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1、第三章 国际海上集装箱货运业务,1.国际集装箱基础知识 2.集装箱货物的集散与交接方式 3.集装箱进出口货运程序和单证,3.集装箱进出口货运程序和单证,(1)进出口货物运程序,(2)集装箱进出口货运单证 订舱单:Booking Note 是承运人或其代理人在接受发货人或货物托运人的订舱时,根据发货人的口头或书面申请货物托运的情况据以安排集装箱货物运输而制订的单证。该单证一经承运人确认,便作为承、托双方订舱的凭证。,Booking Note,An undertaking whereby a carrier notifies a shipper that space has been reserv

2、ed for the carriage of the shippers goods aboard a particular vessel. A Booking Note is a contract that has been drawn up between either a CIF seller or an FOB buyer and a shipping company for the carriage of cargo. A Booking Note differs from other forms of contract in that, once the cargo is shipp

3、ed, its terms and conditions are superseded by those in the Bill of Lading.,订舱单的填写要求: (1)Shipper (发货人): 填写 托运人的中英文名称、电话 (2)Consignee (收货人):填写收货人的英文名称、电话,如果没有填To Order (3)Notify Party (通知人):填写国外通知人的英文名称、电话,如果没有填To Order或者Same As Consignee,(4)货物的各项资料:唛头、件数、货名、重量、尺码等必须填全。 (5)运费与附加费栏,按双方协定的金额填写,如有协议,请填协

4、议号,不得空白。 (6)可否转船、可否分批栏不填的,一律视作可转船、可分批:运费预付、到付栏不填的,按预付处理;运输条款不填的,一律视作CY-CY条款。,(7)危险品除填本单危险品一栏内容外,必须提供产品说明书,包装容器使用性能鉴定书。 (8)因托运单填写错误或资料不全引起的货物不能及时出运,运错目的地,提单错误不能结汇,不能提货等而产生的一切责任、风险、纠纷、费用等概由托运人承担。 (9)盖章一栏,必须由经办人签名及盖公章。,装箱单:Packing List,Definition and function The packing list is an extension of the com

5、mercial invoice, as such it looks like a commercial invoice. The exporter or his/her agent-the customer broker or the freight forwarder - books the shipping space based on the gross weight or the measurement shown in the packing list.,Function: The exporter or his/her agent-the customer broker or th

6、e freight forwarder-books the shipping space based on the gross weight or the measurement shown in the packing list. Customs uses the packing list as a check-list to verify the outgoing cargo (in exporting) and the incoming cargo (in importing). The importer uses the packing list to inventory the in

7、coming consignment.,Content Package No. Item No. & Description of Goods Quantity Weight Measurement Signature and/or stamp Marks & numbers The marks and numbers of a shipment are analogous to the identification (ID) card of a person. The exporter, customs, carriers, and importer rely on them to dist

8、inguish one consignment from another.,装箱单:Container Load Plan Definition: 是详细记载每一个集装箱内所装货物名称、数量、尺码、重量、标志和箱内货物积载情况的单证,对于特殊货物还应加注特定要求,比如对冷藏货物要注明对箱内温度的要求等。,Function: 是发货人向承运人提供集装箱内所装货物的明细清单; 在装箱地向海关申报货物出口的单据,也是集装箱船舶进出口报关时向海关提交的载货清单的补充资料; 作为发货人,集装箱货运站与集装箱码头之间的货物交接单;,是集装箱装、卸两港编制装、卸船计划的依据; 是集装箱船舶计算船舶吃水和稳性

9、的基本数据来源在卸箱地作为办理集装箱保税运输手续和拆箱作业的重要单证; 当发生货损时,是处理索赔事故的原始依据之一。,Operations: 集装箱货运站装箱时由装箱的货运站缮制;由发货人装箱时,由发货人或其代理人的装箱货运站缮制。 A Container Load Plan is of five copies, each of which is to be given respectively to the terminal , the carrier , the shipping agent , the shipper and the party that stuffs the conta

