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1、交际用语,朱老师 QQ:810130479,什么是交际用语?,这要从我们传统英语教学法讲起,Step1 the teacher read one sentence Step2 the teacher make the students read the sentence Step3 the teacher explain the grammatical points Step4 the teacher give some examples Step5 the students read these sentence aloud again and again Step6 they do som

2、e written exercises,中国的英语教学主要是为了考试,SO,认识英语,认识统考英语,英语从何而来?,英国?,古代从欧洲大陆移民大不列颠岛的盎格鲁、撒克遜和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地,究竟什么人在说英语?,英语在下列国家和地区是第一语言:澳大利亚、巴哈马、爱尔兰、巴巴多斯、百慕大、圭亚那、牙买加、新西兰、圣克里斯多福及尼维斯、特立尼达和多巴哥、英国和美国。目前世界上把英語作為第一語言(本族語)的人口約有 3億。,英语在下列国家和地区中是通用语言,这些国家包括、加拿大(连同法语)、多米尼克、圣路西亚和圣文森及格瑞那丁(连同法语)、密克罗


4、与计算机联系最密切的语言,大多数编程语言都与英语有联系,英语的熟练程度决定了受教育程度 受教育程度决定了收入程度,对于我们寻求职业的普通人来说,世界顶级大学采用英语授课,英语成为世界语言的趋势还能扭转吗?,NO,学习英语吧,朋友们,每个人学习英语的初衷不同,看英文电影的 去国外读大学的 移民国外的 去台湾旅游的 反日的 ,PERSISTENCE,如何学习英语?,Very simple, marry an American and learn from him or her.,Sorry, I cant.,So, learn from movies, books, music, signs, s

5、logan.,Impossible is nothing,Anything is possible,JUST DO IT,Wo cao,How are you,让我们从打招呼开始学习交际用语,Good morning,hi,hello,How do you do,How are you doing,Hows everything going,Whats up,Long time no see,初次见面,Nice to meet you Pleased to meet you Happy to meet you Good to see you,道别,Bye bye See you Good by

6、e Nice meeting you,请求和建议,委婉和礼貌,我们听不出委婉就很难过了,Can I go somewhere?,Sure, you can go everywhere.,赞扬,学习英语的精髓,美国人喜欢说:,You did very good job. You look great. You can do it again. You could say that again.,英国人爱讲:,Terrific Fantastic Marvelous Brilliant,询问信息和疑问句,What Who How When Where Which why,How much How

7、many How far How long How often How soon,一般疑问句是否只回答yes或者no?,Do you have watch?,Its ten past ten.,三个基本原则,礼貌原则 相关原则 习惯原则,一、问候与告辞,Good morning! (早上好!) Good afternoon! (下午好!) Good evening! (晚上好!) How do you do! (您好!) Nice to meet you!(很高兴见到你!) How are you doing?(还好吧?) Hows everything?(一切还好吗?) Hows every

8、thing going?(一切还好吗?) Hows it going? (一切还好吗?) Well, Im afraid I have to be going. I have to go now. I have to leave now. I really must go now. I must go now.,二、请求和建议,(一)请求 Will (Would) you do sth.? Will (Would) you please do sth.? Would you like to do sth.? Can you do sth.? Can (Could) you please (po

9、ssible) do sth.? Do (Could) you mind doing sth.? (要特别注意,如果同意请求用No回答,不同意请求要用Yes回答) Would you be kind enough to do sth.? Could you do me a favor by doing sth.? Is it (all right / OK) convenient for you to do sth.? I wonder if you could do sth.? If you could do sth, I would be very grateful.,(二)建议 How

10、about doing sth.? What about doing sth.? Why not do sth.? Why dont you do sth.? Why dont we do sth.? Shall we do sth.? Isnt it a good idea to do sth.? Youd better (not) do sth. Would you like to do sth.? If I were you, Ill do sth.,三、赞扬与祝福,(一)赞扬 通常人们使用褒义词来表达赞扬的感情 You look great today! / You did very

11、good job! / We are so proud of you! This really a nice place! / Wonderful! / Terrific! / Awesome! / Brilliant! Superb! / Marvelous! / Gorgeous! / Magnificent! / Fantastic! 根据英语表达习惯,在回答别人的赞扬时,一定要表示感谢。例如: Thank you. / Thanks. / Im glad you like it.,(二)祝福 Wish you success! (祝你成功!) Wish you good luck! /

12、 Good luck! (祝你好运!) Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Happy birthday! Many happy returns! (祝你年年有今日,岁岁有今朝!) 根据英语表达习惯,在回应祝福时,一定要表示感谢。 例如:Thank you! 如果是双方共有的情况,如节日,答语可以是:The same to you!,(三)祝贺 Congratulations (on sth.)! 例如:Congratulations on your success! 回应祝贺,通常用:Thank you! / Thanks!,四、询问信息,常考的交际用语往往是一

13、些特殊疑问句。例如: How long? (询问长度) How far? (询问距离) How much? (询问价格或不可数名词的量) How many? (询问可数名词的数量) How often? (询问频率) Who / Whom? (询问人物) Where? (询问地点) When / At what time? (询问时间) How? (询问方式),还有其他一些常用询问信息用语: 询问职业: What do you do? What do you do for a living? Whats your sister (father, mother, brother.)? 询问时间或

14、日期: What time is it? Do you have the time? Whats the date today? (今天是几号?) What day is it today? (今天是星期几?),五、赞同,I agree. I quite agree. I quite agree with you. I agree completely. I share your view on that. Im sure you are right. I dont think anyone would disagree. I have no problem with that. Thats

15、just what I was thinking. Thats what I say! (我们看法一致!) I couldnt have said better. (我同意你的意见。) I couldnt disagree. I couldnt agree more. (我非常赞同。) Youre right. Youre correct.,六、致谢,Thanks. Thank you! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! Many thanks! Thanks a lot! Thanks / Thank you for doing sth. Tha

16、nks a million! I really appreciate that! Im very grateful for sth. Its (Thats) very kind of you.,回应感谢的答语通常是: Youre (very) welcome! Its my pleasure! With pleasure! Im at your service! Dont mention it! It was nothing! Dont worry about it! Forget it! Not at all!,七、致歉,Sorry. Im very sorry. Im so sorry. Im terribly sorry. Im awfully sorry. Im sorry (about sth.). Im sorry (to do sth.). I apologize (for sth.). Forgive me. Please accept my apologies f


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