四川省中考(人教新课标版)考点解密:七年级(下)units 9至12

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1、七年级(下)Units 9至12直击 中考 考点考点精析考点一How did kids spend the weekend? 孩子们怎么度过周末的?(P57)辨析spend, pay, cost与take(2012内江28题考查)【观察思考】My sister usually spends much money on clothes. 我妹妹经常在衣服上花很多钱。 I have to pay1,000for this computer. 买这台电脑要花掉我1000美元。The meal costs us about 50. 这顿饭花了我们大约50英镑。It took them two year

2、s to build the hospital. 他们用了两年时间建成了这所医院。【用法归纳】这四个词都可表示“花费”,但又有不同:spend 作“花费”讲时,主语必须是人,而且常用于以下句型:somebody spends time/money on something某人在某事(物)上花费时间/金钱。somebody spends time/money(in)doing something 某人花费时间/金钱做某事。spend还有“度过”的意思。pay 的主语是人,后常跟表金钱的数词,且常与介词for搭配。cost的主语是物或某项活动,常用于以下结构:something cost(s) (

3、somebody)+金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱。(doing)something costs (somebody)+时间,(做)某事花了(某人)多少时间。take的主语是物或用形式主语it,常用于以下结构:It takes somebody some time to do something 做某事花了某人多少时间。doing something takes somebody +时间,做某事花了某人多少时间。考点二 Then it was time to go home.该到回家的时间了。(P58)Its time to.的句型【观察思考】Oh, its time for me to lea

4、ve. 哦,我该走了。Its time for school.=Its time to go to school. 该上学了。【用法归纳】Its time to do something意为“该做某事了;是做某事的时间了”。类似的常见表达还有:Its time for something/Time for something“该做某事了”; Its time for somebody to do something“某人该做某事了”。考点三That made me feel very happy. 这让我觉得很开心。(P63)make的用法【观察思考】The Party made her a

5、good teacher.党把她培养成为一名好教师。(名词作宾补)Waiting for her made me angry.我很生气一直等着她。(形容词作宾补)I made myself understood by all the students.我使自己得到所有学生的理解。(分词作宾补)The boss made us work all night. 老板让我们整夜工作。The chair is made of wood.这把椅子是木制的。The bread is made from wheat.面包是由小麦制成的。【用法归纳】make+名词 “做;制做”。make food做饭make

6、 a model plane做飞机模型make+somebody/something+宾语补足语,“使某人(感到),使某人或某物处于某种状态”。make somebody/something+do.“使某人做某事(后接不带to的动词不定式)”。【注意】当make 用于被动语态时,必须带不定式符号to。例句4改为被动句为: We were made to work all night (by the boss). 我们被迫整夜工作。make a living 谋生make use of 利用make fun of 取笑make mistakes 犯错误make sure 核实,弄清楚,务必be

7、made of 指原材料制成成品后,原材料未经任何化学变化,仍保持原有性质。be made from指当原材料制成成品后,经过了化学变化,失去了原有性质。考点四 Today the weather was cool, so we decided to play tennis.今天天气很凉爽,因此我们决定去打网球。(P63)decide的用法(2013成都44题考查)【观察思考】He decided to go home at once.他决定立刻回家。She decided not to make the same mistakes.她决定不犯相同的错误。He has decided on g

8、oing there.他已决定去那儿。We decide that we will do our best to learn English well.我们决定尽最大努力把英语学好。【用法归纳】decide为动词,后常跟名词、不定式、从句作宾语,其名词形式为decision。decide to do something决定做某事。decide not to do something决定不做某事。decide on/upon决定decide+宾语从句 决定考点五What do you think of soap operas?你觉得肥皂剧怎么样?(P65)What do you think of

9、.? 的用法【观察思考】What does Mary think of her new teacher?(How does Mary like her new teacher?)(=How does Mary feel about her new teacher?)玛丽对她新来的老师有什么看法?She thinks the teacher is a bit strict. 她认为这个老师有点儿严厉。【用法归纳】询问看法和观点的句型What do/does somebody think of/about.?=How do/does somebody like.?=How do/does some

10、body feel about.?用于询问某人对某事物的观点、看法,意为“某人认为某人或某事物怎么样?”。I dont think.句型的用法 这是一个“否定转移”的句式, 在日常用语中常用来表达说话人委婉的否定看法或意见。这种用法多出现在当主句的主语是第一人称, 谓语动词是think/ believe/suppose等表示“看法”之类的动词时, 宾语从句中的否定词多转移到主句谓语动词上。如: I dont think thats possible. 我认为那是不可能的。 I dont suppose we could put it back a week or so. 我想我们不能推迟一周左右。考点六Find students who agree with you. 找出同意你的学生。(P67)agree短语小结(2011泸州6题考查)【观察思考】I quite agree with what you said. 我完全同意你所说的。They agreed to help me. 他们同意帮助我。They agreed on the treatment. 他们就治疗方案达成了一致意见。【用法归纳】agree with somebody 赞同某人 (的意见)agree to do something 同意做某事agree on something 就某事达成一致意见


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