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1、Basic Sentence Patterns,简单句写作训练I,S+V+P,主语+系动词+表语( S+Link.V+P ),说 明主语的特征、类属、状态、身份。,1. How are you? Im fine. I stayed awake. 2. His dream has at last become a reality. It sounds a good idea.,观察下列句子,并分析表语的构成。,形容词,名词,3. Is Helen outdoors? Summer is over. You know what you are after. This book is about A

2、nne Frank, a Jewish girl. Ive got tired of looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows. We are concerned about his health. 4. My advice is to join in the discussion. The only thing now is to take a taxi. My job is repairing cars. Annes dream was going outdoors.,副词、介词短语,不定式、动名词,5. Anne

3、s problem was when she could enjoy nature. The problem is who can be his friend. 6. Im happy to meet you. Anne was eager to go outdoors.,从句,形容词+不定式,状态:seem, appear, prove - 感官:smell, feel, taste, sound, look - 变化:become, get, turn, go, come, grow, fall - 持续:remain, stay, keep, continue -,其 它 系动词,I s

4、tayed awake. He seemed quiet normal. The weather is getting cooler and cooler. It sounds a good idea. The question remained unsolved,Read the following sentences and understand the underlined verbs:,I was so tired that I fell _ quickly. Mother gave her a beautiful present. The little girl appeared _

5、. Anne seemed _ this morning. What wrong with her? In summer, food goes _ easily. When you are in trouble, you must keep _. I cant eat this. Ive tried it and it tasted _.,Complete the sentences according to the context:,asleep,happy,upset,bad,calm,terrible,beautiful,surprised,to,are,seems,went,Corre

6、ct mistakes: 1. Her voice sounds beautifully. 2. The whole company was surprising at the news. 3. To see is believe. 4. It seem like a good idea. 5. The lights still on. 6. All the potatoes changed bad. 7. Jim was remained a worker.,Complete the sentences,1我的兄弟都是大学生。 My brothers _. 2冬季白天短,夜晚长。 The d

7、ays _ and the nights _, 3布朗夫人看起来很健康。 Mrs Brown _. 5. 请保持安静。_.,are all college students,are short,are long,looks very healthy,Keep quiet , please,In winter.,6这本书是有关美国历史的书。 This book _. 7她的工作是在幼儿园里照看儿童。 Her job _. 8他失业了。 He _. 9树叶已经变黄了。 The leaves _. 10这个报告听起来很有意思。 The report _.,is about the history o

8、f the United States,is to look after the children in the nursery,is out of work.,have turned yellow,sounds interesting,Translate the sentences:,小狗的腿断了,她对此感到不安。 很多人非常关心环境。 她很久不到户外了。 窗户开着,安妮在楼上。 我不擅长和人交往。 安妮是二战时期的一位少女,她的家庭是犹太人。 他不再是我的朋友了。 在那段时期,日记是她唯一的朋友。 他的建议是多和同学交朋友。 今天的作业是做42页的练习2。,1. The dogs leg

9、is broken and she is very upset about it. 2. Many people are concerned about our environment. 3. She hasnt been outdoors for a long time. 4. The window was open and Anni was upstairs. 5. Im not good at communicating with people.,6. Anni was a teenager during World War II and her family was Jewish. 7

10、. He is no longer my friend. 8. During that time the only true friend was her diary. 9. Her advice is to make more friends with other classmates. 10. Todays homework is to do Exercise 2 on Page 42.,根据下列问题写一个关于安妮的故事。可适当加入连词,以使行文流畅。,Who was Ann? Where was she from? Why did her family hide away for nea

11、rly 25 years? What did she think of such kind of life? What was she concerned about? Who was her true friend? What was her dream?,A possible version Anne was a teenager during World War II. Her family had to hide away for 25 years just because they were Jewish. She couldnt go downstairs until it was dark, so she had no friend and felt lonely. The only true friend was her diary, Kitty. She was not able to be outdoors so long that she was concerned about nature. In the diary, she said her dream was going outdoors and enjoying nature.,



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