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1、Work-related Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,王賢和 MD.PhD 職業醫學科,Case - M/48,季xx CC: referral here under the impression of work related carpal tunnel syndrome.,職業病的診斷原則,疾病的證據 職業暴露的證據 符合時序性 符合人類流行病學已知的證據 排除其他可能的致病因素,3,罹病的證據,Symptoms Signs Tests,SYMPTOMS,Numbness, Tingling pain in the volar aspects of hands Weakn

2、ess in left hand gripping Especially noted after work or at night Shaking hands to relieve the pains No sleep disturbance yet,Signs,Tinels sign (+/-): tapping over the median nerve at the wrist causes paresthesias or pain radiating from the wrist to the thumb and the index, the middle and half the r

3、ing fingers. Phalens test (+/-): bending the wrist forward all the way for 60 seconds results in numbness, tingling, or weakness in a median nerve distribution Atrophy of the thenar muscles (-),Present illness,Numbness, tingling pain and weakness of hands for 3 years Pain could temporarily relieved

4、by the analgesics, traditional massages, herb medicines and local steroid injection. Carpal tunnel syndrome was diagnosed at the賢德 hospital on 2011/01/07. Referral under the impression of work related disease.,Motor Nerve Conduction Study,Normal amplitude Delayed distal latencies of bilateral median

5、 nerves. Prolong F latencies of bilateral median nerves in F wave study Normal results of ulnar, peroneal and tibial nerves.,F wave study,Supra-maximal stimulation Ortho-dromic stimulus M wave: muscle contraction. Anti-dromic stimulus the motor neuron cell bodies backfire down towards the muscle sma

6、ll F wave.,F-wave study,D = the length from the stimulation (wrist crease) to the spine (C7) (for median nerve) . F-M = the latency difference between mean F and M Delay = 1 millisecond Conduction velocity = 2D/(F-M-1).,Sensory Conduction Study,Slowing in the palm-wrist conduction of bilateral media

7、n nerves Normal results of ulnar and sural nerves.,Nerve Conduction Study (NCS),Motor NCS Sensory NCS F-wave study (initially recorded in the foot muscles) H(Hoffmann)-reflex study,F-wave study vs. Motor and Sensory coduction studies,The F-wave latency can be used to derive the conduction velocity o

8、f nerve between the limb and spine, whereas the motor and sensory nerve conduction studies evaluate conduction in the segment of the limb. F-wave study is not a reflex.,H reflex,monosynaptic reflex electrically stimulating the tibial nerve (Ia afferents from muscle spindles), generally in the poplit

9、eal fossa, recording from the gastrocnemius-soleus muscle similar to the Achilles reflex, except that the neuromuscular spindles are bypassed.,Hoffmann reflex,Square-wave current of short duration and small amplitude Early response on EMG: M-wave Later responses: H-wave (reflected). As the stimulus

10、increases, the M-wave increases and the H-wave decreases. At supramaximal stimulus, alpha fibers involved, the H-wave disappears and the F-wave appears.,NCV Reports,Slowing at wrist conduction of bilateral median nerves. Diagnosis: carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS),Tests,Nerve conduction velocity: positi

11、ve Therapeutic and diagnostic challenge test: possibly positive. Wrist X-rays: negative Electromyography: nil.,Electromyography (EMG),surface EMG intramuscular (needle and fine-wire) EMG. Resting and contracting,Occupational CTS (OCTS),職業病的診斷原則,疾病的證據 職業暴露的證據 符合時序性 符合人類流行病學已知的證據 排除其他可能的致病因素,26,工作史,19

12、80-1984 友聯鞋業之裁剪作業員 1988-1992 偉仲製帽之裁剪作業員 工作時, 需使用油壓機器將牛皮裁成鞋底或帽子。 油壓機上的裁刀常會卡於機台上,需用手腕施力直接拔出或拿鐵鎚(5磅重)用力鎚打敲鬆再拔出. 鎚打的頻率約20秒一次,每天持續8小時。,工作史-2,1992-2001 群國工程之營造工人 2001-now 無固定雇主之營造工人 動鑽打洞,植筋,砌磚,敲磚,扛鐵和粉刷等. 每天需重覆地扛起20-30公斤的鐵條並以手腕用力綑綁,約6-7小時. 或使用電動鑽打洞約6小時,每1-2秒震動一次.,暴露之證據,過去擔任皮革裁剪作業員時,以及擔任營造勞力工作時,皆需經常重覆地以手腕用力

13、地扭轉或接觸高頻震動等. 工作場所評估: 目前無固定雇主及工作場所. 其中一次的工作現場照片如下:,職業病的診斷原則,疾病的證據 職業暴露的證據 符合時序性 符合人類流行病學已知的證據 排除其他可能的致病因素,32,時序性,1980-1992 裁剪皮革 1992now營造工作,砌磚,粉刷,鋼筋組合,植筋,敲磚和電動鑽打洞等。 於2008年開始出現雙手腕酸痛、無力和麻的情形,職業病的診斷原則,疾病的證據 職業暴露的證據 符合時序性 符合人類流行病學已知的證據 排除其他可能的致病因素,34,Reviews,The median nerve is formed from parts of the m

14、edial and lateral cords of the brachial plexus. It continues down the arm to enter the forearm with the brachial artery. It originates from the brachial plexus with roots from C5, C6, C7, C8, & T1.,Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,Median nerve compression at the wrist is the most common peripheral nerve entra

15、pment disorder. Constellation of specific symptoms and signs, described as CTS. Annual incidence in the general population = 1/1000,Epidemiology of CTS,most often in people 30 to 60 years old more common in women than men. common in people who perform repetitive motions of the hand and wrist.,Repeti

16、tive motions of the hand and wrist,Typing on a computer keyboard Sewing Driving Assembly line work Painting Writing Use of hand tools that vibrate Sports such as racquetball or handball Playing some musical instruments,Work-related CTS,most often associated with activities requiring extensive, forceful, repeated, or prolonged use of the hands and wrists, (NIOSH Publication no. 97141.US Department of Health and Human Services, 1997) (Palmer KT et al.Occup Environ Med 2007; 57:5766


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