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1、一、候课反思,1) I can _(sing) some English songs. 2) -Im sorry, Im late. May I _(come) in? - Of course. 3) If you have a cold, you should _ (see) a doctor. 4) I must _(study) hard because I want to be a teacher. 5) I have to_( go) now, my mother is waiting for me.,Unit 5,Can you come to my party?,Section

2、A 1a-2c,元马中学八年级 杨树兴,1、Why cant you come to my birthday party?,二、设疑探究,I have to have a piano lesson.,I have to study for a test.,I have to help my parents,I have to go to the doctor.,I have to visit my aunt.,1a Match the words with the pictures.,1. study for a test 2. help my parents 3. go to the doc

3、tor 4. visit my aunt 5. have a piano lesson,1,2,3,4,5,1b Listening,Ted,Tim,Kay,Anna,Wilson,Circle “can” or “cant”,1. Jeff can / cant come to the party. 2. Marry can / cant come to the party. 3. May can / cant come to the party. 4. Claudia can / cant come to the party. 5. Paul can / cant come to the

4、party.,2、 Listening 2a,can,cant,cant,cant,can,3、拓展练习 PAIRWORK 2c,Hey, Gina, can you go to the movies on Saturday?,Im sorry, I cant. I have too much homework this weekend.,Thats too bad. Maybe another time.,Sure, Joe. Thanks for asking.,1. Thats too bad .太遗憾了。表示遗憾或同情。 2. Maybe another time .也许换个时间吧。

5、或Maybe next time . 也许下一次吧 3. another/the other/others/the others another another + n.(单数) 三者中或无范围的另一个 eg. This coat is too big. Please show me another one. 2) the other one,the other 一个是,另一个是,表示两者中的另一个 eg. I have two pens . One is black, the other is red.,三、互动释疑,3) others=other + n. (pl.) ,无范围的另一些 s

6、omeothers. “一些另一些.” eg. Lei Feng was always ready to help others(=other + people) 4) the others=the other + n. (pl.) ,有范围的另外一些, “其余所有的” eg. There are sixty-two students in our class, one third are girls, the others (=the other students) are boys. 注:another 另外的,附加的 eg. another three books=three other

7、/more books另外三本书,4. Thanks. =Thank you. Thanks a lot. =Thank you very much. 5. Thanks for +n. /pron. /v-ing 因 而感谢 eg. Thanks for your letter. =Thank you for your letter. Thanks for helping me. Thanks for asking(=inviting me/your invitation). Thanks for telling me about it.,6. play 与球类运动的名词连用时,其前不用冠词

8、(a/an/the),而乐器名称前用定冠词the. eg. play the guitar/violin/piano 7. go/come to+活动,表示参加某一活动 eg. go to the concert 去听音乐会 come to the party来参加晚会 8. too many+ c n.(pl.) 太多 too much+un. much too+adj./adv. 太 eg. too many books/friends too much water/money much too cold/expencive,9.ask的用法: (1) 邀请ask sb to sw./to

9、 do sth.-invite sb. to sw./to do sth. eg. I asked them to dinner. We asked him to give us a talk. (2) 问,询问 ask sb sth. eg. They asked me the time. (3) 打听,询问,查询 ask about eg. I asked him about my son. (4) 请求ask sb for sth向某人要某物 eg. He asked his teacher for some advice. (5) 索(价) eg. He asked 5 for the

10、 book.这本书他索价5英镑. (6) 要求 ask sb.(not) to do sth.要求某人(不要)做某事 eg. The teacher asked us (not) to play games.,四、技能拓展: ( ) 1.He doesnt play _ basketball well,but he plays _ piano wonderfully. A. the,/ B.the,the C./,the D./,/ ( ) 2.Thanks_ telling me that. A. of B. for C. With D. at ( ) 3.I dont like this

11、walkman. Please show me _one. A.other B.the other C.another D.the another ( )4.There is_ice outside,so its_cold. A.too much ;much too B.too much;too many C. much too;too muchD.too many; too much,C,B,C,A,5. She is fine, and Joan is fine, too. She is fine, and _ is Joan. 6. He has a blue shirt, and Tom has a blue shirt, too. He has a blue shirt, and _ has/does Tom.,so,so,五、互评交流,


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