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1、Unit 4 Earthquakes,粒绰沼粥运纳疵嗅气鸽与穿忿均敦栈供柬婿张撑索剁毫欺背砸凛裕都叮目人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2,熟记单词,1 (v.& n) 摇动,颤抖 2 (v.& n) 上升,起身 3 (adj.) 发臭的,有臭味的 4 (n.) 管,导管 5 (n.& vi.) 爆裂,爆发 6 (n.) 运河,水道,shake,rise,smelly,pipe,burst,canal,识痕法提浸疯词拍危帝酮匣距翱瞬酥摘拂敞倡膳探脸窿功结咖抡笼貉材隘人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Ea

2、rthquakes2人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2,7 (n.) 蒸汽,水汽 8 (n.) 钢,钢铁 9 (vt.) 伤害,损害 10 (vt.) 破坏,毁灭,消灭 11 (n.) 水坝,堰堤 12 (adj.) 无用的,无效的, 无益的 13 (v.& n) 震惊,震动;休克,打击,steam,steel,injure,destroy,dam,useless,shock,架眩很会栅至课寻耿驰选恶邵锚凶埠恐阻厩挖芜蚊传耳氮氦慌季慢拒恫伊人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2,1

3、4 (n.& vt.) 营救,援救 15 (n.) 电,电学 16 (n.) 灾难,灾祸 17 (v.) 组织,安排 18 (vt.) 埋葬,掩埋,隐藏 19 (n.) 避身处,掩蔽处 20 (adj.) 新鲜的,无经验的,rescue,electricity,disaster,organize,bury,shelter,fresh,走猪茫酗惶冶轨斡乱帚饥座横侥豹仑锨科德芦际晤女厕癸奋赴秉厅旗松媳人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2,翻译词组,1马上,立刻 2结束,终结 3发现,掘出 4煤矿 5许多,大量的

4、 6分发,发出 7成千上万 8满不在乎,对评价差,right away,at an end,dig out,coal mine,a (great) number of,give out,tens of thousands of,think little of,肮筐懒廓拆莉函芦舍荡诊拒厩税线硫勺压蔚贵璃颇伟讨乃服回拱早隆史计人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2,9倒塌 10醒来,唤醒 11在户外,在露天 12为感到骄傲 13丧生,遇害 14朝方向 15筹款 16绝望,fall down,wake up,in

5、the open air,be proud of,lose ones life,in the direction of,raise money,lose hope,烙惯匠角凉橡糊哟爽衫蒙铅睫劲投覆伪值榨咕撮牛衅憎夜荚渠渣直竭牙实人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2,短文填空,根据课文A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP完成下列短文。 Several days before July 28,1976,many strange things happened in Tangshan. Th

6、e water in the village wells and fell. The water pipes in some buildings cracked and . They were signs for the earthquake. But people in the city didnt think much these. At 342 am that day,the earth began to shake, destroyed the city. Many people, (include) workers and doctors,came to those (trap) u

7、nder the ruins.Later that afternoon,another big quake struck Tangshan.More people (kill) or injured and buildings fell down. Soldiers were called in to help the rescue workers. Teams were organized to dig out the trapped and (bury) the dead.,rose,burst,of,which,including,rescue,trapped,were killed,m

8、ore,bury,牡发病虞钻绦吵允俊驹奇俱蛇蚤洼甫幽窥聘恢推珐续沏翠影竖坞盐酒倡月人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2,.单词拼写 1The sun _(升起) in the east every day. 2When food goes bad,it becomes _(有味) 3When water is heated to 100,_(水汽) comes out from it. 4Back from the cinema,the couple were _(震惊) on seeing their h

9、ouse broken in. 5They _(组织) the youths to form a group to protect the environment.,rises,smelly,steam,shocked,organized,绒茹宣赢天携呕鱼闯剩庭励荣揣郁论灭帽硷援宴榴第褐寝货麦日横闯翼猴人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2,6They built a d_ on the river to make electricity with the water. 7The US started a w

10、ar in order to d_ Sadams ruling in Iraq. 8B_ are still a main kind of building material now. 9The soldiers t_ their enemies and forced them to give in. 10The dead body of a person used to be b_ under the earth.,am,estroy,ricks,rapped,uried,匠殊箱篮恍贰扔玄居碌戎囤锅咱豌虎泌砒终误孩鳃速浙荧牙渐硅饱买详咆人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquak

11、es2人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2,.短语填空 1His car was buried by the snow and had to be _. 2They my suggestion,which made me a little upset. 3Please wait for a moment.Ill find the address for you . 4Quite worldfamous paintings are on show in this exhibition. 5The children were happy that the long hot

12、 summer was at last _.,dug out,thought little of,right away,a number of,at an end,贡宁膀彪呜肿执攒壮哇寅噬鹃吁歹惩茫鸵锄蹋播畦侈巷淀迂宾袒茅榷之梭人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2,6We our son for not giving in to such difficulties. 7We couldnt continue our way for we had petrol. 8The earthquake left th

13、e whole town _.What a terrible sight! 9You must watch your step so as not to _. 10She was shaking with terror _ shed seen something terrible.,are proud of,run out of,in ruins,fall down,as if,南殆闷疲你祈况惧爪渭跋林妓剥纪缠踞贺篷炬候沉决迂王乎科摇灿桑菊踏人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2,.完成句子 1But the

14、 one million people of the city, (对这些征兆满不在乎), went to bed as usual that night.(think) 2 (有三分之二的人 伤亡) during the earthquake.(injure) 3The sound of planes could be heard outside Tangshan (即使空中没有飞机 时)(even),who thought little of these events,Twothirds of the people died or were injured,even when no planes were in the sky,邵骡疏番蹋爱扩钙粕谷腐汽懈拧缚俱顶随脸正坍妨垮屈椒蛮蓟邢蚕移贡优人教新课标知识点复习-必修一Unit4Earthquakes2人教新课标知识点复习-必修


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