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1、Modern Architecture,Find the following new words and try to match them with the correct meaning on the right.,1. nest 2. roof 3. balcony 4. construct 5. fantastic 6. architect,A. an area with a wall or bars around it, against the outside wall of a building B. strange or wild in shape , meaning etc.

2、C. a shelter made by a bird to hold its eggs and young D. the structure that covers or forms the top of a building E. a person who designs buildings F. to build,How many famous architects and architectures are mentioned in the passage?,Fast reading;,Antonio Gaudi,Frank Lloyd Wright,Taihe Dian The Te

3、mple of Heaven The Opera House 2008 Olympic Stadium,Paragraph 1,Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressed in art and architecture.,现代主义代表作之一 : 萨伏伊别墅,Modernism,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,Traditional architecture materials and modern ones,The buildings look like boxes with fla

4、t roofs, sharp corners and glass walls that act as mirrors.,Paragraph 4,Paragraph 5,Ancient architecture shows us many beautiful buildings.,Paragraph 6,A Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi and his works,Paragraph 6,Balconies look like _.,Other parts look like _.,Walls seem to be covered with the _ of a

5、 _.,The roof looks like the _ of a _.,eyes,bones,skin,fish,back,dragon,神圣家族教堂 (Sagrada Familia) 始建于1898年,是世界上 造型最怪异的教堂,长90 米,宽60米,最高塔高达 125米。教堂有三扇大门, 每扇门上有4个像玉蜀的尖 塔,共有12个,代表耶稣 的12个弟子。,Most of Gaudis works were constructed in and around Barcelona. Looking at the architecture by Gaudi is like a dream,

6、 full of fantastic colours and shapes.,纽约-古根汗姆博物馆,Paragraph 7,Nature inspires architects when they create their buildings.,在纽约第五大街一块仅仅长70米宽50米的地段上,赖特设计了这座反常的作品:一朵神奇的大蘑菇从这条街的建筑森林中冒出地面。 美术馆由四层的办公楼与六层的陈列空间以及地下的报告厅组成。陈列空间是一个圆形大厅,直径30.5米,上面各层实际上是长431米的螺旋形坡道展览廊。螺旋坡道环绕大厅而上,地层坡道宽约米,直径28米左右,以上逐渐向外加大直径,到顶层,古根

7、海姆美术馆,直径39米,坡道宽约10米,可同时容纳1500人参观。这座建筑的空间处理不同于一般隔断的陈列空间,而是用连续的坡道自然的链接了每一展段。 这个美术馆从方案到建成历时十六年。在这里赖特晚年的圆和螺旋的主题达到了高潮,而这个美术馆的异乎寻常的内部空间也成了后代建筑师的灵感源泉。,The Opera House in Sydney,Paragraph 7,Sydney Opera House,Sydney Opera house is a famous building in Sydney, Australia. It is a major performing arts center

8、on the harbor in Sydney, Australia, regarded as the finest modern,building in the country. Its two sail-like roofs, made of overlapping shells, and its remarkable (非凡的) engineering have made it world famous. It was designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon,(乌特松) who won an international competition fo

9、r the project in 1956. Work began on the building in 1959, and was completed in 1973. The buildings unique design created construction problems that required extremely advanced engineering techniques.,悉尼歌剧院和海港大桥是澳大利亚的象征。悉尼歌剧院是公认的20世纪世界七大奇迹之一,是悉尼最容易被认出的建筑,它白色的外表,建在海港上的贝壳般的雕塑体,象飘浮在空中的散开的花瓣,多年来一直令人们叹为观

10、止。它内设音乐厅、歌剧场、戏剧场、儿童剧场和一个摄影场,每个月甚至每星期这里都要举行拍卖会、音乐会和其它各种活动,是悉尼最受欢迎的地方。,Paragraph 8,What does it look like?,the 2008 Olympic Stadium,The 2008 Olympic Stadium is designed by Swiss architects Jacques Herzog (赫尔佐格) and Pierre de Mellron(德梅隆). Seen from the stop,it looks as if the stadium is covered by a g

11、ray net of steel, and it looks just like a birds nest made of tree branches.,新华网北京月日电(记者 王军) 你看过树枝般的钢网把一个可容万人的体育场编织成一个温馨鸟巢吗?你看过一个巨大体育场,它的屋顶是浮在空中的吗?你看过一个由绿丘与“白云”组成的体育场,它的屋顶是由旋转的“云朵”开启的吗?,由世界个国家的名建筑大师和专家组成的北京奥运会国家体育场方案评审委员会的回答是:以前没看到过,但这一次他们终于看到了。,Get the main idea of each part.,Part 1 ( 1 para. ) Par

12、t 2 ( 2-4 para. ) Part 3 ( 5 para. ) Part 4 ( 6-8 para. ),A. Ancient architecture B. Every great culture in the past had its own ideas expressed in art and architecture C. Some modern architecture takes examples from nature. D. Modernism and modern buildings,Whats the meaning of “Architecture looks

13、at the man-made living environment.,Part 1.,建筑学所关注的是人造的生活环境。,Part 2.,1. What are the differences between traditional and modern architecture in materials? 2. What do the modern buildings look like?,In what ways is ancient architecture different from modern architecture? Materials , shapes Roofs, cor

14、ners Size, height Balconies, windows,Part 3.,True or false,Modernism was invented in the 1930s.,Traditional architecture materials are mostly earth, stone, concrete and wood.,Antonio Gaudi was a Spanish architect who doesnt like straight lines.,T,F,F,True or false,Modern buildings are more beautiful

15、 than ancient ones.,Ancient architecture stands much closer to nature.,Wright was inspired by Japanese seashells when designing a museum.,T,F,T,True or false,To many people modern architecture equals progress.,Many people find modern buildings unfriendly and ugly.,T,T,preference n. 偏爱 have a prefere

16、nce for sth,He has never liked meat, and always has a preference for vegetables and fruit. He has a preference for music. A teacher shouldnt show preference to any one of the students.,宁愿做, 而不愿做,prefer sth. to sth. prefer doing sth. to doing sth. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. would rather do sth. than do sth.,Notes:,1). 你喜欢居住现代公寓还是传统房子? 2). 你更喜欢住哪个房子? 3). 大多数美国人喜欢喝咖啡胜


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