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1、假如你是Jerry的朋友Bruce,Jerry写信给你讲述了他最近的一件烦心事:由于自己平时顽皮,老师对他比较头疼。不久前一节班会课上, 就某件事情,他提出了和老师不同的看法, 老师却认为他心存不敬,进而发生争执。请根据下表内容给Jerry写回信开导他。,描述事情经过: 不久前一节班会课上, 就某件事情,他提出了和老师不同的看法, 老师却认为他心存不敬,进而发生争执 1, you described what had happened between you two. 2, In a class-meeting class, you didnt agree with him about som

2、ething. 3, conflicts happened between you two 4 , he thought you didnt show respect for him 5, so he scolded you in front of the whole class. You felt very sad, As a result, you quarreled with each other. ( which bring about a quarrel ),原因分析 1平时比较顽皮,总给老师惹麻烦; 2. 可能是提看法的方式不妥,如语气不太好; 3. 1) I think ther

3、e may be several reasons why your teacher was angry. First, you are so naughty that you have cause him much trouble. Second, maybe the way you raised the opinion was not so proper. Maybe, your teacher had a bad mood that day. / lost temper / was in low spirits / is angry easily. 2) I think two facto

4、rs can contribute to this unpleasant thing. You are regarded as a trouble-maker and always annoy your teacher. Besides , there is a high possibility that you came up with your opinion in an improper tone, which also may upset your teacher. He should not be too narrow-minded to accept others differen

5、t opinion . A teacher should be more kind and patient.,1)There are some suggestions Id like to offer you. You are encouraged to have a communication after class with your teacher when you both calm down, which can show your respect for him, or you can write a message to him. Last but not least, plea

6、se behave yourself in future and leave a good impression on him. 2)As far as I am concerned, youd better make an apology to your teacher for annoying him and show him your respect and your desire to learn something from him. Of course , a communication between you two is also very important in handl

7、ing the problem. On the whole, only in this way can you smooth away the misunderstanding and live harmoniously.,Im sorry to hear that you are getting on badly with your teacher. In your last letter you told me what had happened between you two. In a class-meeting class, you didnt agree with him abou

8、t something, but he thought you didnt have respect for him, so he scolded you in front of the whole class. You felt very sad. I think there may be several reasons why your teacher was angry. First, you are so naughty that you have cause him much trouble. Second, maybe the way you raised the opinion

9、was not so proper. Last, your teacher had a bad mood then. There are some suggestions Id like to offer you. You should offer to have a talk after class with your teacher when you both calm down, or you can write a message to him. Last but not least, please behave yourself in future and make a good impression. Hope that my advice will be of a little help. Best wishes,



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