module 5 a trip along the three gorges period three cultural corner 同步精练(外研版必修4,课标通用)

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《module 5 a trip along the three gorges period three cultural corner 同步精练(外研版必修4,课标通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《module 5 a trip along the three gorges period three cultural corner 同步精练(外研版必修4,课标通用)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges Period Three Cultural corner 同步精练(外研版必修4,课标通用)时间:60分钟.用适当的情态动词填空1I am so hungry that I_eat two bowls of rice now.2We_go to the cinema tonight,but we are not sure yet.3He_be here on timehe started early enough.4I didnt hear the phone .I_have been asleep.5She sta

2、ys at home sometimes because he doesnt_to go to work everyday.6I_go and visit him this afternoon,but I wonder if I will be free.7_this be done by Tom?8If you have a good sleep,you will_work out the problem.9Im afraid he_not be at home now.10In crowded places like airports and railway stations,you_ta

3、ke care of your luggage.答案1.can2.may3.should/ought to4.must 5need/have able to9.may/can10.must .完成句子1昨天有数百辆车陷在了沙子里。There were hundreds of cars_the sand yesterday.2无论他去哪儿,他都带着一张他家人的照片。_,he will take a photo of his family.3只有你努力学习你才能成功。_you study hard_you succeed.4最近交通很拥挤。我可能会到得晚一点

4、。The traffic is heavy these days.I_a bit late.5这是办公室,因此你一定不要在这儿吃东西。Its the office, so you_anything here.答案1.stuck in2.Wherever he goes3. Only if ;can4. might /may arrive5. mustnt eat .单项填空1_a man knows what is not to be done, will he succeed in doing what is to be done.AWhat if BIf only CAs if DOnly

5、 if解析only if 只有;只要,位于句首时主句用倒装结构; if only要是就好了,常用于虚拟语气。句意为:只有当人们知道什么不应该做时才能成功的把该做的事做好。 答案D2We all know that Newton made a discovery which_changed mans understanding of color.Acompletely BnearlyChardly Ddirectly解析completely完全地。句意为:我们都知道牛顿做出了一项发现,它完全改变了人类对颜色的理解。答案A3Miss Li_as a secretary for five years

6、 and now she is considering changing a job.Aworked BworksChad worked D has worked解析由 and now she is considering changing a job可知work这一动作还在持续,故用现在完成时。句意为:李小姐作秘书做了5年,现在她正在考虑换一份工作。答案D4Come to the window please.We can have a good_of the city center from here.Asight BsceneryCview Dscene解析从某一固定点看到的景色用view

7、。句意为:到窗户这儿来,从这儿我们可以更好的欣赏到城市中心的景色。答案C5There are many teenagers_out there for their favorite player.Awaiting BwaitedCto wait Dare waiting解析 teenagers 与wait 之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词形式作定语。句意为:有许多青少年在外面等着他们最受欢迎的球员。答案A6I saw a map with many pins_in it on the wall,telling us the places where he has been to.Astic

8、k Bsticking Cstuck Dto stick解析pins 与stick 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词形式作宾补。句意为:我看到墙上有一幅地图,地图上有许多图钉,告诉我们他曾去过的地方。答案C7Lucy doesnt mind lending you her dictionary.She_.Ive already borrowed one.Acant BmustntCneednt Dshouldnt解析考查情态动词的用法。由下文Ive already borrowed one.可知,Lucy不需要这样做了。故选C。答案C8Is John coming by train?He

9、should, but he_not.He likes driving his car.Amust Bcan Cneed Dmay解析may可能。根据所提供的情境He likes driving his car,John既可能乘火车来,也可能自己开车来。答案D9The room is so dirty._we clean it?Of course.AWill BShall CWould DDo解析shall用于一般疑问句时表示征求对方意见,意为:“我们打扫一下好吗?”答案B10Children under 12 years old in that country_be under adult

10、supervision(监管) when in a public library.Amust Bmay Ccan Dneed解析四个选项中能够表示“必须”的只有must。故选A。答案A11Tom, you_leave all your clothes on the floor like this!Awouldnt Bmustnt Cneednt Dmay not解析考查情态动词的用法。句中使用了命令的语气,故应该用mustnt,表示“一定不要”之意。答案B12You cant imagine that a wellbehaved gentleman_be so rude to a lady.A

11、might Bneed Cshould Dwould解析should用于表示惊异、遗憾,不以为然等情绪的从句中,表示“竟然,会”之意。句意:你想象不到一位行为良好的绅士竟然对一位女士如此粗鲁。答案C13I dont really like James.Why did you invite him?Dont worry.He_come.He said he wasnt certain what his plans were.(2011北京) Amust not Bneed notCwould not Dmight not解析might 可能。由He said he wasnt certain w

12、hat his plans were.可知他可能不来。答案D14Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now?I am afraid you _,in case he comes late for the meeting.(2011福建) Awill Bmust Cmay Dcan解析must 必须。句意为:我现在就告诉他时间的变动吗?恐怕你必须得告诉他,以防他开会迟到。答案B15. If you_smoke,please go outside.(2011全国) Acan Bshould Cmust Dmay解析must

13、此处意为非要;非得。句意为:如果你非要吸烟的话,请到外面去。答案C.短文改错假如英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Nowadays most people prefer taking buses or driving cars when travelling.However,I would like to ride a bike.I treat my bike as if my best friend.There are special reasons.I find very convenient to go anywhere with a bike.Riding gives me not only exercises but also pleasure.I use my bike almost in summer when the weather is fine.Of cours


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