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1、English Advertisements Style,广告英语文体,广告英语文体的词汇特点,大众商品普遍使用口语体词语 特定商品适当使用高雅文辞 喜用褒义形容词 经常选用简短动词 妙用人称代词 灵活使用不定代词 大量采用复合词 酌情使用前,后缀 经常重复关键词语 即兴创造新词 巧妙借用外来词语,An ad. of a microwave oven 微波炉推销广告,“I couldnt believe it! Until I tried it!” “Im really impressed!” “Youve gotta try it!” “I love it!”,一. 大众商品普遍使用口语体词

2、语,广告英语通常选用简单和常用的词汇,多用口语表达. 口语词汇通俗易懂,富有表现力,读起来朗朗上口,适合男女老幼和各个社会阶层,可达到家喻户晓之效果.,PETAL-DROPS: FOR THE GIRL WHO WANTS A PETAL-SOFT SKIN 花瓣露:献给希望肌肤细嫩如花瓣的姑娘,With Petal-Drops moisturising Bay-Essence, you can give your skin a petal-fresh softness and fragrance that will last and last the whole day through. B

3、ecause Petal-Drops is a special blend of mild soapless oils, delicately perfumed herbal essences and the gentlest of toning agentsall combined with loving care to give that oh-so-good-to-be-alive feeling. Relax, Petal-Drop your way to a smooth, silky skin. Choose from two exciting fragrances; New Pe

4、tal-Drops “Coriander”with its faintly spiced hint of seductiveness, or the classic Petal-Drips “Lavender”. 使用花瓣露润肤沐浴香夜,你的肌肤会如花般永远娇嫩,柔软,芬芳. 花瓣露是由柔性香皂, 芬芳馥郁的香料植物提取液以及至为柔和的调和物精调而成. 我们将爱心融入其中,诚意奉献,让你尽享生活无限美好.,二. 特定商品适当使用高雅文辞, 根据广告产品的不同档次,不同种类,以及对象的经济和文化层次等方面的差异,广告英语也需使用较高雅的书面体词,如文学体或诗词体.,床上用品广告,An unriv

5、aled international collection of exceptional natural fibre bedding, clothing, intimate apparel and personal accessories, for discerning adults and some fortunate children.,各类常用的形容词:,食品广告: fresh, tender, juicy, delicious, etc. 化妆品: lovely, smooth, soft, fresh, gentle, exciting, etc. 其他: new, super, g

6、ood, wonderful, great, supreme, special, free, ideal, satisfying, amazing, unbelievable, etc.,New 是广告英语中使用最多的一词. The new digital era. (索尼影碟机) The choice of a new generation. (百事可乐) Good/better/best几乎可以用来修饰任何产品. Good to the last drop. (麦斯威尔咖啡) Tastes good. Feels Good. (原味麦片),三. 喜用褒义形容词, 英语广告经常大量使用褒义色

7、彩浓厚的评价性形容词, 以期使广告所介绍的内容或传播的信息在消费者心目中树立一个模糊而美好的形象,从而达到促销的目的. 旨在赢得人们好感的最常见的褒义形容词有: delicious, latest, up-to-date, fragrant, attractive, complete, charming, comfortable, gentle, wonderful, first-rate, long-lasting, ideal, unique, perfect, superior, etc.,Getting places in the business world is easier if

8、 your banker is there to meet you.(银行广告) Why buy just a boat, when you could buy a CHRISCRAFT. (游艇广告),四. 经常选用简短动词, 英语广告经常使用一些单音节或字母较少的简短动词,如用get代替obtain,用buy代替purchase,用use代替utilize, 以使广告语言生动,内容一目了然.,We made this watch for you to be part of your lifesimply because this is the way. We always make wat

9、ches. And if we may draw a conclusion, it would be this: Choose once and choose well.,手表广告,香水广告,She usually complaints about my anniversary gifts, but this year she is going to smile.,五. 妙用人称代词, 为了增强消费者的参与感,英语广告还频频使用人称代词,如第一人称通常被用来指代广告商,第二人称指代消费者,第三人称指代读者熟悉或能理解的人.,手表Timex广告,Give a Timex to all, to a

