中考英语九年级units 13-15复习冲刺学案(人教新课标)

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1、2012中考英语九年级Units 13-15复习冲刺学案(人教新课标)Units13-15复习目标I单词II词组aim at 瞄准;针对for instance 例如;比如at times 有时;偶尔to start with 首先clean out 清除;把打扫干净get back to sb. 过一会再与某人通话be off 离开;走开so far 到目前为止thanks to 幸亏;由于;因为look forward to 盼望;期待care for 关心;关怀;照顾 句型1. Rainy days make me sad. 阴雨天让我难受。2. It makes me want to

2、join a clean-up campaign. 这让我想加入一次清扫大运动。make的用法1) make sb./sth. + adj. 2) make sb. / sth. + do使某人做某事(不带to)注意:被动语态时,必须带不定式符号to.句型2用被动语态改写: I _ want to join a clean-up campain.3. For instance,they can help you to compare two different products so that you can buy the one you really need.例如,他们可以帮你比较两个不

3、同的产品,以便你可以买到你确实需要的。1)for instance = _ _2)so that 为了,以便,引导目的状语从句注意:so that 常用来引导结果状语从句4. In the past twelve months, theyve had three major concerts and made a hit CD. 在过去的十二个月里,他们举办了三场较大的音乐会,出版了一张很受欢迎的CD唱片。1)“in the past/last+时间段”常用于现在完成时的句子中。2)短语make a hit表示“大获成功”、“(演出等)大受欢迎;受到赞扬”翻译:他的歌曲轰动一时。His son

4、g was _ _ _.5. The walls are made from old glass bottles that are glued together. 墙是由旧玻璃瓶粘在一起建成的。be made from/of意为“由(原料)制成”be made from 看不出原材料是什么;be made of可看得出原材料补充:be made up of表示由一种种成分或一个个成员组成。完成句子:1)葡萄酒是由葡萄制成的。Wine _ grapes.2)这桌子是由木头做的。The desk _ wood.3)电视机是由数百个不同的零件组装成的。 A TV set is _ hundreds

5、of different parts.复习重难点:13-15单元的重点词汇、句子、语法。复习过程课前导学(学生课前记忆练习,上课时学生提出问题,教师评价)1 翻译短语1) put on _ put up _ put off put down put away 2) turn on _ turn off _ turn up _ turn down _ 3) the number of _ a number of _4) have been to_ have gone to _have been in Jinan for two weeks _2 词形填空1)Here are some thing

6、s they have learned from _(scientist ) studies.2)Sunglasses are used for _ (keep) out the sun.3)The students are _ (confuse) about the _ (confuse) problem.4)Im considering _ (study) in Beijing or Shanghai.5)I felt _(embarrass) when everyone looked at me.6)The old building _ (set up) yesterday. 7)You

7、ng people should speak to old _ (polite).8)Most of the trash can _ (recycle) in the future. 9)There _ (use) to be a lot of manatees.10)As soon as he saw me, He stopped _ (speak) to me.11)When the teacher came in, the students stopped _ (talk). 12)They (not come) back yet.探究、合作、展示 (教师对单元知识疏理。学生小组合作探究

8、,教师巡视)。1 选择1) Loud music may make people _ fast. A. to eat B. eat C. eated D. eats2) The children were made _ homework first. A. do B. to do C. did D. doing3)-How many students are there in your school ?-_the students in our school _ over two thousand .A. The number of , is B. The number of , are C.

9、 A number of , is4) Hurry up ! The play _ for ten minutes .A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. began5) When they were young , they _ around from place to place .A. used to travelling B.used to travel C. were used to travel D.are used to travelling6) _ have you been in China? A. How long B. H

10、ow often C. How soon D. How far7) At last, Lucy made the baby _ and the baby began to laugh.A. stop crying B. to stop crying C. stop to say D. to stop to cry2 句型转换:同义句1)It is three years since he died. He has _ _ for three years.2)Some endangered animals are looked after in the zoo.Some endangered a

11、nimals are _ _ _ of in the zoo.3) It seems that Polar Bears are gentle animals. Polar Bears seems _ _ _ gentle animals.小组长提出小组的问题,教师解决。巩固练习(学生独立完成,小组核对答案,教师评价)完成句子1)他很聪明,知道如何赚更多的钱。He is very clever and he knows _.2)我不喜欢阴雨天, 因为它常常使我伤感。I dont like _, because it often _.3)学生应该学会如何学习,否则你会觉得压力太大。Students

12、 should learn _, or you will _.4)我把钥匙忘在家了。I _ home.5)那天我起的很早以便能赶上第一班火车。That day I got up early _.6)他假装没听见我说话,继续听音乐。He _ and went on listening to music.7)这个教室有10米长,6米宽。The classroom is _.8)离开房间时不要忘记关灯。Dont forget _ when you leave the room.拓展延伸(学生独立完成)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。(10) Fourteen year-old girl Du

13、 Bingzi was walking towards her home .S 67 , a man stopped her and shouted, “Give me your money!” Dus hands were c 68 by the man .But in one quick movement , she took back her arms and started to scream for attention. The man ran away without getting any of her money.Du is a student from Beijing No.25 Middle School . Her teacher Chen Han has started giving his students an u 69 lesson: self-protection. Luckily, Du had just learned how to escape from an a 70 ,a person who p



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