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1、 本文章由尚友原创或整理 1 TPO14 listening 问题解析问题解析 (编辑整理 by Nimo 叔) Section 1 第一篇 1. Why does the student go to see the man? To find out the status of her job application To get help locating a book she needs for a class To request a book that her professor put on the reserve list To ask how to look up books

2、on the librarys computer system 答案:B 解析:主旨题:材料开头女学生就说要借书,原文如下: “Hi, I am looking for this book-the American judicial system.” 所以正确答案为 B。 2. Why is the student having a problem getting the book she wants? Other students are using the book in the library. The book is kept in the political science libr

3、ary. The student has the incorrect title for the book. All the copies of the book have been checked out of the library. 答案:A 解析:细节题。问及书的去向时,管理员说所有的书都在馆内,女学生找不到的 原因肯定是有别人在看,原文如下: “Well, its still here in the library. So people must be using it.” 所以正确答案为 A。 3. Why does the man think a student job in t

4、he library is available? Click on 2 answers. An employee recently stopped working at the library. One position has been open since the beginning of the semester. The library only recently got approval to hire additional staff. Not many students are looking for work this time of year. 答案:AD 解析:多选题。原文

5、如下: “We are a little short of staff right now. Someone quit recently,” “At the beginning of the semester we were swamped with applications, but I guess everyone who wants the job has one by now.” 图书馆缺少雇员,因为有个哥们儿最近辞职了;学期开始的时候有很多人想在图 书馆工作,但是现在大家都找到工作了,所以一步推理后可知:现在没多少人再 找工作了,因为他们都有了。 综上所述,正确答案分别为 A 和 D

6、。 本文章由尚友原创或整理 2 4. What is a potential problem with the available job in the library? The position is only a temporary one. The position is for fewer hours per week than other student jobs. There may not be flexibility to select convenient working hours. The librarian may prefer to hire a student w

7、ith previous library work experience. 答案:C 解析:细节题。被问及工作的细节时,图书管理员说,学生本来是可以自由选择 工作时间的,但是现在学期开始这么久了,可能就不能自由选择了,原文如下: “Usually we can pick the hours we want to work. But since youd be starting so late in the semester, Im not sure how that would work for you.” 所以正确答案为 C。 5. Listen again to part of the c

8、onversation. Then answer the question. Why does the man say this: To acknowledge that there is a problem with the reserve system To indicate how the library avoids the problem the student mentioned To explain why the library has ordered more copies of the book To reinforce the reason why so many boo

9、ks are not on the shelves 答案:B 解析:重听题。 “Thats why I said some copies.” 前文提到教师有权利预定图书馆里面的“部分”书目,也就是说,还是有一些书 目可以供非听课人员借阅的。重听句前女生的问题如下 “What if someone who is not in the class wants to use the book?” 所以,图书管理员的话是对女学生提出的问题的解决方案。答案是 B。 第二篇 6. What is the lecture mainly about? The differences between imagi

10、nation and perception Cognitive functions that improve decision making Cognitive functions that assist in problem solving Common limitations with regard to several cognitive functions 答案:D 解析:主旨题。讲座开头时已经提出,原文如下 “So perceiving, remembering, imagining are all internal mental processes that lead to kno

11、wing or believing. Yet, each of these processes has limitations, and can lead us to hold mistaken believes or make false predictions.” 7. Why does the professor mention a study with a word list? To illustrate a type of mistake that people make when recalling details To offer an example of a well-des

12、igned study in cognitive psychology 本文章由尚友原创或整理 3 To demonstrate the limited effect imagination has on memory To prove that imagination leads to poor decision making 答案:A 解析:目的题。举出例子为了证明上文观点,讲到 word list 的记忆之前,教授 提出: “Yet, each of these processes has limitations, and can lead us to hold mistaken be

13、lieves or make false predictions.” 例子之后也讲到: “Why do they make such a simple mistake?” 所以答案为 A,C 容易错选,其实说反了,limited effect 是说影响很小,其实影 响很大。 8. What was demonstrated by the study on perception that the professor mentions? People who misheard sentences were most likely to make poor decisions. Decision m

14、aking is ultimately influenced by many factors. The brain can automatically supply details that were not actually perceived. Words that are heard last are the most easily remembered. 答案:C 解析:细节题。大脑会自动填入 blind spot 当中缺失的信息,也就是例子当中一 句话中缺失的单词,如 east 之类的。原文如下: “When we tap our memory, our brains often f

15、ill in details and quite often these details are actually false.” 9. Why does the professor mention the area where the optic nerve connects to the back of the eye? To explain why many people do not understand the concept of blind spots To illustrate how visual blind spots interfere with the processi

16、ng of written words To explain the origin of a concept that is used in the study of cognition To show how visual perception works 答案:C 解析:目的题。讲到名词“blind spot”的时候,教授提到该词的起源,也就是 人眼的盲点,所以答案为 C,原文如下。 “The term originally refers to the place in our eyes where the optic nerve connects the back of the eye to the brain” “But the term “blind spot” has al


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