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1、专 业 外 语,吉林大学中日联谊医院骨科 王 刚 13604430731 qq:912658549,微信二维码,自我介绍,姓名:王刚 出生:1972年 学历:七年制八九级1996年毕业 骨科学博士2001年毕业 工作:1996现在,吉大一医院、三院骨科 留学:2004年8月2005年9月 奥地利维也纳医科大学附属维也纳综合医院骨科 特长:创伤骨科、关节外科、肿瘤骨科 联系方式:13604430731 E-mail: ,世界通用急救标志 中国急救标志,世界卫生组织 中华人民共和国卫生部,国家医学考试中心 欧洲药房标志:疗蛇杯子,Asculepius 神农尝百草,Caduceus as a sy

2、mbol of medicine,赫尔墨斯Hermes 发明钻木取火,商业之神 美国海军院后勤人员1851年误用 1902年美国海军官方确认其为医学标志,顾城:黑夜给了我黑色眼睛 我却用它寻找光明,不要相信任何人信自己,专业英语(medical terminology),主要内容,Examination of Specific Joints Elbow examination Wrist examination Sciatica examination Hip symptom Hip examination,Part 1 Tennis Elbow P621,肘关节检查最后一段,网球肘查体,Te

3、nnis elbow(网球肘), also known as lateral epicondylitis(外上髁炎), is a common condition characterized by pain in the region of the lateral epicondyle(外上髁) of the humerus(肱骨). The pain radiates down the extensor(伸肌) surface of the forearm.,Patients with tennis elbow often experience pain when attempting to

4、 open a door or when lifting a glass. To test for tennis elbow, the examiner should flex the elbow and fully pronate(手掌向下,旋前) the hand. Pain over the lateral epicondyle while extending the elbow is diagnostic of tennis elbow.,Another test involves having the patient clench(紧握) the fist, dorsiflex(背伸

5、) the wrist, and extend the elbow. Pain is elicited(引出) by trying to force the dorsiflexed hand into palmar(掌侧的,掌的) flexion.,Vocabulary,Tennis elbow(网球肘) lateral epicondylitis(外上髁炎) epicondyle(上髁) humerus(肱骨) extensor(伸肌),vocabulary,pronate(手掌向下,旋前) supinate(手掌向上,旋后) clench(紧握) dorsiflex(背伸) elicit(

6、引出) palmar(掌侧的,掌的),单词复习,Tennis elbow lateral epicondylitis epicondyle humerus extensor,单词复习,pronate supinate clench dorsiflex elicit palmar,Part 1 详解,Tennis elbow(网球肘), also known as lateral epicondylitis(外上髁炎), is a common condition characterized by pain in the region of the lateral epicondyle(外上髁)

7、 of the humerus(肱骨). The pain radiates down the extensor(伸肌) surface of the forearm.,Patients with tennis elbow often experience pain when attempting to open a door or when lifting a glass. To test for tennis elbow, the examiner should flex the elbow and fully pronate(手掌向下,旋前) the hand. Pain over th

8、e lateral epicondyle while extending the elbow is diagnostic of tennis elbow.,Another test involves having the patient clench(紧握) the fist, dorsiflex(背伸) the wrist, and extend the elbow. Pain is elicited(引出) by trying to force the dorsiflexed hand into palmar(掌侧的,掌的) flexion.,Part 2 Carpal Tunnel Sy

9、ndrome P622 腕关节检查最后一段, 腕管综合征查体,When the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome(腕管综合征) is suspected, a sharp tap or pressure directly over the median nerve(正中神经) may reproduce(复制,重现) the paresthesias(感觉异常) of carpal tunnel syndrome, called Tinels sign(Tinel 征).,Another useful test is for the examiner to

10、 stretch the median nerve by extending the patients elbow and dorsiflexing (背屈)the wrist. The development of pain or paresthesias suggests the diagnosis.,A third test entails(需要,使必要) the patient holding both wrists in a fully palmar-fixed(固定在掌屈) position for 2 minutes. The development or exacerbatio

11、n(加剧,恶化) of paresthesias(感觉异常) is suggestive of carpal tunnel syndrome.,vocabulary,carpal tunnel syndrome(腕管综合征) carpal (腕骨的) tunnel (隧道) syndrome (综合征) median nerve(正中神经) reproduce(复制,重现) paresthesia (感觉异常),vocabulary,Tinels sign(Tinel 征) dorsiflex (背屈) entails(需要,使必要) palmar-fixed(固定在掌屈) exacerbat

12、ion(加剧,恶化) paresthesia(感觉异常),单词复习,carpal tunnel syndrome carpal tunnel syndrome median nerve reproduce paresthesia,单词复习,Tinels sign dorsiflex entails palmar-fixed exacerbation paresthesia,Part 2 详解,When the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome(腕管综合征) is suspected, a sharp tap or pressure directly ove

13、r the median nerve(正中神经) may reproduce the paresthesias(感觉异常) of carpal tunnel syndrome, called Tinels sign(Tinel 征).,Another useful test is for the examiner to stretch the median nerve by extending the patients elbow and dorsiflexing (背屈)the wrist. The development of pain or paresthesias suggests t

14、he diagnosis.,A third test entails(需要,使必要) the patient holding both wrists in a fully palmar-fixed(固定在掌屈) position for 2 minutes. The development or exacerbation(加剧,恶化) of paresthesias(感觉异常) is suggestive of carpal tunnel syndrome.,注意预防腕管综合征,Part 3 Sciatica P624, 最后一段 坐骨神经痛查体,Pain from entrapment(神经

15、卡压) of the sciatic nerve is called sciatica(坐骨神经痛). Patients with sciatica describe pain, burning, or aching in the buttocks radiating(放射) down the posterior (后方)thigh to the posterolateral aspect of the calf(小腿). Pain is worsened by sneezing, laughing, or straining(用力) at stool(大便).,One of the test

16、s for sciatica is the straight leg raising test(直腿抬高试验). The patient is asked to lie supine(仰卧位) while the examiner flexes the extended leg to the trunk(躯干) at the hip. The presence of pain is a positive test.,The patient is asked to plantarflex (跖屈) and dorsiflex(背屈) the foot. This stretches the sciatic nerve even more. If sciatica is present, this test reproduces(复制重现) pain


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