九年级英语上册 unit 1 star signs grammar c精品学案 牛津译林版

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1、学优中考网()每天发布最有价值的中考资料!九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Star signs Grammar C精品学案 牛津译林版课题9A Unit1 Star Signs Grammar C学习目标知识目标区分句子的不同成分,用句子的基本成分造句。能力目标用句子的基本成分造句。情感目标珍惜朋友情谊学习重点用句子的基本成分造句学习难点区分句子的不同成分,课前自学1. 查资料,将句子的成分的词的读音和汉语意思标好,并读一读。成分读音汉语意思常由哪些词担当subjectpredicatepredicativeobjectindirect objectdirect objectobject com

2、plementadverbialattributive2. 做练习,温故知新。1)当Millie听到这个消息时,看上去很开心。When Millie heard the news, she looked .2)当我把这个好消息告诉Millie时,她开心地看着我。When I told Millie the good news, she looked at me.3) Peter总是给他的朋友买许多礼物。(注意:双宾语)Peter always .Peter always .4)Simon正把足球传给Peter.Simon the football Peter.Simon the footbal

3、l.5) Millie 在她上学的路上发现地上有个包。Millie a bag _ on the ground _ her way school. 课堂交流展示1. 复习Grammar A &B.在两分钟之内,看谁写出最多的句子。(个人展示) 用 it is+ adj + of + (not) to、to be + adjective + enough + to-造句2. 读一读,说一说。说出表示句子成分的词汇。(集体展示)3. 分小组,一组一个句子成分,互相学习吧!(小组合作)4.朋友情深练习,看看你的选择对不对。(C1练习)5.连词成句找成分(C2练习),让我们竞争一下吧!(个人展示)6.

4、知识在于积累,本节课里的知识点不少呢!(小组合作)课堂达标检测一、翻译短语1. 梦想 2. 把分成 3. 向某人借东西 4. 使我开心 5. 计划做某事 6. 轻易放弃 7. 到家 8. 做实验 9. 牙痛 10. 看牙医 11. 第一只克隆羊 12.一杯柠檬汁 13. 将足球传给David 14. 叫人修他的车 二、完成句子1. The girl is in the car. (提问)_ is the girl?2. The girl in the car is the doctors daughter. (提问)_ _ is the doctors daughter? 3. The pol

5、iceman is tall and strong. (提问)_4. I am a woman teacher. (改为复数)_ 5. We will go to school by bike. (同义句)_6. He studies carelessly. (同义句)_7. Have you found _(任何有趣的事情) in the newspaper?8. The dish _(闻起来香). 9. My hair is long. I will _ (理发)this Sunday.10.Sandy _(已经打电话)for hours. 三、选词填空treat everyone equ

6、ally, care about, wait without getting angry, sharewith, have lots of energy, 1. She is selfish. She always _ herself.2. John is generous. He always _ his things _ others.3. Miss Zhang is a fair teacher. She can _.4. You must learn to be patient enough _.5. Wearing red clothes can make you _.第6课时一、翻

7、译短语1. dream about 2. divide into 3. borrow sth. from sb. 4. make me happy 5. plan to do sth 6. give up easily 7. get home/ arrive home 8. do an experiment 9. have a toothache 10. see a dentist 11. the first cloned sheep 12.a cup of lemonade 13. pass the football to David 14. have his bicycle repaire

8、d 二、完成句子1. Where 2. Which girl 3. What is the policeman like? 4. They are women teachers. 5. We will ride the bike to school. 6. He doesnt study carefully. 7. anything interesting8. smells sweet/nice 9. have my hair cut 10.has been on the phone 三、选词填空1. cares about, 2. shareswith, 3. treat everyone equally, 4. to wait without getting angry, 5. Wearing red clothes can make you have lots of energy第4页 共4页


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