八年级英语牛津译林版上导学案:unit1 task

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1、课 题8A U1 Task主 备姚桂芹主 核孙亚莉使用者张军红课 型new使用日期2015.9【学习目标】1.To master some important words and short phrases. 2.To knows how to write an article about something amazing.第一次备课(通案)第二次备课(个案)【导入新课】Ask the students:What can friends do? 【板书课题】8A Unit1 Task【学习目标】1.Think about your best friend and prepare some n

2、otes to describe your friends. 2. Use some adjectives, comparatives and superlatives correctly to describe your friend .3.To learn the right and easy ways to finish a writing. Then show it to others. 【自学指导】Task 1 1. Discuss the words about people in groups in PartA.2. Ask and answer:Whats his/her fu

3、ture plan? 3. Make a flow chart of your friend .Task 2 1. Listen to the tape carefully and judge the sentences.2. Read the article and answer the following questions.What does she look like? What is she like?3. Listen and repeat Daniels article about his best friend and find out the information.4. F

4、ill in the blanks 5. Remember important words and short phrases and master the important language points.Task 3 1. Read the article and find the main idea of each paragraph.2. Discuss How to write the article about best friend in groups .Introduction (Para 1) : Say who your best friend is.Main body

5、(Para 2&3): Describe his/ her looks. Describe his/ her personality. Conclusion (Para 4) :Describe his/her future plans.Task 41. Lets have a writing competition ! Who can be your best friend?2. Now please write an article . What should you write in your article? Please make your own notes.3. Talk abo

6、ut the ways of article.4. Write an article to introduce your best friend and use the ideas you got by yourself.5. Work in groups of four to read own articles in class.Task 51. Remember important words and short phrases.2. Rewrite the article.【堂清知识】Introduction (Para 1) : Say who your best friend is.

7、Main body (Para 2&3): Describe his/ her looks. Describe his/ her personality. Conclusion (Para 4) :Describe his/her future plans.【当堂检测】1. 既是又是2. 第一次遇见某人3. 明亮的带着微笑的脸4. 使某人做某事5. 看起来很和蔼6. 脸上带着微笑7. 成为一名出色的教师8. 一个努力工作的人9. 努力工作10. 在功课上给我帮助Talk with your partners.Discuss in groups and read and say.Play the

8、 tape ask students to read after the tape.Fill in the blanks and check them in groups.Read and find then discuss in groups.Talk with your partners.Guide students to write the article then ask three students to read their articles and check their mistakes.日清内容一、根据所给汉语完成句子。1. Kate既是我的朋友也是我的邻居。 Kate is

9、 my best friend my neighbour. 2. 她长着方脸和一个长长的鼻子。 She a face and a long nose.3. 当我感到无聊或不快乐时,她便和我交谈,给我讲有趣的笑话。 When I feel or , she talks me and tells me funny . 4. 她脸上总是带着微笑,显得很快乐。 She always a smile on her face and .5. Lily的房间很整洁,而我的房间比她的房间更整洁。Lilys room is very _ but _ is _ _ _.6. 那两个男人中较胖的是我爸爸。_ _ o

10、f the two men is my father.二、根据括号内的要求句型转换。1. (1) Kate is slim. (2) Kates sister is slimmer. (把两句合并成一句)Kates sister is _ _ Kate.2. Our monitor(班长)is very tall and strong. (对划线部分提问)_ _ your monitor _?3. The boy is the tallest in his class. (写出同义句)The boy is _ than _ _ student in his class. 4. She want

11、s to be an editor when she grows up. ( 对划线部分提问)_ _ she to when she grows up?三、书面表达根据中文提示,写一篇介绍你好朋友的短文。1. May是我最好的朋友,我俩从7岁时就认识了。她住的离我家很近。2. 她不高,不胖不瘦,圆脸,小鼻子,齐肩的直发,笑咪咪的眼睛让人觉得很亲切。3. 她很聪明,乐于助人,经常帮助同学们打扫教室, 帮老师收发(hand in/out)作业本,乐于帮助别人解决难题。大家都喜欢她。4. 她长大后想成为一名医生,帮助人们保持身体健康。第三次备课(反思)得:学生在课堂上就掌握了本部分的新单词及短语,能够把握住写作思路。失:有部分学生还是不能够写作。改:课后,让他们根据课堂上展示的几篇作文来仿写。


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