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1、Unit One Teaching in Your Pajamas:Lessons of Online Class 穿着睡衣讲课:网络课程经验谈1. 精心打扮 dress upOne of my favorite parts of college teaching is dressing up and putting on a good show. 对我来说,在大学讲课有一点让我很喜欢,就是精心打扮然后呈上一场精彩的表演。2. 配上相应的饰物 coordinate accessoriesI plan my outfits, apply makeup, coordinate accessorie

2、s, even rework my lecture cue cards. 我会换一身得体的套装、化好妆、配上相应的饰品,甚至把上课用的提示卡都会重新修订一番。3. 上课用的提示卡 lecture cue cardsI plan my outfits, apply makeup, coordinate accessories, even rework my lecture cue cards.我会换一身得体的套装、化好妆、配上相应的饰品,甚至把上课用的提示卡都会重新修订一番。4. 教学媒体 instructional mediumI had questions about the validit

3、y of this instructional medium. 我质疑这种教学方式的有效性5. 注册课程 register for the courseHow would I know that the student submitting the work was the one registered for the course? 我怎么会知道提交作业的学生就是注册的哪位呢?6. 讲授课程内容 deliver the subject matterTeaching online also required rethinking how I deliver the subject matter

4、. 网络教学也要求我重新思考讲授课程内容的方式。7. 幽默感 sense of humorMy student reviews had always been extremely positive, usually mentioning my enthusiasm, sense of humor and ability to convey the subject in an easy-to-understand way. 学对我的评价一直都极其肯定,通常会提到我的热情,幽默感及用通俗易懂的语言讲授课程的能力。8. 以通俗易懂的方式 in an easy-to-understand wayMy

5、student reviews had always been extremely positive, usually mentioning my enthusiasm, sense of humor and ability to convey the subject in an easy-to-understand way.学对我的评价一直都极其肯定,通常会提到我的热情,幽默感及用通俗易懂的语言讲授课程的能力。9. 考虑教学方面的问题 weigh the pedagogical issuesWhile I weighed the philosophical and pedagogical i

6、ssues, my daughter took two online courses. 我还在考虑哲学与教学方面的问题呢,女儿则选了两门网络课程。10. 全心投入讨论 dive into discussionsShe had always been a very shy student who never spoke in class. But in these online courses, she dived into discussions, posted her opinions and generally felt more free to participate than she

7、ever had before. 她一向是个非常腼腆的学生,从来不在课堂上发言。但在这些网络课程中,她全心投入讨论,发表意见,总的说来比以往任何时候都更能放开参与。11. 更放开的去做某事 feel more free toshe dived into discussions, posted her opinions and generally felt more free to participate than she ever had before. 她全心投入讨论,发表意见,总的说来比以往任何时候都更能放开参与。12. 通过计算机教学 deliver instruction via co

8、mputerI also took a brief course for online teachers from our university and learned that many of them were also shy and felt more comfortable delivering instruction via computer. 我也选了一门为我们学校的网络教师开设的短训课程,得知很多同事也很腼腆,通过计算机教学他们感受更得心应手。13. 计划去 be scheduled to Since I was scheduled to teach environmental

9、 science in summer school, it seemed like the perfect time to write the lectures for the online course in the fall. My plan: On the day I had to deliver a traditional lecture, Id just type it up in the morning, cut the grass, then teach the class in the evening. 因为要在暑假学校讲授环境科学课,趁这机会为秋季的网络课程备课看来再合适不过

10、了。我的计划是这样的:在上传统课的那天,早上备课,修整草坪,然后晚上去教课。14. 环境问题 environmental issuesThey wrote their biographies and summarized news articles about environmental issues他们写传记,综述与环境问题相关的新闻报道。15. 坦白交待 confess toThey answered questions about their own contributions to environmental problems, sometimes confessing to asto

11、nishing personal habits. They commented on other students submissions. 他们回到有关自己对于环境方面所作贡献的问题,有时还坦白交代一些令人吃惊的个人习惯。他们也点评其他学生的帖子。16. 点评 commented onThey commented on other students submissions. 他们也点评其他学生的帖子。17. 讨论板 discussion boardThe discussion board was lively, with submissions posted at all hours. 讨论

12、版很热闹,任何时段都有人发帖。18. 发帖 post submissions / send postingsThe discussion board was lively, with submissions posted at all hours. 讨论版很热闹,任何时段都有人发帖。19. 解决问题 resolve the questionsshe sent me an e-mail message and we resolved the questions. 要是有学生想私下讨论下,就发电子邮件给我,我们一起解决问题。20. 接受邀请 take up the offerWhen I invi

13、ted my students to post photographs of themselves, only one took up the offer, entering a picture of the sunset over the bay near her house in Florida. 我请学生把自己的照片贴出来,结果只有一个学生接受了邀请,而且上次的是一张在弗罗里达她家附近的海湾日落图片。21. 落后 fall behindSome students fell behind, tried to catch up, then drifted away. 有些学生落后了,尝试着跟

14、上进度,然后不来了。22. 退出,不见了 drift awaySome students fell behind, tried to catch up, then drifted away. 有些学生落后了,尝试着跟上进度,然后不来了。23. 将融会贯通到实际生活 integrate into the lifeTests and required postings confirm that the students learn the material and integrate it into their lives. 测验和要求的发帖进一步确保学生学习相关的材料,并将其融会贯通到实际生活中

15、。24. 发帖提醒 post an alertThey were quick to post an alert when an environmental problem became news, and many were outraged by environmental decisions made by the government while the course was under way. 如果一个环境问题成为新闻,他们会很快发帖提醒,在学习这门课程的过程,很多人会对政府的环境决策非常愤怒。25. 正在进行中 be under wayThey were quick to post

16、 an alert when an environmental problem became news, and many were outraged by environmental decisions made by the government while the course was under way. 如果一个环境问题成为新闻,他们会很快发帖提醒,在学习这门课程的过程,很多人会对政府的环境决策非常愤怒。26. 不可缺少的学习因素 an integral element of learningI found that for online education, interaction with the teacher, with other student



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