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1、Module 4 A Social SurveyMy Neighborhood,.单词拼写 1My hometown is an (吸引人的) town. 2The lawyer helped (组织) a group of parents who took action for their children. 3Just eight passengers (幸存) the plane crash. 4You will need to seek (专业的) advicer about your claim for compensation.,attractive,organize,surviv

2、ed,professional,5I dont want to b her with my problems at the moment. 6It s as if theres a tap running somewhere. 7He was held up by heavy t . 8Mum,is lunch ready? Im s . 9I will c him by telephone. 10Hes giving her French lessons in e_ for her teaching him English.,other,ounds,raffic,tarving,ontact

3、,xchange,.词语翻译 1一座五层的公寓大楼 _ 2感到幸运 _ 3建造;张贴 _ 4跃过那片水域 _ 5任居民委员会委员_ 6到目前为止 _,a fivestory(ed) apartment block,feel fortunate,put up,across the water,be on the neighborhood committee,so far/up to now/till now,7的意思是 _ 8摆脱 _ 9感觉相同 _ 10许多;大量 _ 11在方面做得好 _ 12做成某事;取得成功 _ 13上升 _ 14靠经营农庄而赚钱_ 15没有钱做某事 _,mean by,

4、get away from,feel the same way,a large number of/a great many,do well in,make it,go up,make money from farms,cant afford to do sth,.完成句子 1这座房子他已买了五年了。 It is 5 years since . 2这是我第一次游览厦门。 This is Xiamen. 3到目前为止,他已出版了五部书。 He five books published so far. 4他们在商业区建起了很多高楼大厦。 Many highrise buildings in the

5、 business district by them.,he bought the house,the first time that I have visited,has had,have been put up,5厦门夏天又热又潮湿,但冬天有时会相当冷。 In Xiamen it is pretty hot and wet in the summer,but _in the winter sometimes.,it can be quite cold,1. sound link v. 听起来 v. (使)发出声音 sound OK/good 听起来还行/很好 sound (to sb) a

6、s if/as though 听起来似乎 be sound asleep 熟睡 safe and sound 安然无恙,【活学活用】 (1)The price . 这个价格听起来很合理。 (2)When I went into the room,the child . 当我进房间时,孩子正熟睡着。 (3)Please in case of fire. 万一起火,请拉响警报。,sounds reasonable,was sound asleep,sound the alarm,2. bother v. 麻烦,费心;烦扰,打扰,使烦恼n. 麻烦, 烦扰 bother sb about/with s

7、th 打扰或烦扰某人;给某人添麻烦 bother oneself 为某事物焦虑或操心 bother to do sth 为做某事费工夫,添麻烦 cant be bothered to do sth 嫌麻烦而不做 【经典句式】 It bothers me that 让我烦心。 What bothers me is that 让我烦心的是 It is no bother. 没关系,不费事。,【活学活用】 (1) hed forgotten my birthday. 他把我的生日忘了,这让我心里很不痛快。 (2)You neednt come to my office. 你不必特地来我办公室。 (3

8、)Thanks for your help. It was . “谢谢你的帮助。”“没什么。”,It really bothered me that,bother to,no bother,3. approach n. 接近,靠近;通路,道路;方式,方法 v. 接近,靠近 approachable adj. 可接近的,可到达的;和蔼可亲的 at the approach of 在快到的时候 adopt/take an approach 采用某种方法 approach to (doing) sth 做某事的方法,【活学活用】 (1) of winter brings cold weather.

9、冬天快到了,天气要变冷了。 (2)They are trying_ a second language. 他们正尝试新的方法学习第二外语。 (3)Winter is . 冬天就要来临了。,The approach,a new approach to learning,approaching/on its way/coming around the corner,4. exchange n. &v. 交换; 调换; 更换;交流; 交易 exchangeable adj.可交换的;可更换的;可兑换的 in exchange for 作为的交换 exchange A for B 用A和B交换/交易

10、exchange ideas/glances 交流思想/互看对方,【活学活用】 (1)We about the event at the meeting. 在会上,我们就此事交换了意见。 (2) I have offered to paint the kitchen _ a weeks accommodation. 我提出愿意粉刷厨房,条件是让我免费住宿一周。,exchanged our opinions,in exchange for,6. afford vt. 花费得起;抽得出(时间) ;担负得起 (损失、后果等,常与can,could,be able to 连用);提供 afford (

11、to do) sth 花费得起;担负得起 afford (somebody) an opportunity/a chance 给(某人)提供机会,【活学活用】 (1)I such a big house. 我买不起这么大的房子。 (2)I away from work. 我无法丢下工作三个星期。 (3)We any longer or well miss the plane. 我们不能再等了,否则会误了飞机。,cant afford (to buy),cant afford three weeks,cant afford to wait,7. survive vi. 比活得长;生存,生还 vt

12、. 幸免于, 挺过,艰难度过 survival n. 生存,存活,幸存 survivor n. 幸存者,生还者 survive sth 经历过某事而活下来 survive on sth 靠某物存活下来,【活学活用】 (1)Of the six people in the plane that crashed, . 在失事飞机上的六个人,仅一人幸存。 (2)Fortunately, . 幸运的是,经过暴风雨的袭击,这所房屋并未倒塌。,only one survived,the house survived the storm,8. contact n. &vt. 联系,联络;接触,触碰 make

13、 contact with sb 和某人取得联系 lose contact with sb 和某人失去联系 keep in contact with sb 和某人保持联系 get into touch with sb 和某人取得联系 lose touch with sb 和某人失去联系 keep in touch with sb 和某人保持联系 【活学活用】 I finally _ her in Paris. 我终于在巴黎同她取得了联系。,made contact with/got in touch with,9. mean v. 意思是;意欲;意味着 means n. 方法,手段,工具(单复数同形) mean to do 打算做某事 mean doing 意味着,意思是 mean no harm 并非有意伤害 be meant to do sth (尤指按某人的吩咐或职责)应该做某事,by all means 一定;无论如何;务必;当然可以 by means of sth 用某种办法;借助于 by no means/not by any means 绝不; 一点都不,【活学活用】 (1)What do you mean _ 你那样说是什么意思? (2)The book


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