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1、(一)动词不定式做状语时表示目的和结果用法总结1. 作目的状语:I came here to see you.To stop the train, pull the lever downwards.目的状语还可以用如下表达法:肯定:toin order to + 动词原形 so as toI come to see her. = I come in order to see her. = I come so as to see her.thatso that + 主语 + may/might + 动词原形in order that I come that I may see her. = I

2、come in order that I may see her. = I come so that I may see her.否定:not toin order not to + 动词原形 so as not tothatso that + 主语 + may/might + not + 动词原形in order that He went away not to see me.= He went away in order not to see me.= He went away so as not to see me.= He went away in order that he migh

3、t not see me.= He went away that he might not see me.= He went away so that he might not see me.in order to, in order that 和 so as to, so that 的区别in order to 可以用在句首或句末,但 so as to 只能用在句末。如:He got up very early in order to/so as to catch the first bus.In order to catch the first bus, he got up very ea

4、rly.(此时不能用 so as to)so as to 和 in order to 的汉语意思应该是一样的“为的是,为了 ”。它们的英语功能也是一样的,都可以用来引导目的状语。它们的不同之处就在于 so as to 不能用于句子的开头,在句子开头只能用 in order to.另外,1.in order to 一般用 in order that 加从句来替换;而 so as to 一般用 so that 加从句来替换。in order that 可以在句首,so that 和 so as to 一样不能在句首。2.当这两个短语后的不定式动词的逻辑主语和句子的主语一致时,“in order t

5、o , so as to +不定式”可以简化为“不定式”In order to get to school on time, he got up earlier.这个句子可以表达为下列几种方式:In order that he could get to school on time, he got up earlier.He got up earlier in order to get to school on time.He got up earlier in order that he could get to school on time.He got up earlier so as

6、to get to school on time.He got up earlier so that he could get to school on time.To get to school on time, he got up earlier. (这种不定式有时可以表示目的以外的状语)注意:不定式本身有自己的主语时,可用 “forto”来表示。如:My father bought a new book for me to read.2. 作结果状语:He hurried to the school to find nobody there.What have I done to off

7、end you?结果状语还可以用如下表达法:adj as to + 动词原形so + + (表示正面的结果,解释为“如此.以至于”)adv that + 主语 + can/could + 动词原形adj= + enough to + 动词原形 (表示正面的结果,解释为“如此.以至于”)advHe studied so hard as to pass the examination.= He studied so hard that he could pass the examination.= He studied hard enough to pass the examination注意:

8、enough 与形容词或副词连用时,要置于形容词或副词之后 。The water is warm enough for us to swim.I wish youd write clearly enough for us to read it.enough 可置于名词前做修饰语, 在正式语体中有时可以放在名词后。Have you got enough room/room enough to seat all of us?adj adjtoo + + to = so + + that + 主语 +cannot + 动词原形 adv advadj= not + + enough to + 动词原形

9、 (表示反面的结果,解释为“太.以至不能”)advYou are too young to learn to drive.= You are so young that you cant learn to drive.= You are not old enough to learn to drive.such as to . 和 such.as to 及 such that和 suchthat的区别1. such 有两种词性:名词性的不定代词和形容词。正是由于词性不同,所以在表示“如此.以致于” 这种意思时就出现了两种不同的结构。such as to . 中的 such 属于不定代词,指代上

10、文提到过的人或事物,意思是“这样的人/如此的事物”,如:The case has been such as to prove true. 情况已经如此,以致于证明是真实的。Their anxiety was such as for them not to be able to sleep. 他们如此焦虑,以致于难以入睡。2. such . as to . 中的 such 属于形容词,需要放在名词前作定语,意思是 “这样的/ 如此的.”,如:We are not such fools as to believe him. 我们不是那样的蠢人, 以致于能够相信他。She had such a fr

11、ight as to faint. 她如此吃惊以致于吓得昏了过去。Such as to 和 such.as to 中,如果把不定式加上主语改为结果状语从句,就变成了 such that . 和 such . that .。以下就是上面句子改写成的从句:The case has been such that it can prove true. 情况已经如此,以致于(情况)证明是真实的。Their anxiety was such that they could not sleep. 他们如此焦虑,以致于(他们) 难以入睡。We are not such fools that we can be

12、lieve him. 我们不是那样的蠢人, 以致于(我们)能够相信他。She had such a fright that she fainted. 她如此吃惊以致于(她)吓得昏了过去。表示令人意外的结果用 only + to find / discover / realizeHe lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.They queued for hours at the box office only to discover that the show was sold out.(二)动词不定式的概念:动词不定式指由 to动词原形(

13、而且只能是动词原形 )所构成的一种非限定性动词,而非限定动词是指那些在句中不能单独充当谓语的动词,可分为不定式,动名词。动词不定式在句中可以作句子除谓语之外的任何句子成分。动词不定式在语法功能上可作主语 、宾语、表语、定语和状语。 我们主要是学习动词不定式作宾语和宾语不足语。动名词的概念:如果一个动词加上了 ing 变成了名词,那么这个词称动名词。动名词的名词特征表现在它可在句子中当名词来用,作主语、宾语、表语、定语。它也可以被副词修饰或者支配宾语。下面的动词只能加不定式作宾语:1.agree to do sth 2.arrange to do sth 3.decide to do sth 4

14、.hope to do sth 同意做某事 安排做某事 决定做某事 希望做某事5.ought to do sth 6.promise to do sth 7.refuse to do sth 8.seem to do sth应该做某事 承诺做某事 拒绝做某事 好像做某事9.want to do sth 10.plan to do sth 11. pretend to do sth 12.wish to do sth 想要做某事 计划做某事 假装做某事 希望做某事12.prepare to do sth 13.appear to do stn 14.disagree to do sth 准备做某

15、事 好像做某事 不同意做某事下面的动词只能加不定式作宾语补足语:1.elect sb to do sth 2.allow sb to do sth 3.tell sb to do sth 4.ask sb to do sth选举某人做某事 允许某人做某事 告诉某人做某事 问某人做某事5.下面的动词既可以加不定式也可以加动名词:1.like to do sth 2.forget to do sth 3.love to do sth 4.hate to do sthdoing sth doing sth doing sth doing sth喜欢做某事 忘记做某事 喜爱做某事 讨厌做某事5.begin to do sth 6.start to do sth



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