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1、数字及数学表达式的英文读法,1. 基数词,英文是以每三位划分一个单位: thousand, million, billion, trillion。 如: 134, 256, 366, 906 读作: one hundred( and) thirty- four billion, two hundred ( and) fifty- six million, three hundred ( and) sixty- six thousand, nine hundred ( and) six. ( 在美式英语中, 往往省略hundred 后面的and) 。,一些特殊读法, 特别是在财经新闻中常常遇到违

2、反常规的读法。如以下实例: 例1: In New York, the Dow Share Index closed 45 higher at 6, 783. ( 读作: sixty- seven eighty -three) 例2: The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 96 points at 10, 116. The Standard and Poors 500 Index gained 6 points to close at 1, 254. ( 10, 116 读作: ten thousand one hundred sixteen; 1

3、, 254 读作: twelve hundred and fifty- four),2. 序数词,序数词中除first, second, third, 其余都是在基数词末尾加上- th 构成, 只有部分在拼写方法上略有变动。 Lesson Nine = the ninth lesson 第九课; World War (World War Two) = the second world war 第二次世界大战等。 但要注意在提及国王或女王时, 只能用序数词, 而不能用基数词。 如: Queen Elithabeth II 应读作: Queen Elithabeth the second, 而不能

4、读作Queen Elithabeth two。,3.号码,电话号码,房间号,帐号,汽车牌号等按编号的顺序一个一个地读出,遇到“0”时读oh,相连的两个相同的可读作double。 My office phone number is 268-8064 extension 321. My account number is 38800685.,电话号码,读电话号码首先要按照国家代码、区号、号码本身来分开, 如86- 0551- 3837898, 然后逐个数字读出。 3+4: 3837898 读作three eight three, seven eight nigh eight; 4+4 284652

5、58 读作two eight four six, five two five eight。,如果遇到两个或三个相连数字相同, 可分别用double 和treble。 但开头三个数字相同, 通常仍应该分开读, 如: 5553298 应读作five five five, three two nine eight, 而不是treble five, three two nine eight。而且运用double 或treble 时, 仍应遵循上述数字分组规则, 如: 7733298 应读作double seven three, three two nine eight, 而不是double seven

6、 double three two nine eight。,门牌号,通常情况下, 三位门牌号逐个读出, 四位门牌号每两个数分一组。 如: Classroom 305 读作: Classroom three - oh/zero - five; Room 2534 读作: Room twenty- five thirty- four。,“0”的读法,0 可以读作zero, nought, null, nil, nothing, oh。 nil 多见于体育赛事, 如: 3: 0 读作three nil 或 three to nothing。,4. 分数,分数的分子用基数词表示, 分母用序数词表示。若

7、分子大于1, 分母用复数。 如: 1/3, 读作: one third; 2/7 读作: two sevenths。 如果分子或分母数值较大, 或在数学计算中, 常常会用over 来读分数线, 如: 32/46 读作thirty- two over forty- six。 但要注意1/2, 1/4 和3/4 分别读作: a (one)half, a(one) quarter, three quarters。,5. 小数,小数是用数字来表示的,小数点后无论有多少位数也不要在中间插入逗点;小数点读作point;小数点后面的数字要一个一个地读出。 9.45 读作:“nine point four f

8、ive”, (但有时也会听到“nine point forty- five”的特例读法。) 如果小数点前为0, 读作nought 或zero。.,6. 比率 、百分数,比率的表示通常都用数字,有时亦可用文字。 The ratios of 1 to 3 and 5 to 15 are the same. You have a fifty to fifty chance to win the game. 百分数用percent或per cent表示,即“%“ The price has been reduced by 20 percent (or 20%) since May. The numbe

9、r of visiting patients is 30 percent (or 30%) less than the same time last year.,7. 日期, 年份的表示,在年的表示中, 如果数字较小, 或者新世纪初的几个年份, 可以直接当作基数词读出, 如: 357 A.D. 读作“three hundred fifty-seven A.D.”; 2006 读作“two thousand (and) six”。 数值较大时, 习惯于两位一组读出, 如: 1980 读作“nineteen eighty”。,7. 日期, 年份的表示,May 22,也写作May 22nd; Jul

10、y 15,也写作July 15th; August 1,也写作August 1st; 1949; 1804; 1700; 2000; 685 B.C.; 1960s(or 1960s) 。,8. 时刻的表示,如果想表示刚好在某一个整点, 如11:00, 可以用“at 11 oclock sharp / on the hour / on the strike”。 而12:00 也可读为“at noon”; 00:00 为“at midnight”。 14:00 : fourteen hundred 9:15 11:26 5:30 12:00 14:15 24:00,单位的表达,23 feet 2

11、36 inches This parcel weighs 3 pounds 5 ounces I bought a 4 feet by 5 feet rug. The temperature dropped to -22. His height is 178 cm. (or He is 178 cm tall.) The size of the box is six feet by four by three and two-thirds.,货币,$18.29$15 C$268 JP¥10,000,William Elizabeth ,帝王第世,数学表达式的读法,“ 读作plus或and; “

12、 “ 读作minus或from; “ 读作times或multiplied by; “ 读作divided by等。 5813 Five plus eight is thirteen. 15-69 Fifteen minus six is nine. 4520 Four times five is twenty. Four multiplied by five is twenty. 824 Eight divided by two is four.,数学表达式的读法,AB A is greater than B. AB A is greater than or equal to B. AB A

13、 is less than B. AB A is less than or equal to B. AB A is not equal to B. Five squared is twenty-five. Five cubed is one hundred and twenty-five. Two to the fourth power is sixteen. The square (or second) root of sixteen is four. The cube (or third) root of twenty-seven is three.,Logic there exist f

14、or all pq p implies q / if p, then q pq p if and only if q /p is equivalent to q / p and q are equivalent,数学表达式的读法,Sets xA x belongs to A xA x does not belong to A AB A is contained in B / A is a subset of B AB A contains B / B is a subset of A AB A cap B / A meet B / A intersection B AB A cup B / A

15、 join B / A union B AB A minus B / the diference between A and B AB A cross B / the cartesian product of A and B,数学表达式的读法,Linear algebra x the norm (or modulus) of x OA OA / vector OA OA OA / the length of the segment OA A T A transpose / the transpose of A A 1 A inverse / the inverse of A,数学表达式的读法,


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