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1、Organizational Behavior,陈 健 Stacey E-mail: Mobile: 13750013931(飞信),网上资源,Online resources 网络课件 http:/ E-mail: Mobile: 13750013931(飞信),3,4,My Educational 教育背景,Hua-zhong agricultural University (PhD) 华中农业大学经济管理学院 管理学博士 Wuhan University (Master) 武汉大学外国语学院 英美文学硕士 Zhong-nan University for Nationalities

2、(Undergraduate) 中南民族大学 英语、管理专业 De Monford (UK) 2004 英国迪蒙福特大学 访问学者 商学院 Gloucestershire University (UK) 2006-2007 英国格罗斯特大学 访问学者 管理学院 教育学院,5,2003年世界经济发展峰会(珠海宣言)为诺贝尔经济学奖获得者“计量学之父”-克莱恩担任记者发布会现场翻译。,2003年世界经济发展峰会(珠海宣言)为诺贝尔经济学奖获得者“欧元之父”蒙代尔担任记者发布会现场翻译。,6,2003年、2006-2007年两次分赴英国德蒙福特大学(De Montfort University)和格

3、洛斯特大学(Gloucestershire University)做访问学者,经常去伦敦。,7,2008年华中农业大学 管理学博士毕业和导师雷海章教授合影。,8,2011年11月成为妈妈。,9,10,11,Todays Content,Assessment Weighting Course Requirement Course schedule Grouping Chapter 1 What is Organizational Behavior,12,Assessment Weighting,Individual assignment (10%) Group assignment (10%)

4、Group presentation (10%) Final exam (50%) Participation (10%) Attendance (10%),13,Course requirement,Dont be late. (prefer 5mins prior, Check Randomly ) Hand in assignment on time. Preview before the class. Full-Mark System,14,Full Mark System,If you excel your performance in the class, the teacher

5、will award you immediately a Full-Mark. If a student gets over 10 full marks in the semester, he will get a 100 in his ordinary mark(平时成绩), which is 50% of your total score. The more Full Marks, the better.,15,Essay Expectations,Research and Referencing Utilize the class materials (seminars, reading

6、s) Company information should be referenced and credible. Reference any conceptual items (theories, concepts, frameworks) and direct quotations derives from sources such as books, company journals, websites, etc. Tables or figures used to support your arguments. Direct quotations, not exceed 10%. Th

7、e header: the students name, student number, group No., and paper title as well as the accurate word count. 12-point and 1.5 line spacing. Hard copy ,Word or PDF format.,16,No Plagiarism Citation. References. review. violated the plagiarism guideline will be penalized according to faculty regulation

8、. Professionalism professional manner. spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence construction and overall presentation Late Submission a penalty of 10% submitting their work on the due date by extraordinary circumstances are asked to approach either instructor for an extension as soon as possible.,18

9、,共十二章,六个重点章节。,19,20,Grouping(10mins),Mainly according to your zodiac signs(星座). 8/group, 10 groups A leader, a secretary,21,Grouping,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio 白羊 金牛 双子 巨蟹 狮子 处女 天平 天蝎 9 10 11 12 Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces 射手 摩羯 水平 双鱼,Platform,22,23,

10、Chapter ONE,What is Organizational Behavior?,24,Outline,Opening Case Author What Is an Organization? What Is Organizational Behavior? Class Exercise OB 1st Performance Homework Book recommendation,25,Learning Objective,1. Define organizational behavior and explain how and why it determines the effec

11、tiveness of an organization. 2. Describe what managers do. 3. Explain the value of the systematic study. 4. Identify the theoretical sources of OB, such as contributions made by major behavioral science disciplines; contingency approach.,L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S,26,Learning Objective,5. U

12、nderstand the history of OB. 6. Identify the dependent and independent variables of OB model. 7. List the major challenges and opportunities for managers to use OB concepts.,L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S,27,OPENING CASE Starbucks,Starbucks understand how OB affects an organizations performance

13、. It has built good employee relationships, providing stock options. Friendly and well-trained employees, in turn, treat their customers well.,back,28,Book Author,Stephen P. Robbins Management, Organizational Behavior Research interests conflict, power, politics, behavioral decision making, developm

14、ent of interpersonal skill. World Masters Championship,back,29,What Is an Organization?,An organization is a collection of people who work together and coordinate their actions to achieve a wide variety of goals.,back,30,Enter Organizational Behavior,Organizational behavior (OB) A field of study tha

15、t investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organizations effectiveness.,back,31,What Is Organizational Behavior?,32,Levels of Analysis & Contributing Disciplines,PsychologyInd

16、ividual Level Social PsychologyGroup Level Anthropology &SociologyGroup Level,33,Components of Organizational Behavior,34,A Short History of OB,F.W. Taylor and Scientific Management Mary Parker Follett Hawthorne Studies Theory X and Y,35,人力不若牛,走不若马,而牛马为用,何也? 曰,人能群,彼不能群也。 荀子,36,F.W. Taylor and Scientific Management,Scienti


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