10、ll a good time.,钟表Alba Quartz广告,None is more amazing than Alba Quartz.,六. 灵活使用不定代词, 广告商为了迎合消费者普遍存在的从众心理,有时选用all, everyone, none, nothing等表示 “全体”范畴意义的不定代词,以体现某一商品的超凡特性或已被大多数消费者广泛使用.,长途电话广告,Do you know when you can save 35% or even 60% on out-of-state phone calls?,医疗仪器广告,If you were designing a state-

11、of-the-art cell sorter (细胞分类器), which features would you need?,七. 大量采用复合词, 由连字符号连接的各类复合词言简意赅,构词方法灵活简便, 在英语广告中一般起修辞作用. 这些词比较灵活多变,不受词序排列上的限制,具有旺盛的生命力.,广告英语中,常用复合词的构成方式主要有以下几种类型:,Adj.+N. high-fashion knitwear, short- term goal N.+ Adj. brand-new, feather-light flakes V-ing+Adj. piping-hot, sparking-cle

12、an N.+V-ed home-made, honey-coated Adv.+V-ing fast-foaming, best-selling N.+V-ing hand-fitting, record-breaking Adj.+V-ing best-looking, fresh-tasting,前缀,Super-是广告英语中使用最多的前缀,表示 “超”等意. 对词根的语义加以修饰或限制. Superactive 【医】强效的,效力超常的,后缀,-ex一般被认为源自excellent一词,经常直接被许多词采用。 cutex(指甲油商标),kleenex(餐巾纸商标)和Rolex(手表商标)

13、等。 -y构成的新词则表示 “有点的”,“有色彩或特征的”等意义,具有浓厚的口语色彩,通俗,亲切。 bubbly beer, milky flavor, silky-fabric, toasty-bread等。,八. 酌情使用前,后缀, 英语广告有时还酌情使用一些前缀和后缀,以构成新词或商品名称。虽然此类情况并不太多,但确实大大增加了广告语言的表现力。,可口可乐广告,Things go better with Coca-cola. Enjoy Coca-cola.,旅游公司广告,Free Hotel! Free Meals! Free Transfers! For a free “stay-o

14、n-the-Way” in Amsterdam, you can rely on KLM.,九. 经常重复关键词语, 广告不仅必须具备劝购功能(persuasive power),还需兼备注意价值(attention value)和记忆价值(memory value),使人能随时想起某类商品的名称和特点。 为此,英语广告所重复的词既有商品名称,又有一些最能体现某一商品特征的词汇,以加强语气,向读者 “渗透”广告内容。,鸡蛋广告,We know Eggsactly How to Sell Eggs. (Eggsactly=Exactly),果汁广告,Come to Our Fruice. (Fr

15、uice=Fruit Juice),麦当劳广告,Im lovin it. (lovin it = love it in heart),十. 即兴创造新词, 为了吸引消费者,广告商或以构词法模仿,或用谐音的拼法变体等手段,杜撰新词怪词,乃至错别字,以求标新立异,离奇醒目,增强广告的 “记忆价值”,“审美价值”,“情感价值”,从而给产品极其广告以极大的魅力。,模拟生造法 Coinage The orangemostest drink in the world.,(orangmostestorange+most+est,,广告英语模拟新词主要有以下几种方法:,SINGAPORE AIRLINES 新

16、加坡航空公司广告,When youve been voted best airport in the world two years in a row, what do you do for an encore? Create an Airtropolis,Airtropolis= air+(me)tropolis.,2. 创新词组法 随着科学技术的不断发展,英语新词不断出现, 例如: lasercomp(电脑激光照排) fax(传真) laser printer(激光打印机) camcorder(手提摄象机) flat-screen television(平板电视) transistor(半导体收音机) clock- radio(钟控收音机) mini-car(微型汽车),同时,在创新词的同时,有些模拟短语也出现了。如: First of all, because of now Yoplait is thicker, Secon


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