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1、本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,1,重点短语,be admitted as,take part in,find out,used to do,every four years,自主学习,2. _查明,1. _参加,3. _过去常常,4. _ 每四年,5. _被作为所接受,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,2,6. _也,又 _代表 8. compete in _ 9. replace A with B _ 10. a set of _,stand for,as well,参加,用B代替A,一套,自主学习,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,3,Lead-in

2、,Are you familiar with these pictures?,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,4,Unit 2 The Olympic Games Warming up and Reading,Warming up,How much do you know about the Olympics?,奥运知识知多少? 猜猜猜,1.What does the Olympic flag mean?,Europe,Asia,Africa,Oceania,America,Background color: white,Shapes: 5 rings joined togeth

3、er,Symbol(象征) of peace,the friendship of the 5 continents,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,7,2.Where did the ancient Olympic Games start?,Olympia , in Greece,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,8,3.How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games?,Only one, Greece,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,9,4.Who could not take part

4、 in the Olympic Games?,Women,Slaves,5.When and where did the modern Olympic games start?,1896 ,ATHENS,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,11,6.Who was Chinas first gold medal winner and for what event?,Xu Haifeng, shooting,7.The Official Mascots of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,fish,panda,Olympic flame,Tibetan

5、antelope,swallow,Like the Five Olympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration, the Five Friendlies serves as the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, carrying a message of friendship and peaceand blessings from Chinato children all over the world. 源自于奥运五环的颜色和灵感,五个好朋友成为了北京奥

6、运会的吉祥物,向全世界的孩子们送去友好和平和祝福的信息。,welcome to China!,The Olympic motto,8.What is the Olympic motto?,Swifter,Higher,Stronger,Every athlete should try to run faster, jump higher, and throw further. They do their best to win medals.,What is the meaning?,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,15,basketball,football (soccer),

7、Ball games,baseball,tennis,volleyball,table tennis,Events in the Olympics,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,16,110m hurdles,running,high jump,track and field,relay race,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,17,gymnastics,beam,horse,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,18,skiing,figure skating 花样滑冰,ice hockey,speed skating,These kinds of s

8、ports are usually held in _.,winter,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,19,swimming,diving,sailing,surfing,These kinds of sports are usually held in _.,summer,Pre-reading,When and where will the next Olympic games be held? 2. Do you know any differences between the ancient and modern Olympic games?,巴西里约热内卢 2016年

9、8月5日8月21日,Reading An Interview,Step1:fast reading,Look at the title and the pictures,Q2:What are they talking about?,Q1:Who are talking in the dialogue?,A volunteer for the 2008 Olympics,interview,Pausanias,LiYan,Olympic Games,Reading,A Greek 2000 years ago,He made a magical journey,Q3: How did he c

10、ome to present day?,Q1:Who are talking in the dialogue?,(魔幻旅行),(希腊的),writer,How to,2.What are they talking about?,The similarities and differences about the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics.,Read the passage carefully to find out the differences and similarities of the ancient and modern Olympic

11、s,Step2: Careful Reading,four,four,Greek,all over the world,women,summer and winter,more,Greece,every country is possible,an olive wreath,medals,only Summer,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,26,Olive wreath,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,27,medals decorated with jade,gold,silver,bronze,The olive wreath has been replac

12、ed by money.47 ) At first, Pausania thinks people may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games. ( ) 3. Pausania is surprised to know that women are to take part in the modern Olympic Games.31 ( ) 4. Horse riding events belong to the Winter Olympics. ( ) 5. Both the Summer and Winter Olympi

13、cs are held every two years ( ) 6. 2012 Olympics was held in London. ( ),T,F,True or false,T,F,F,T,Step3: Scanning,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,29,Choose the best answer.,1. Where do all the competitors live? A. A hotel. B. A special village. C. A restaurant. D. Nowhere.33 2. Which of the following is an

14、event of Winter Games? A. Skiing and ice skating B. Running races C. Horse riding D. Swimming,Scanning,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,30,3. Why do so many countries want to host the Olympic Games? A. To develop the economy. B. It is a great honor. C. To make the country famous. D. They want to make money.41,本资料由书利华教育网(又名数理化网)为您整理,31,4. Why does Pausanias think people may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games? A. The winner can get medals. B. The winner can be awarded lots of money by their own countries. C. The olive wreaths have been replaced by medals. D. Medals are made of gold.,本资


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