how to improve your emotion intelligence

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《how to improve your emotion intelligence》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《how to improve your emotion intelligence(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、7 cool tips to improve your emotional intelligence,Yang wen 10103001,Once there lived an old man who kept all different kinds of animals. But his grandson was particularly intrigued by two tigers that lived together in one cage. The tigers had different temperaments; one was calm and self-controlled

2、,while the other was unpredictable, aggressive, violent, and vicious. “Do they ever fight, Grandfather?” asked the young boy. “Occasionally, yes they do,” admitted the old man. “And which one wins?” “Well, that depends on which one I feed the most.”,Being able to control your emotions depends in par

3、t on how much you feed a particular emotion; on how much we focus on what we are afraid of, enraged by, or depressed about. But its more than that. Good emotional intelligence requires we understa- nd our own moods, recognizing when and why we are upset and having very real strategies in place to be

4、 able to influence the way that we feel.,the next are seven cool tips to improve your emotional intelligence,Tip 1: Control your emotions by looking ahead,Very intense emotions blind us to the future and con us that now is all that matters. In fact, when we are incredibly angry or anxious, we can ev

5、en momentarily forget that there is even going to be a future.,Tip 1: Control your emotions by looking ahead,Weve all said or done things we later regret simply because, for a time, we let ourselves be dictated by our own emotion. If you get angry, think to yourself: “How will I feel tomorrow if I l

6、ose my dignity”,Tip 1: Control your emotions by looking ahead,If you are anxious about some imminent event, say to yourself: “how am I going to feel tomorrow/next week when I look back at this?” Look beyond the immediate and youll see the bigger picture and calm down, too.,Tip 2: Get to know yoursel

7、f,Learn to observe your own attitude and emotional ebbs and flows. One key first step to emotional control is to know when we are actually being emotional and also why. If you catch yourself feeling strongly about something,ask yourself why.,Tip 2: Get to know yourself,Controlling your emotions isnt

8、 about pretending they are not there. If you feel angry, sad, bitter, or greedy, label exactly how you are feeling in your own mind, and admitted it to yourself. The next step is to identify why you feel the way you do.,Tip 3: Change your mood and do something different,We tend to assume that moods

9、just happen to us and like storms, the best we can do is wait until they pass. But, unlike climatic storms, we can influence - even change - our moods without resorting to unhe- althy means such as alcohol or drugs.,Tip 3: Change your mood and do something different,Being able to manage and influenc

10、e your own emotions is a powerful marker for good health, emotional maturity, and happiness. The important thing is just to do or think something different. Dont be passively carried along by the current of the mood.,Tip 4: Observe how others deal effectively with their emotions,How do other emotion

11、ally skilled people deal with th- eir frustrations and difficul- ties? Their answers could actu- ally change your life if you start to apply what you learn.,Tip 5: Change your physiology,Some people assume that emotions are all in your head, whereas actually all emotions are physical responses. Ange

12、r pushes heart rate and blood pressure up, which is why having an angry temperament is a predictor of heart disease; So part of changing your emotional state involves dealing directly with the physical changes.,Tip 5: Change your physiology,Physical changes are led by the way we breathe. For instanc

13、e, anger and anxiety can only work if we are breathing quicker with shallow breaths.,Tip 5: Change your physiology,Stop breathing for five seconds (to reset your breath). Now breathe in slowly, until your lungs are full of air. Then breathe out even more slowly(imagine that you are breathing pure re

14、st and relaxation into your hands). Keep doing this and remember its the out-breath that will calm everything down.,Tip 6: Use your brain,Think of emotion as a strong but stupid being that sometimes nee- ds your guidance and direction. We need some emotion to moti- vate us, but it needs to be the ri

15、ght emotion at the right time applied in the right way.,Tip 6: Use your noggin,The more emotional we become, the stupider we become . If you force the thinking part of your brain to work when you start to feel emotional, then you can dilute and subdue the rampaging emotional part.,Tip 6: Use your no

16、ggin,You can do this by simply forcing yourself to remember three name- s of other students you went to school with or even running throu- gh the alphabet in your head. Try it ,because it really will work.,Tip 7: Create spare capacity in your life,You have very basic needs for food, sleep, shelter, and water; if these needs arent met properly, you will feel more emotional, no doubt. But you also have emotional needs.,Tip 7: Create spare capacity in your life,To be emoti


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