高二英语《迪斯尼 米老鼠》说课稿

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《高二英语《迪斯尼 米老鼠》说课稿》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高二英语《迪斯尼 米老鼠》说课稿(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高二英语迪斯尼 米老鼠说课稿所谓说课,就是教师备课之后讲课之前(或者在讲课之后)把教材、教法、学法、授课程序等方面的思路、教学设计、|板书设计及其依据面对面地对同行或其他听众作全面讲述的一项教研活动或交流活动。下面就是一篇高二英语迪斯尼 米老鼠说课稿的范文,希望对大家有帮助。尊敬的各位领导和老师:上午好!我今天说课的题目是高二英语迪斯尼 米老鼠我主要从教材分析、教学方法、等五个方面来说。一、教材分析:所授内容高二英语上册单元第二课,课文主要介绍了迪斯尼以及他所创造的有名卡通人物米老鼠。文章文字运用正确,语言流畅、优雅,有利于提高学生的口笔头表达能力。二、教学目标a 知识目标:把握下列单词及短语

2、:cartoon take along in the hope of lose heart day after day unsuccessful characterb 能力目标:提高学生各方面的能力,加强学生语感方面练习,使学生能灵活运用所学英语进行口语表达。c 德育目标:教育学生学习迪斯尼锲而不舍的精神,使学生具有良好的心理素质,形成好的学习习惯。d 重点、难点重点:全面透彻理解整篇文章;学会新的语言表达方式。难点:运用所学语言表达方式根据所提供素材进行口头作文练习。三、说教法首先, 以课文为中心,以情景引路,以理解和运用为目的。力求做到情景领先,意含其间,以情激听,以景促解。使学生形成一种


4、学和会学,提高创新能力。五、教学程序1、用动画片头导入。 目的是运用小电影式的开场,激发学生浓厚的爱好,为学习课文做预备。2、背景介绍。 画面出现三张迪斯尼青年、中年和老年的照片配英语旁白。引导学生猜出照片上的人物迪斯尼,然后让学生谈谈他们所了解的迪斯尼。3、展示数张迪斯尼电影中的画面,制造悬念,让学生猜电影名。使学生在唯美的享受中,兴致勃勃,情趣盎然地急于了解迪斯尼,从而对课文产生强烈的求知欲。4、快速阅读,根据课文填写迪斯尼概况。目的是获取有关课文的信息,初步了解课文概况。5、放映有关课文内容的卡通片、图片、音乐及英语配音。 目的是激发学生爱好。使学生在享受画面的同时锻炼听力。使学生在脱离

5、汉语干扰的情况下,直接用英语去理解画面。使学生真正用英语思维去理解课文。6、作正误判定题。目的是加深学生对课文的理解。7、讲解语言点(包括情景演示)。 目的是使学生把握重点词组及其用法。8、课堂。在屏幕上打出五个单选题。目的是及时巩固所学知识。9、根据画面及文字提示,用英语讲故事。为学生提供两套有文字提示的画面白雪公主 和 灰姑娘。学生可根据自己的爱好选择一个。目的是练习学生口头作文和口语表达能力。10、巩固练习。动词填空。目的是及时反馈,巩固。11、布置作业,根据上述巩固练习,让学生复述课文。I Teaching purpose1. Grasp the following words and

6、 expressions:cartoon take along in the hope of lose heart day after day unsuccessful character2.Grasp the story:A something about Walt Disneys lifeB the birth of Mickey MouseII Emphasis and Difficulty:Emphasis: have a good idea about the text and the new expressionsDifficulty: English oral position

7、practiceIII Teaching and learning methods:Elicitation;watch and answer; explain and practice; conclusionIV Teaching procedures:Step I PresentationI think you must be interested in the opening. And you are familiar with Walt Disneys movies. But do you know some further information about Walt? What wa

8、s his early life like? How did he succeed? How did he create his first cartoon character Mickey Mouse? Today well learn about it. Next please guess who the three man on the screen are.Step II Show three photos of Disney ( young, middle-aged and old) and let the students guess who they are.Do you kno

9、w what family he came from? Please listen carefully and tell me what his father and mother were.-alide (旁白):Now, can you tell me something about Walt Disney as far as you know?Step III Show some pictures of Disney movies and let the Ss guess the name of the movies. Finally give them the answers.Now,

10、 class.Disney and his film pany produced many cartoons for the children. Ill show you some .You guess at them and tell me the answers, OK?Next, show other names of Disneys cartoons on the screen for the Ss to see ,both in English and Chinese.Step IV Read the text quickly and then write notes about W

11、alt Disneys life so that Ss can have a better understanding about Walt Disney and his work, cartoon characters and success.Then show them the answers on the screen.Born: _Died : _Wish: _Work: _Cartoon characters: _Became well-known: _Step V Cartoon watching and questionsNow class.Youll be watching s

12、ome wonderful cartoons and pictures together with some English and music about the text. After watching them, youll do some “True” or “False” questions.True or False questions according to the text:( ) 1. Walt Disney wanted to be a film-maker when he was still young( ) 2. He went to a newspaper offi

13、ce to look for a job. He was refused because he was too young.( ) 3. When he failed to get a job from the newspaper office, his friends laughed at him.( ) 4. When he was drawing in the garage, he saw a mouse and then he played with it in the car.( )5. Mickey Mouse was just the one he saw in the gara

14、ge.Step VI Language points1. lose heart vi. 灰心,丧气; lose ones heart to . vt. 爱上Though he failed to pass the exam, he didnt lose heart.We wont lose heart even though we fail.I lost my heart to the little girl at the first sight of her.2. in the hope of = in hopes of =hoping that =hoping toMany children went abroad th the hope of receiving further education.He went to Shenzhen in hopes of finding a nice job.He went to Shenzhen , hoping to find a nice job.3.day after day 一天又一天,强调重复性day by day 一天天,强调有变化(Here I use too cartoons to show the differenc


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