the passage. 1Stonehenge is a city which was built with stones.( ) 2Stonehenge is actually used as a temple.( ) 3Stonehenge is a kind of calendar.( ) 4No one knows what Stonehenge was really built for. ( ) Keys:1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T,


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