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1、金融专业英语,Finance English Unit Two,Unit Two Part A The Fractional Reserve,教学目的与要求(Teaching targets): help students get some knowledge about the Fractional Reserve and the important function of the fractional reserve deposit money expansion activities in the banking system; study some specialized words

2、and expressions related to the fractional reserve deposit money expansion activities; some new basic English vocabulary 教学重难点(Emphases and difficult points) some important vocabulary: fractional reserve, minimal, enforced, assume, deduct, rein in, call in, reserve requirement, conversely, fractional

3、 reserve, fractional reserve, deposit money expansion activities, fractional reserve ratio, reserve requirement, money supply;,Background knowledge,a1(1- qn) a1 1000 1000 1. lim - = - = - = - n 1- q 1-q 1-0.88 0.12 2. fractional reserve(部分准备金):Under the commercial banking system, the central bank mu

4、st retain a part from the deposits as the fractional reserve according to the strictly enforced government regulations, and the rest deposits in the commercial banks can be lent out.,introduction to the knowledge with English sentences,1. Lets assume the fractional reserve ratio is 12%. Person A com

5、es to deposit $1000 in Bank 1. 2. Bank 1 sets out $120 as a reserve and deposits in the central bank. 3. Bank 1 is free to lend out $880, which is all borrowed by Person B.,introduction to the knowledge with English sentences,4. Person B deposits the $880 in Bank 2, and Bank 2 will deposit 12% of th

6、e $880 ($105.6) in the central bank again as a reserve. 5. The money supply rises. If the process continues to its limit, a total of $8333.33 circulates in the system. 6. After deducting the original $1000 of Person A, $7333.33 of new money is being used in the community and represents a net increas

7、e in the money supply.,Language Points,1. minimal adj. 最小的,极微的 maximal 最大的 e.g. Fortunately, the storm only did minimal damage to the farmers crops. 2. enforce vt. 实施,执行;强迫,迫使 enforce the law 执行法律 enforced education 强迫教育,义务教育 3. assume vt. 假定,假设,设想 assume this to be true 假定这个是真的 we must assume him t

8、o be innocent until he is proved guilty. 尚未证实他有最,就得假定他无辜。 承担,担任,接受 undertake assume office 就职,assume responsibility承担责任 He assumes his new responsibilities next month. 他下个月承担新任务。 装作,装出,假装assume ignorance 假装不知情,Language Points,4. fractional adj. 分数的,小数的 fractional numbers 分数 a fractional amount 零数 ve

9、ry small 极小的 a fractional difference in prices 微小差价 fraction 小部分,一点儿,少许 e.g. The car stopped within a fraction of an inch of the wall. 汽车在离墙不到一英寸的地方停住了。 5. rein in 驾驭,统治,抑制 rein in ones temper 按住火气 rein in a horse 勒住马,the explanation of the text,Banks may lend more money than they have on deposit, j

10、ust as traders used to do when they issued more receipts for coins than they had in safekeeping. 银行贷出去的钱可能会超过存款的数目,就像商人以前经常做的那样。 Assume that the fractional reserve ratio is 12 percent. Thus, when a customer deposits $1 000 in a bank, it may immediately set aside $ 120 as a reserve. 假设部分准备金比率是12%.这样,

11、如果你在所在地银行存入1000美元,它会立即留出120美元作为准备金.,Exercises and Key to exercises:,(1) 1. 部分准备金 fractional reserve 2. 部分准备金存款扩张业务 fractional reserve deposit money expansion activities 3. 部分准备金比率 fractional reserve ratio 4.准备金要求 reserve requirement 5.货币供应量 money supply 6.利率 interest rate 7.留出一些钱 set aside some mone

12、y 8. 联邦储备银行 Federal Reserve Bank 9. 贷出一笔款loan out an amount of money 10. 联邦储备系统 Fed (2) DBAADB (3) Questions: What is the process of the fractional reserve deposit money expansion activities?,Unit Two Part B The Three Ms,教学目的与要求(Teaching targets): help students get some knowledge about the three mea

13、sures of the money supply in the Federal Reserve System; study some specialized words and expressions related to the three kinds of money supply; some new basic English vocabulary 教学重点(Emphases and difficult points) Some words and expressions: currency, demand deposits, checking accounts, medium of

14、exchange, time deposit, money market deposit accounts(MMDA), non-institutional money market mutual funds(MMMF), financial innovations, as of, monetary aggregates; How to distinguish the three measures of money supply-M1, M2 and M3. And get to know the content of each one.,Background knowledge,The cl

15、assification of money supply in the IMF: M0 = the cash outside the banking system M1 = M0 + demand deposits M2 = M1 + saving deposits + time deposits + government bonds,Background knowledge,According the Federal Reserve System, the money supply is divided into: M1 = currency + coins + demand deposit

16、s ( the narrowly defined) M2 = M1 + MMDA + MMF+ other short-term money market assets ( a broader measure of the money supply) M3 = M2+ financial assets and instruments(an even broader definition),Detailed explanation:,M2 is the most often used reference to money supply. M2是衡量货币供应量最常用的标准。在这个句子中,过去分词“used”做定语,修饰“reference”;reference的意思是“衡量标准;参照物;参考资料。 Much attention is focused on the rate at which the


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