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1、说文解字1. Boxing matches拳击比赛 were very popular (be popular = be in popularity)非常盛行 in England two hundred years ago. 语法分析Boxing 定语 matches 主 were 系 very 状 popular 表 in England 地状 two hundred years ago 时间状. Boxing matches拳击比赛1 boxing n.拳击bixing champion 拳击冠军Boxing Day 圣诞节的次日(12.26)hockey 曲棍球weightliftin

2、g 举重squash 壁球hurdle race 跨栏比赛freestyle 自由式breaststroke 蛙式butterfly 蝶泳backstroke 仰泳, 仰式go + 无场地限制的运动play +球类运动do + 有场地限制的运动play volleyball 打排球play tennis 打网球go running 跑步spectator 观众cheering-section 啦啦队cheer-leader 啦啦队长national team 国家队home team 主队visiting team 客队The home team really blitzed the visi

3、ting team. 主队大败客队。Promote physical culture and build up the peoples health.发展体育运动,增强人民体质。Exercise daily;Defend the country 锻炼身体,保卫祖国Fight for country,Fight for honor 为祖国争光To the best level, for style of play 打出水平,打出风格2 Box v.拳击Box sbs ear: slap sbs face 打某人的耳光= slap ones face3 Chinese boxing = Marti

4、al art = Wushu 武术(kong fu 功夫 )Martial art: 武打。Thai-boxing 泰拳 shadow boxing 太极拳kick boxing 搏击 taekwondo n.跆拳道 karate 空手道 judo 柔道 yoga n.瑜珈judo 柔道I am a martial art enthusiast, and martial arts, or kung fu, have become one of the most popular story lines for screens of all sizes. 我是武术爱好者, 武术或功夫已成为影视作品

5、的热门题材4 Boxer 拳击手Prizefighter 职业拳击手swordsman 剑客 Wrestler 摔跤手 gladiator 角斗士 knight 骑士warrior 武士5 Match(有输赢结果的)比赛match= important competition 重要的公开赛事6 Game(有规则的)比赛The Asia Game 亚运会The Olympic Game 奥运会7 Contest (由评委评出结果的能力) 比赛A beauty contest 选美大赛speech contest 演讲比赛(能力的一种比赛)English speech contest 英语演讲比赛

6、8 Competition 竞争,竞赛Competition for job 工作竞赛9 Tournament: a serious of games 联赛,大型锦标赛,一系列的比赛Chess tournament 国际象棋比赛Tennis tournament 网球锦标赛Badminton tournament 羽毛球锦标赛10 Race (与速度相关的 )比赛A swimming race 游泳比赛A boat race 划舟比赛A bicycle race 自行车比赛exciting race 激动人心的比赛11 speech contest 演讲比赛(能力的一种比赛)close con

7、test 势均力敌的竞争(指竞选等)beauty contest 选美比赛 singing contest 歌唱比赛Few contests in the recent history of boxing have been as thrilling.在近期拳击史上没有几场比赛曾如此惊心动魄。同义辨析 辨析 1这些动词均可表示“竞争”之意。compete:普通用词,含义广泛。既可指体育活动等活动中争取优胜的相互竞争,也可指为了自己的利益与他人竞争。contend:指为战胜或击败对手进行不懈努力,强调拼搏。也可指口头上进行有对立情绪或严重分歧的争论。contest:指为争夺土地、阵地、权力或荣誉

8、等而展开的竞争。rival:指在两方或多方的竞争或比赛中,谁都想战胜或比得上对手。辨析 2这些名词均有“比赛,竞争”之意。competition:多指体育运动中的各项比赛、角逐,也指知识、技巧等方面的竞赛。contest:多指在音乐、书法、演讲等方面所进行的比赛或竞争。其结果,由评判委员会裁决。match:通常指体育运动项目的比赛,隐含势均力敌意味。 were very popular非常盛行 in England two hundred years agobe popular = be in popularity 受欢迎,流行in popularity 受欢迎的Popular 联想记忆:po

9、pul 人民+ar 的流行的1 popular adj.通俗的, 流行的 , 受欢迎的popular music 流行音乐a popular(pop)singer 流行歌手be popular in +地点/领域Football is popular in most parts of the world. 足球在世界大部分地区都很受欢迎。Be popular with/among sb 受某人喜爱,受某人欢迎The famous actor is popular with young people.be popular with the young 受到年轻人的欢迎Football is po

10、pular with boys. 足球在男孩中很受欢迎。The concept would surely be popular with consumers. 这种理念很有可能在消费者中流行。2 popular adj. (文)公众的,人民的,依靠人民的Popular opinion 舆论Popular government 民主政府Popular superstition 民间的迷信Popular price 价格低廉They often go to a nearby restaurant where meals are serving at popular price.他们时常去附近的一家

11、价格大众化的餐馆。On the gourmet street you may take optional snacks at a popular price with luxury enjoyment.美食街上的随意小吃,大众化价格,豪华级享受。3 England 为古英语的说法,亦为非正式说法。现在国际上的说法为 the United Kingdom,如果我们称英国为 England,会引起歧义,因此,提醒大家特别注意。2. In those days = At that time 当时,当年, boxers 拳击手们 fought 打斗,战斗,搏斗 with bare fists以赤手空拳

12、 for Prize money为争夺奖金 . 语法分析In those days 状语 , boxers 主语 fought 谓语 with bare fists 方式状语 for Prize money 目的状语. In those days 当时,当年 , boxers 拳击手们 fought 打斗,战斗,搏斗 with bare fists(bare = without gloves)以赤手空拳in those days 当时,当年 = At that time 当时, 在那时= sometime in the past 那时in the past 过去nowadays 如今at pr

13、esent 当前=presentlythese days 目前,最近currently 时下for the time being 眼下fought with bare fists 赤手空拳的打斗 = fought by bare fists = fought barehanded fought with 即“用方式打斗They fell to with bare fists.他们赤手空拳打了起来。bare = without gloves;have nothing on, uncovered 没戴手套的;一丝不挂的;未遮盖的In those days, Wallace fought with

14、courage and determination for freedom. 当时,Wallace 靠着勇气与信念,为争取自由而战。He has won most of his fights by knock-outs.他在拳赛中多以击倒对方获胜。fight by law 依法而战fight against terrorism by force 武力反恐As men do not live by bread alone, they do not fight by armaments alone.如同人们并不单靠着面包生活,他们也不单靠着武器作战。With determination, with

15、 luck and with help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes. 凭着我的决心,我的运气,还有许多好人心的帮助,我终于得以东山再起/重振雄风/ 终于获得新生。With determination, with luck, and with help from lots of good people, I was able to rise up from the ashes.我能重振雄风,是我的运气,但也是我下定决心,在许多善良的人的帮助下努力工作的成果。1 fight to take part in

16、a war or battle 参加战争或战役Vietnam fought France and then the US for over 30 years.越南先后与法国、美国作战 30 多年。 to hit sb in a sport 在体育比赛中与某人对抗Peter fought his bitter enemy in the last round. Peter 与他的死敌在最后一场比赛中不期而遇。 fight for 为 .而奋斗,拼搏= struggle for 为奋斗;为 争斗fight for the independence of the nation 为民族独立而斗争fight for the interest of motherland 为了祖国利益而奋斗fight for love tonight 今夜为爱而战斗The Fight for Moscow 莫斯科保卫战fight for freedom 为争取自由而奋斗 fight


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