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1、,例 If you have a job, _yourself to it and finally youll succeed. A. do devote B. dont devote C. devoting D. not devoting,解析考查谓语动词的强调及“祈使句+and+将来时句子”的固定搭配。句意为:“如果你有了一份工作,付出努力去做它,最后你定能成功。”,A,第15讲 特殊句式,例 John opened the door. There _ he had never seen before. A. a girl did stand B. a girl stood C. did

2、a girl stand D. stood a girl,解析考查特殊句式。here, there, thus, then等副词位于句首,且当句子的主语是名词时,句子用全部倒装。,D,例 Not until he left his home _ to know how important the family was for him. A. did he begin B. had he begun C. he began D. he had begun,解析not until放在句首要用部分倒装, 可还原为正常语序:He didnt begin to know how important th

3、e family was for him until he left his home.,A,例 John plays basketball well, _his favorite sport is badminton. A. so B. or C. yet D. for,解析表示轻微转折,yet 意为:可是,然而;可与though/ although 连用。句。,C,例 Its the first time that he has been to Australia, _? A. isnt he B. hasnt he C. isnt it D. hasnt it,解析在主从复合句中,反意疑

4、问句部分以主句为准。,C,这种句型中,祈使句通常表示一种条件,祈使句和陈述句之间的连词常常是命题的热点。其连词分两类。 1. and, then, and then 意思是“就,那么,才”,表示按照祈使句说的去做,会产生顺应的结果。 2. or, or else, otherwise 意思是“否则,要不,不然的话”,表示不按照祈使句说的去做,则会产生相反的结果。,“祈使句+陈述句 ”句型,Come early, and youll catch the first bus. If you come early, youll catch the first bus. Coming early, y

5、oull catch the first bus. Come early, or you wont catch the first bus.,“祈使句+陈述句 ”句型,and 表示顺承;while表示对比;but/yet表示转折;for/so表示因果;or/eitheror 表示选择。 例:Id better take an umbrella, for it is going to rain.,并列连词,1反意疑问句的陈述部分含有由un, im, in, dis等否定意义的前缀构成的词语时,陈述部分要视为肯定含义,问句部分用否定形式。 例:Your father is unhappy, isn

6、t he?(不能用is he?) 2. “否定陈述句+简略肯定问句”这种反义疑问句,在进行回答时,一定要注意答语前后要一致,尤其注意汉语的翻译。,反意疑问句,例: He didnt come to the party last night, did he? Yes, he did. (不,他来参加晚会了。相当于 Yes, he came to the party last night. ) No, he didnt. (是,他没有来参加晚会。相当于No, he didnt come to the party last night.),反意疑问句,3. 陈述部分用must (may, might

7、) + have + Ved表示推测时,若句中带有明显的过去时间状语,问句部分动词用过去时形式。陈述部分用must (may, might) + have + Ved表示推测时,若句中没有过去时间状语,问句部分动词用现在完成时形式。 He might have forgotten his pen in the classroom yesterday, didnt he? (不用mightnt he?/ hasnt he?) You must have worked there a year ago, didnt you?(不用mustnt you?/havent you?),反意疑问句,省略句

8、,1在when, while, if, as if, though(或although), as, until, once, whether, unless, where等连词连接的状语从句中,常省略跟主句相同的主语和be动词。 When (water is) pure, water is a colorless liquid. Errors, if (there are) any, should be corrected. 2代替性省略:“so”可代替某些动词后的宾语从句,但绝不能用it或that。这些常用的动词有believe , be afraid , expect , hope , i

9、magine , suppose,省略句,Im sure等;not代替的是否定意义的宾语从句。但是Im afraid, I hope, Im sure 后跟否定的宾语从句时,只有一种形式,即Im afraid not, I hope not, Im sure not. 而I expect/ imagine/ suppose/think 的否定式有两种,即I expect / imagine/ suppose/think not 或I dont imagine/ suppose/think so. Can Emily do this work? I think so. I think not (

10、I dont think so.),倒装句,1完全倒装 将谓语动词直接提到主语前。常见情况有: (1)表方位的副词here, there 或out, in, up, down, away, off等标志词放在句首; (2)地点状语+谓语+主语;此时,地点状语为标志词; (3)There be / lie / exist / stand / live / appear / remain+主语+(there be 句型); (4)表语+系动词+主语。,倒装句,2部分倒装 将情态动词、助动词、be动词提到主语前。通常可以还原为正常的语序,并以此检验倒装句是否正确。助动词的选择也是考查的内容之一,通过

11、还原才能确定最佳的时态,以此来确定正确的助动词。 常见情况有: (1) only+状语(或状语从句)为标志词放在句首时; (2) 含有否定意义的副词为标志词放在句首时;,倒装句,(3) 结果状语从句把“so+形容词/副词”放在句首或者“such+形容词+名词”放在句首, 则主句的谓语动词要部分倒装;that 从句不变; (4) so /neither/nor 为标志词放在句首时; 表示前面所说的肯定情况也适合于另一人或物。句式如下: so + be 或助动词或情态动词,主语。,倒装句,表示前面所说的否定情况也适合于另一人或物。 句式如下: neither (nor) + be 或助动词/情态动

12、词,主语。 (5) 虚拟条件句省略if 时,将标志词had, should, were 放在句首。,倒装句,3其他形式的倒装 实际上主谓语序不变,但状语或表语提前到句首,实质上是句子的部分成分前置。具体表现为: (1) 标志词as: “尽管 /虽然”句式。 表语(形容词/名词)+ as/though + 主语+ 系动词,主句。 注意:名词前不加任何冠词。 副词+ as/though+主语+谓语动词,主句。 动词原形 +as/though + 主语+ might/may,主句。,倒装句,(2) No matter how/However + 形容词/副词+主语+ 谓语, 主句。 (3) how和

13、what引起的感叹句。 How +形容词/副词+主语+谓语; What +形容词+名词+主语+谓语。, He is always ready to help others, seldom, _, refusing them when they turn to him. A. if never B. if ever C. if not D. if any,解析if ever表示“如果曾经发生过”, 意思为“如果有(这种行为)的话”; if any 表示“如果有(某样东西)的话”。,B, Interestingly in some parts of the world, women are exp

14、ected to earn money _ men work at home and raise their children. A. but B. though C. because D. while,解析while仅表示前后两个句子的对比转折。,D, Do you think Bob will attend the meeting this afternoon? _. A. I hope not B. I dont hope so C. I dont think it D. I hope he would,解析not 代替否定的整个宾语从句;I hope 不可能出现否定前置的情况,所以I

15、dont hope so是错误的。,A, We all know that, _, the situation will get worse. A. not if dealt carefully with B. not if carefully dealt with C. if dealt not carefully with D. if not carefully dealt with,解析考查状语从句的省略; if not carefully dealt with= if the situation is not carefully dealt with。,D, Only _ in the evening _ in the living room. A. when did his father come back; he stopped playing games B. when his father came back; he stopped playing games C. when did his father come back; did he stopped playing games D. when his father came back; did he stop playing games,D,解析on


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