2019届高三上学期月考试卷(三) 教师版 英语---精校解析Word版

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2、给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AItching to travel, but still in high school? Looking for ways to get to the top of that pile of admission essays at your dream university? Explore your options through student exchange programs.Ready to dive in? Here are 3 stellar student exchange programs for collegebound tee

3、ns.1High school exchange in Sydney, Australia with Campus Education AustraliaPack a brown bag with Vegemite sangers because youre heading to Oz! Why not study in the land down under with Campus Education Australia(CEA)? This continent remains a popular destination for collegebound teens who want the

4、 exchange student experience without the hassle(麻烦) of learning a foreign language. When classes get too much, go walkabout on the weekends in the outback, in the cities, or along the coastline. Programs run all year round and last as short as nine weeks to as long as 12 months. Bonus: with CEA, you

5、 can choose your host family and the high school you want to go to!2Study abroad in France with AFS Intercultural ProgramsGo to high school in France with AFS Intercultural Programs but think beyond Paris. France has so many places to explore: sprawling cities, small towns, and picturesque villages,

6、 from the Alps to the Mediterranean. Stay with a host family to pin down the je ne sais quoi that makes French people tick. For yearlong and semester programs, students need to have at least one year of French.3Performing Arts Abroad Program to study musical theater in EnglandWork those jazz hands b

7、y signing up for a high school musical theater training program in London with Performing Arts Abroad. Take acting, singing, auditioning, dance, and stage combat classes in some of the West Ends most famous studios. Learn from the pros by workshopping with people who actually work in the theater dis

8、trict. Bonus: get a backstage tour and tickets to see at least three shows every week and perform for a top West End agent at the end of the program!(A)21.You can have an exchange student experience without learning a foreign language in _A. SydneyB. ParisC. EnglandD. France【解析】A。从第一点下面的第三句话可知A正确。(C

9、)22.Whats special about Campus Education Australia(CEA)?A. You dont have to stay with a host family.B. You dont have too many classes.C. You can choose the high school you want to go to.D. You can have classes in some of the West Ends most famous studios.【解析】从第一点下面最后一句话可知C正确。A、B项与原文不符,D项不是CEA的内容。(B)

10、23. Whos the passage intended for?A. Primary school students. B. High school students.C. College students. D. Parents.【解析】从第一段以及全文可知B正确。BFacebook has turned out to be one of the most visited and most popular social media sites in the world. When it comes to talking about Facebook, we cannot stop our

11、selves from describing its creator, Mark Zuckerberg. His success story and Facebook have inspired many people all over the world in different ways.Mark Zuckerberg was born into a welleducated family and developed an interest in computer programming at an early age. His first computer was a Quantex 4

12、86DX, powered by the Intel 486 processor. When Mark was 12 years old, his father introduced him to Atari BASIC Programming. At such a young age, Mark managed to use the program to come up with his own messenger called the ZuckNet. Thanks to his first creation, all the computers in his house were con

13、nected to the ones in his fathers dental office. Within that connected system, the computer users were allowed to send messages to each other.Mark Zuckerberg created his billiondollar social networking site based on a simple concept. He was trying to compare photos of two different people and he inv

14、ited other people to vote and decide which one was better looking. At Harvard University, with his three classmates, he had come up with the Facebooks predecessor, Facemash. Mark Zuckerberg finally started to write the code for a new website later known as Facebook in 2004. This new site was equippe

15、d with new ideas and more useful features, including a section where users can share their comments. Facebook managed to become popular with many more users at many universities around the country. It only took less than a few months for Mark Zuckerberg to spread his networking site to countless num

16、bers of schools and universities in the United States and Canada.Six years later, TIME magazine made him Person of the Year for his social networking site. In 2018, Forbes included Mark in the list of the 400 richest people in the world.(D)24.Whats Zuckerbergs first achievement as a programmer?A. A billiondollar social networking site.B. Atari BASIC


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