10、iner .,集装箱堆场的业务人员在五联单上签收; 集装箱堆场留下码头联,据此编制装船计划; 船代联和承运人联分送给船舶代理人和船公司,据此缮制积载计划和处理货运事故; 发货人或集装箱货运站联除自留一份备查; 寄交给收货人或卸箱港的集装箱货运站,供拆箱时使用。,码头收据:Dock Receipt 一般都由发货人或其代理人根据船公司已制定的格式填写; 跟随货物起运至集装箱码头堆场,由接受货物人在收据人签字后交还给发货人,证明托运的货物已收到; 同时用于描述有关机械设备的情况,正常还是异常。,场站收据:Dock Receipt,D/R 指承运人委托集装箱堆场、集装箱货运站或内陆站在收到整箱货或拼箱

11、货后签发的收据。 由发货人或其代理人编制,是承运人签发的.,Function: 证明船公司已从发货人处接收了货物,并证明当时货物状态,船公司对货物开始负有责任的凭证,意味着运输合同开始执行; 托运人据此向承运人或其代理人换取待装提单或装船提单; 承运人与发货人一旦产生责任纠纷,场站收据则是解决责任纠纷的初步证据。,设备收据(设备交接单): Equipment Receipt,E/R 集装箱设备交接单简称设备交接单,是进出港区、场站时,用箱人、运箱人与管箱人或其代理人之间交接集装箱和特殊集装箱及其设备的凭证; 是拥有和管理集装箱的船公司或其代理人与利用集装箱运输的陆运人签订有关设备交接基本条件的

12、协议(Equipment inter-change Agreement)。,设备交接单: 出场(港)设备交接单 进场(港)设备交接单 各有三联,分别为: 管箱单位(船公司或其代理人)留底联; 码头、堆场联; 用箱人、运箱人联。,出码头堆场时,码头堆场的工作人员与用箱人、运箱人就设备收据上共同审核的内容有: (1)用箱人名称、地址; (2)出场时间、出场目的; (3)集装箱箱号、规格、铅封号,空箱还是重箱; (4)有关机械设备的情况,正常还是异常。,进码头堆场时,码头堆场的工作人员与用箱人、运箱人就设备收据上共同审核的内容有: (1)集装箱、机械设备归还日期、时间; (2)集装箱、机械设备归还时

13、外表状况; (3)集装箱、机械设备归还人名称、地址; (4)整箱货交箱货主名称、地址; (5)进堆场目的; (6)拟装船舶的船名、航次、航线、卸箱港,进出口货物海关申报单: Customs Declaration Form 凡进口的集装箱货物直接运往内地设有海关的地点,则由口岸货运代理向海关申请办理转运(转点)手续; 口岸海关将有关申报单证转交承运人负责带交内陆地海关,由内陆地海关查验放行。,进出口货物海关申报单: Customs Declaration Form 凡出口的集装箱货物,如果是在内地设有海关地点装箱的,则由当地发货人或货运代理向海关申报, 由海关将有关申报单证转交承运人负责带给出

14、境地海关凭以监督装船。,进出口货物海关申报单的主要内容: (1)发货人的名称和地址; (2)收货人的名称和地址; (3)交货人地点、装货地点; (4)途经中转地点; (5)运输方式; (6)装箱日期,箱量、填表日期、份数; (7)单证申报人名称、地址; (8)有关货物情况(货名、件数、标志、种类、包装、货运单位); (9)海关、单证申请人签署; (10)有关备注、附件说明。,3.集装箱进出口货运程序和单证,提货单:Delivery Order,A delivery order is a legal document that instructs the recipient, the baile

15、e, to release supplies or goods to the designated individual or organization named in the order. Its defined by the Uniform Commercial Code, and its also described in each regions contract law. Businesses often use standard delivery order forms that can be printed from the Internet or legal software programs. The person who completes a delivery order is often called the consignor.,


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