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1、UNIT ONE Business Inquiries,Words & Expressions,particular a. 特定的,具体的 steel hardware assortment n. 钢质小五金组合套装 catalog(ue) n. 目录 requirement n. 需求 inquiry n. 询价 offer v. & n. 报价 indication of price 估计价格 subject to ad. 在条件下,Words & Expressions,discount n. 折扣 commission n. 佣金 manufacture n.(大量)制造 sales

2、literature 销售说明书 favorably ad. 有利地 competitive a. 有竞争力的 specifications n. 规格 receipt n. 收到,Words & Expressions,covering n. 有关 covering L/C 有关信用证 compare v. 比较 elsewhere ad. 在别处 chain department store 连锁商店 to be interested in sth. 对有兴趣 subject to our final confirmation 以我方最终确认为准,Words & Expressions,p

3、lace an order 订货 offer in this line 在这一方面提供 our prices compare favorably with我方价格比优惠 made according to specifications 定制(按预定规 格做) sales conditions 销售条件 price sheets 价格单 make delivery 交货,Words & Expressions,as a rule 一般说来,通常 3 months after receipt of the covering letters of credit 接到有关信用证后三个月内 CIF Va

4、ncouver 温哥华到岸价 FOB prices 离岸价 firm offer 实盘,Useful Phrases and Examples,1. to be interested in 对有兴趣 We are interested in developing business relations between us. 2. subject to 以为准,有效 Subject to our final confirmation, we are sending you our offer as follows. 3. place an order 订货 We wish to place an

5、 order with your corporation for 10 000 bicycles,Useful Phrases and Examples,4. compare favorably with 比优越,有利 Our conditions of sales compare favorably with those offered by other manufacturers. 5. make delivery 交货 We should like to know how soon you can make delivery of the goods. 6. as a rule 通常 A

6、s a rule, all the price changes must be approved by the sales manager.,Useful Phrases and Examples,7. after receipt of 收到之后 We have worked out our offer for this commodity after receipt of your enquiry. 8. Wed ratherthan 我们宁愿而不 Wed rather fill our needs elsewhere than keep our enquiry open indefinit

7、ely. 9. work out 写出,报出 We have worked out a schedule for our discussions. Please have a look.,Useful Phrases and Examples,10. Our offers remain open for 3 days. 我方报价三天有效。 Our offer is good/firm/valid for a week.,Answer Key-cloze,1) Would you tell us the quantity you want so that we may work out the

8、offer? 2) Please make your quotations on a CIF basis. 3) I want to conclude some substantial business with you this time. 4) I usually get a 5% commission from my suppliers for my imports. 5) We are thinking of placing an order with your firm.,Answer Key-cloze,6) May I know what particular items you

9、 are interested in? 7) All the prices in the list are subject to our final confirmation. 8) We shall, of course, arrange for shipment of the goods after receipt of your L/C. 9) One of our clients is interested in your products and wishes to have your quotations for them. 10) We have received an inqu

10、iry from one of our clients for your “Giant” Brand bicycles and are likely to place a large order with you if the price is favorable.,Answer Key-translation,A: May I see the manager? B: Im afraid he isnt in. Is there anything I can do for you? A: Yes, I have brought some catalogues of machine tools.

11、 I wonder if any of your endusers would like to have a look at them. B: They certainly would. Would you leave them with me? A: We are suppliers of machine tools of various types. I think your endusers will be interested in some of our new products.,Answer Key-translation,B: Were thinking of ordering

12、 some special kinds of machine tools. We would be interested in your products if they are of the types we want. A: As you probably know, we also take orders for machine tools made according to specifications. B: How long would it take you to deliver the orders? A: Three months at most after receipt

13、of the covering L/C. It would take longer to deliver the special orders, though never longer than six months.,Answer Key-translation,B: Very well. Ill send your catalogues to those who are interested in. Meanwhile, may I have an indication of the price? Can I have your price sheet? A: Yes, of course

14、, here you are. Our prices compare most favorably with quotations you can get from other manufacturers. Youll see that from our price sheet. The prices are subject to our confirmation, naturally.,Answer Key-translation,B: All your quotations are on an FOB. Vancouver basis. May I ask if you allow any

15、 discount? A: Please tell me what you have in mind. B: From European suppliers we usually get a 5% discount, and sometimes 10%. A: If your order is large enough, well consider giving you some discount. B: Fine! Well negotiate after we decide how many machine tools we are going to order from you. A: When shall I hear from you? B: Next Friday.,



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