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1、八级写作,概 述,大纲要求,测试要求: 学生应能根据所给题目及要求撰写一篇400词左右的说明文或议论文.该作文必须语言通顺.用词得体.结构合理.文体恰当.具有说服力. 要求应试者按题撰文.考试时间为45分钟. 题型:主观题 分值:20分,写作项目要求,1. 模拟实际写作环境,贴近实际环境, 虚构了任务和目的 2 .考察学生实际具备的写作水平 3. 采用 情景/观点/标题的方法,给考生提供一个思维的前提 4. 提示文章结构框架, 比如,第一部分 第二部分; 第三部分,评分标准,说明:此项满分20分。根据考生的思想与表达、语言运用和写作规范分别打分。“写作规范”项可以打0.5分。 思想与表达满分为

2、10分,按考生的表现赋分:12345678910 极差 较差 一般 良好 优秀 语言与运用满分为8分,按考生的表现赋分: 1 2 3 45 67 8 极差 较差 一般 良好 优秀,写作规范满分为2分,按考生的表现赋分: 0.5 - 1 - 1.5 - 2 较差 一般 良好 优秀 空白卷、仅写了一些与任务无关的字句、仅仅照抄导语得0分。,思想与表达(ideas and arguments) 思想内容idea content -内容切体(写错0分,跑题但文字较好 11分) -内容充实 -观点明确 -论据支持论点 -有独到见解 表达效果effectiveness -表达清晰流畅 -有说服力, 篇章组

3、织结构rhetorical organization -每段有主题句(无标题扣1分) -句间衔接自然 -段间过渡自 -第一部分明确提出观点 -最后一部分自然得出结论 -段落排列自然合理,语言运用能力 language use 准确性 correctness -语法正确 -句子结构正确 -固定搭配正确 -习语正确 -用词准确 丰富性richness -词汇丰富 -句子形式多样, 得体性appropriateness -语气恰当 -语言地道 流利度fluency -完成规定词数(每少40字扣1分),写作规范mechanics -单词拼写正确 -标点符号正确 -大小写正确 -书写美观 -卷面整洁,阅

4、卷流程,日程安排 评卷系统 阅卷情况,注意的问题,2010年作文分数偏低,主要原因是考生没看懂原文而写跑题。只要跑题,肯定不及格。如果语言表达好,字迹清晰,即其他赋分项目失分较少,仍可获得较高分数,如11分。 所以,看清题目要求是关键,一定按照题目要求去写,第一段要表明观点,每段有主题句,字迹清晰工整,不要犯低级语法错误,字数要达标。最后阶段许多老师基本就按着几条打分了,因此这几条做到就会有一个比较理想的分数。,其次,避免内容空洞,观点不清。题目要求中提出要在第一段提出观点,所以一定要明确提出你的观点:同意或不同意。观点要明确,又要新意,最起码你的句子表达有新意。 第三,各部分要协调,不要把所

5、有的东西都写在第二段,后面就没有写的了。动笔前要有有一个文章架构。文章最好四段:观点论据1论据2结论。第一、四段应是彼此呼应,第二、三段应是彼此相关,逻辑相连。 第四,要卷面整洁,字数达标。要掌握好时间,计划,Sentence Paragraph Essay,1. types of sentences Simple sentence one independent sentence Compound sentence two or more independent clauses joined together Complex sentence one independent clause a

6、nd one ( or more) dependent clause(s) Compound-complex sentence two independent clauses and one (or) more dependent clauses,Sentence,Coordinationcompound sentence,With a coordinator for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so( FAN BOYS) e.g. I enjoy tennis, but I hate golf. Nuclear accidents can happen, so nucl

7、ear power plants must have strict safety controls.,Women live longer than men, for they take better care of their health. Women follow healthful diets, and they go to doctors more often. Bothe men and women should limit the amount of fat in their diets, or they risk getting heart disease. Women used

8、 to be known as the “weaker sex,” yet in some ways, they are stronger,With a semicolon E.g. My older brother studies law; my younger brother studies medicine. Poland was the first Eastern European country to turn away from communism; others soon followed.,With a conjunctive adverb,Ind. clause ;+conj

9、. adv., + ind. clause,E.g. Many community colleges do not have dormitories; however, they provide housing referral services. Students must take final exams; otherwise, they will receive a grade of Incomplete. Native and nonnative English speakers have different needs; therefore, most schools provide

10、 separate English classes for each group.,Subordinationcomplex sentence,Adverb clause when, while, because, although, if, so that, etc. Adjective clause who, whom, which, that, where, when Noun clause wh-question words, that, whether, and sometimes if ,Examples of Noun clause 1. That there is a hole

11、 in the ozone layer of the earths atmosphere is well known. 2. Scientists believe that excess chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere are responsible for creating it.,Compound-complex sentence,E.g. I wanted to travel after I graduated from college; however, I had to go to work immediately. I couldnt d

12、ecide where I should work or what I should do , so I did nothing.,Parallelism,An important element in English writing, esp. when you are listing and comparing and contrasting items or ideas. It means each item in a list or comparison follows the same grammatical pattern.,1. My English class is made

13、of Chinese, Spaniards, and some are from Bosnia. 2.The students who do well attend class, they do their homework, and practice speaking in English. 3. The teacher wanted to know which country we came from and our future goals. 4.The language skills of the students in the evening classes are the same

14、 as the language skills of the students in the day classes.,关联词放在被连接的词、短语或句子前面,Words, phrases, clauses joined by and, or, but,bothand, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also,E.g. 1.A new law provides the means for both regulating and ordering their removal if they are dangerous. 2.Air pollutants may

15、 come either from the ocean as natural contaminants given off by sea life or from the internal combustion engines of automobiles.,Ex. 1. If industry or the public doesnt work toward reducing pollution problems, future generation will suffer. 2. Many people are not concerned about pollutants; they ar

16、e not worried about their future impact, either. 3. At the present time, air pollution is controlled through laws passed to reduce the pollutants at their sources and to set up acceptable standards of air quality., Sentence Fragments(破句) Are incomplete sentences or parts of sentences. Remember that a complete sentence must contain at least one main or independent sentence.,S


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